PC gamer salt is actually cracking me the fuck up
PC gamers
>they dont realize the manufacturers are fucking laughing all the way to the bank by not increasing production and helping to create a bottleneck
its just capitalism nothing personal kids
but the gaymers dont understand this shit
We must spit on dem my bruddas
Wait till they hear that there are multiple government sponsoring / supporting blockchain technology and that South Korea has acknowledged cryptocurrency as an entirely new asset class.
Soyboys are truly disgusting.
imagine having to worry about a few hundred bucks, and still wanting to spend it on videogames... never going to make it.
>I didn't invest in crypto two years ago
>Now I'm mad that I'm poor and want everyone else to suffer too
This is /r/AMD right? Actual pajeets.
Yes. I just made a troll tier post about how they should be thanking crypto miners
>wanting the state to crack down on a flowering industry so you can save money on toys
Soy goy genocide when?
> teleports into your PCIe slot
Nothing personel kid
>mfw gaymers would rather mine reddit gold with whiny screeds than mine crypto with their gpus
It is time
lol got a 1080 ti when it was $720 and I don't even game on PC. Use it for calculations (and started mining). Now it's $1.3k-1.4k. Sorry gamers
>crying because the hardware they use to immerse themselves into a false manchild reality is being used to actively topple the global kike financial industry and create a new paradigm for all of human civilization
B-b-but muh gaymez
How much can I resell my RX 480 for? I don't even game anymore, I just sit in front of my computer looking at graphs and shitposting for 8+ hours a day.
£330 for a Nitro +
kek, paid £200 when it came out for mine
>make crypto illegal
Imagine being stupid enough to think that would stop it
best timeline
I bought a 1070 for $380 a year ago. I see my exact same card on ebay, used, for $600-800. Sold, complete auctions.
I'm half-tempted to just flip it since I haven't actually played a vidya game in months, but I need that card to drive my VR headset, which I rent out to the same plebbitors crying about video card prices.
Fuck gaming anyway. Find a useful hobby, soyboiz
faggots like this need a real life ass beating
I got my 1080 TI just in time it seems. Too bad I actually never used it because crypto takes all my time
May as well at this point too, can't get a decent hash rate on any currency that matters anymore anyway. Then convert the money you make selling the card into ETH or something.
to be fair mate. crypto is a manchild fantasy
look at the coins that moon and tell me it isnt fantasy. "tek down da system crush the banks AI decentralized ledger tangle exchange deeplearning platform" .... 30bn market cap
this market is pure fantasy and we are manchildren if we truly believe crypto will change the world
Good call. Maybe we can start a youtube channel that has a 10 mins/day webcam feed to one eye of a VR headset for these poor little guys.
nothing wrong with making a few bucks riding wave senpai
Why the fuck would they be mad?
Now they can buy any GPU they want, use it for mining and have it pay for itself.
That's literally a GPU for free.
Nocoiners like these are the ones whose descendants will fight to the death with each other for the opportunity to wipe the jizz off my great great great grandson's lambo after it leaked out of a victoria's secret sex bot's asshole or face starvation.
Honestly maybe mining will make hardware advertisement less cringe and more professional. I hope for some basic ass looking, pure function over form amazing cards that can't even play games.
oh of course - you'd be stupid not to
just find the attitude of " lol im making money gambling on crypto i am now a financial savant" a bit disgusting.
Because when the card is mining they cant use it to play their GAYmes.
They also are poor as fuck and don't have the initial capital required to buy it, why else would they be whining about a few hundo
It’s not real capitalism faggot
>buy anything they want
they don't have any money because they didn't pay any coins though. it's like when you see a dirt cheap shitcoin, you think it's a scam, and then it turns out it's legit and has 10 partnerships and a working product and moons 20x and you can't afford it anymore
Already done, multiple times.
This 99th level Australian Pewdiepie wannabe is my fav of the bunch.
>crypto crash
>thousand of cheap videocards on the market
>golden age of PC gaming (or not, since even pajeets will play AAA games)
I can't wait desu.
>oh no i have to spend a few hundred bux more to play my shit tier 2D retro sidescrollers
fucking faggots if you'd have invested in crypto you could afford to buy whatever infantile shit you wanted.
This picture has been the most fun to post in places. So much rage.
using it
Gamer hate thread? Gamer hate thread
Put down the joystick you fucking babies. Games are entertainment for children and nothing more.
