I told you fags yesterday we were near and will hit ATH in 24 hours.
But you didnt listen. Again. Now its gonna break ATH any minute now.
This is why you are poor. Jump in now before its too late, mainnet and partnerships on the way
me too OP, made a thread and got laughed at. but who gives a fuck I am the one up 20%
on here you only get shilled stuff that already mooned...
if you deviate from that, people will attack you with FUD...
shills only serve one purpose:
sell your overpriced bags to idiots
if you (like me) are somebody who actually wants to help people make dough, you're not going to have a good time here...
what i sometimes do is make a post prior to moon mission, get laughed at, screen cap it. then come back later to laugh at them
Didn't even read your post and coincidentally went all in on this yesterday from DMOR. I'm a happy camper
>why arent you balls deep in icx yet user
>i am
This is ETH part 2. It will moon to 30 bil this year and 90bil next year.
if you think ICX has mooned you are very mistaken
>literally me and all my friends the past month
can't wait for mainnet + sk exchanges!
Bought 12. All i could afford.
>they didn't buy at $2 when it hit binance and was shilled all over the Veeky Forums
i ran out of icon memes to post, heres the logo
i read that South Korea was the #1 country who got tokens during the ICO, 15% of the total supply I think, and it's not even on an exchange there yet (bar the binance using south koreans)
Here you go user
yes this is excellent.
more please
anyone got any meme ideas or old memes that need icx'ing?
>present day, present time
Fukin saved
I made these a month ago and then had to stop because this is the extent of my knowledge about korean culture.
I bought some.. fuck SALT.
We are hitting a new all time high!!!
>In satoshis
Can't get enough icon memes boyos
i was about to sell ICX for ITN
forgive me gooks, i doubted you
these memes are amazing
That's what idiots were saying when XRB was being shilled here at $2.
You guys fucking ignore all the shill threads until it moons
I could only pick up 35 unfortunately
Keep them coming user. Been balls deep since $1.60. ICX gang all day.
Haha jokes on you, bought in 84k and crashed this coin too. Enjoy not getting any gains faggots.
3300 Icon Marine reporting in and ready for retirement
do you guys think eos or icx is a better investment
>high effort memes
So am I poor because I don't buy icobags after they already x150'd? Kek enjoy your bags user.
You probably never bought eth which some people bought for dollar or btc which some people got for free.
This is high quality
>padme is not pleased with anakin
Haven't checked prices all day have we broke ATH yet?
Not close.
Id say were going to reach a new floor by tommorrow. The latest monday.