Will he go to prison for running his scam?

Will he go to prison for running his scam?

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i hope so, know get that abomination out of my face

LOL all you haters gonna be crying in a few months when this shit blows up. Check the explanation video and judge for yourself. youtube.com/watch?v=wwleqKixhUg

Ive got his home adresss if anyone loss money and want him.

I don't see how it could be a scam

shut your mouth up bitch

what scam? That stuff with Jesuscoin?


Athene can you fuck off?

Its worth to checkout

what if hes right?

who is this fuck any why do i see his fucking face here all day

Athenes houseslave?

ITT Athene and his soyboy crew try to shill a overpriced coin with 0 volume known p&d

Can someone please explain to me who this guy is/what he is known for? I keep seeing him pop up occasionally throughout the years, usually something blatantly scam related. First time I saw him was about 10 - 15 years ago, he getting people to sign up for a lottery where the winner would get his dick sucked by some girl that lives/lives with him. Think her name was Nadine, but I might be mistaken with a Danish girl I used to cyber with when I was a young lad.


I think he was a big WoW player in 2006. I remember watching videos of him and his hot wife.

"See you have some ahpeels, and you lock them away for 1 year so you can't sell them when i unravel the ponzi, and in return you get these bananas."

fucking lol

as with any ponzi though, those who form the top of the pyramid will make money. Is it too late to be an early investor in this bullshit? Maybe maybe not.

But it will come tumbling down

I have 10x gains, and little to no training with economics, but it seems like this is completely bullshit simply based on real life supply/demand, and all of the fallout that would occur if someone decided to manipulate the market in order to get all the 'bananas'

Anyone with an IQ higher than 110 can see what this is, but it's clever sure.

So his buddy Reese or whatever the fuck his name is, has a bunch of Ether and has a monstrous sell wall set at $100 for PRPS. When it dumps higher than that because people realize it''s a ponzi (It dumped heavily today to like 90 bucks just look at the CMC chart), Reese quickly buys it all up.

The reasoning behind this is they HAVE to show that the coin is growing in the early stages of the ponzi. He has to build confidence among investors to get the ball rolling. If PRPS drops below 100 bucks, he can't do that. So he uses this big amount of ether to buy up any order that would take prps below $100 (he will dump these bags later when the price gets higher)

He used to make videos about his World of Warcraft escapades. Super cocky and obnoxious which earned him a following of sorts,

he somehow stays (somewhat) relevant throughout the times...
WoW, LoL, etc.
i have no clue how though

He'll make Vitalik proud.

How the fuck is this narcissistic, pseudointellectual gaymer faggot still relevant in 2018?

You are dumber than literal bitconeeeeect niggers if you willingly give athene your money.

So he's gonna ponzi, and then take all the money, throw it in Monero, and then dip out and live the rest of his life a hunted man claiming it was just a bust deal?

What a fucking faggot lmao hope someone rekts him. Hypercapitalism without morality, he's signing his own death warrant. What happened to the collective soul of mankind?
He's removing himself with his actions... Meh, Darwinism?

We need more ppl join the scam.