Crypto is way more valuable to humanity.
you could be happy by getting rich(er) and doing something productive, not begging when the govs shit on you and commies suicide your family because you couldnt pay the bills and everyone gets gulagd
fuck ur games
i played years of my life and i regret playing multishit games
fuck gamers
fuck games
and fuck the entire pc games industry specifically.
get a job.
>put money you would pay for card into crypto instead
>1 month later can afford 3 cards
>Gamer hate thread?
No, just a Reddit hate thread. Which should be every thread until the AIDS drugs stop working at those faggots die.
i have an old GTX 680 stored away, how much could i get for that? or too old to be of use? i don't know I don't mine coins
I see the same crying on /g/ since gamers think they are techies. I wouldn't go to /v/.
OP is literally a plebbitor though. He got his image while browsing fucking plebbit.
Good try, Shekelberg.
>this projection
I play games and work fulltime as a senior web dev, as well as making bank off crypto.
KYS my man
$100 for 2gb, $150 for 4gb.
lmao what a fucking loser. Someone with a reddit account pm him and tell him he'll always be poor and ugly.
I reddit mostly to FUD coins im invested in for lols. they take the bait so hard on the Vechain sub reddit.
Go make a thread at /v/, there is a shit ton of salty no coiners. Go ahead if you want some laughs. Its like a whole board made of boomers
This was me. Pissed I fell for this "muh GPUs" bullshit without researching first.
>Wait until I got a new computer before getting into crypto
>Find out after 1 week that only retards mine
>Just drop a bit of cash into an exchange instead
>12x since Oct
>he fell for the web dev meme
fucking kek
You sound like a gargantuan faggot to be honest
>>they dont realize the manufacturers are fucking laughing all the way to the bank by not increasing production and helping to create a bottleneck
I thought Veeky Forums understood economics.
oh nice, I was thinking it'd be pretty much worthless by now but I might sell it considering.
how the hell do people get to this point lol.
just get Veeky Forums to become attractive and then get into Veeky Forums to become wealthy. it's as easy as that.
>risking your entire investment, dedicating time to research etc.
>buying a machine with pretty much 100% resale value that generates passive income
tough one user.
full disclosure, I both invest and mine, but it makes sense for people to just mine.
stay mad that you cant find good coins to invest in senpai. jsut doing my aprt to make it all the mroe confusing for faggot plebbitors
top lad
God reddit gamers are the most pretentious annoying faggots in the world. I hope the faggot starves to death.
They are this Fat slobs who get emotional about technology. They are faggots and even though I do play overwatch on the weekends, they are the worst type of people
THis girl is the epitome of sex, too bad her tits are fake.
>I'm aware. Stock trading (that is, buying/selling partial ownership of a company for a non-fixed, market-defined price) should be illegal, heavily restricted, and/or fully insured, for that exact reason. As it is, it's little more than gambling.
kek he's going all in
supply and demand faggot
why would i go out of my way to increase production if i can just increase the price which costs me absolutely nothing ?
I make $55,000/year
I'm pretty comfy and invested a lot into crypto. probably gonna be a millionaire once this shitty market starts the bull run
>the current state of nocoiners
>be gaymur
>be among the first to hear about crypto
>decide to not buy crypto cause scared of government
>decide to immerse self in vidya
>a couple years pass
>crypto is suddenly huge
>oh shit, guess I should of bought, oh well, it's still internet play money
>goes back to gaming for a couple more years
>crypto is suddenly bigger than ever
>GPU prices skyrocket
Poorfag's mentality keeps them poor. Not gonna make it.
I was talking more about idiot gamers whinging.
show me de way
I'm pretty sure disrupting global finance and ushering in a new economic paradigm is less manchild than muh escapist anime weaboo loli vidya gaims you faggot.
someone post a sigmoid curve and start sending him monthly updates on btc prices
games that require discrete GPUs are trash most of the times anyway
don't need muh $1000 gaymer PC to play Hearts of Iron
they should be thanking us
Feels nice being a gamer and a miner that bought cards when prices were reasonable.
>I'm pretty sure disrupting global finance and ushering in a new economic paradigm
epik /b/ro! We're gonna overthrew dem goverments XDDDdddd
wew lad, glad I already got my pre-built with a 1080ti at normal price.
all these fags will have to make do with playing games from 2005 on their old gpu
>sell out now
>I don't know when the crash will happen
epitome of a beta faggot
I'm pretty sure you'll be an imaginary millionaire when SHTF, kek
Pathetic faggot. I enjoy playing from time to time. It is a hobby to relax and immerse yourself. Like reading a book. You don't need to be a manchild to play video games.
you're calling people manchildren and you still think anarchism would work
jesus christ kiddo you're like the kid who always thought he was more mature than his peers when really he was just autistic
**for full immersion - listen to the "Beta Suprise Attack Theme" : youtu.be
Timeline of the Beta Uprising:
>Circa 1995-2014: Spread of internet facilitates the emergence of 'male consciousness', centered on r9k. The first time in history men are conscious of themselves as men under the oppression of women.
>Circa 2014: Vegan chicken tendies are now available in major supermarkets and home deliverable - allowing sensitive, intelligent, compassionate NEET males to escape adherence to systems of gyno-oppression, such as matriarchal "good boy points" systems.
>Circa 2016: The first NEET mutual assistance societies arise, allowing NEETs to combine their talents to live freely off the labour of roasties and normalfags. The first 'OSRS staking and luring' millionaires arise.
>Circa 2020: Cryptocurrencies have overtaken all national currencies, making central banks and national governments - and their ability to transfer wealth from males to roasties - irrelevant; their power begins to wane.
>Crica 2022: Widespread availability of 3D printers allows the average NEET to combine parts and build their own fully operational AI waifus, and 3D guns to ward off gyno attempts to ban them.
>Circa 2023: 90% of NEETs now have AI waifus. Large numbers of 8 year old girls go missing every year, and rumours of NEET ghost-dubbing factories abound.
>May 23, 2024: A fleet of neglected US DoD satellites is suddenly hacked and commandeered by hacker collective "anonyNEET". Roasties explode in fireballs as railgun beams rain targetted death from above. The end of flesh-based women.
"The wolf will live with the lamb; the leopard will lie down with the young goat. The calf and the lion will graze together, and a Wizard will lead them."
>I only want free market when it benefits me
Fucking nu-male redditor faggot.
a brand new gtx960 still goes for $240 and will run most 2017-2018 games at 60fps. plebbitors are so retarded. these niggers probably own a iphone 7 or 8 on contract despite making minimum wage
>lol those gamer manchildren
>they ain't got nothing on me quitting my dead end job to ride the crypto bubble
It depends on the time you got in. I got in about 7 months ago with 10 cards because I had decent access. It was a way to hedge. If crypto failed I'd still have the cards.
I'm already way up $ wise, but in a couple of months I'll have mined more coins than I could have bought with the same $ at the time. Then I can sell cards if I want for $ and be up even more or keep mining.
>He doesn't understand that high school marketing class lied
>He doesn't understand that increasing production is retarded
Testosterone makes us go out and fucking hunt to bring home the bacon.
He even has the chance to take a risk from the comfort of his own soycave. Our ancestors had to literally risk death to provide for their families, and we have been given a chance to finally be part of something which has the potential to change everything and blow up and he is too scared to dip his toes in.
Men like this follow, they don't lead. They go through life only desiring comfort, never enduring hardship for the potential of a better future.
We are all aware that we might lose it all, but at least we fucking tried boys. At least we tried.
normies being pathetic as usual
for gayming pozzed vidya
Speaking of 1080 TI. My gaming computer is sitting around unused. Should I mine something with it? Worth it with only one GPU?
>unironically say "We're not all like that"
holy fuck I'm dying. This guy must be larping right? Do people this gay actually exist?
dam u r such a man u gamble money on internet money that LITERALLY has no real world use at the moment.
I hate soyboys and risk averse males as much as anyone (although I appreciate their subservient nature in business) but fuck me you're talking like you're on the cusp of the industrial revolution or the internet
crypto is not even useful LOL what is this shit.
"We're not all like that m'lady"
*tips fedora*
Pow is on the way out anyway. Theyll have their precious pixel renders at norm prices in a few years
Jew FUDder detected
Very subtle faggot
It's a step in the right direction, faggot. Also making decentralized apps of all Silicon Valley's centralized, censored garbage is another way of keeping the Internet free.