Just like you cashies I was rooting for bcash for fun since the beginning but in all seriousness we can't let Ver get the nuclear codes.

Other urls found in this thread:


Jihan has mined like 90% of the coins and he's behind BCH. BITCOIN CASH will win no matter what.

It's not worth to use logic with you since you use the term bcash which means you are a numale from reddit. I'm not saying the flippening is happening soon. But it will happen.

>Jihan has mined like 90% of the coins
>hardfork of bitcoin
For this to be even close to possible Jihan would of had to have mined like 89% of all bitcoin

Genuinely curious, why do you supporters think that Bitcoin Cash will be adopted instead of osme other token? Obviously Bitcoin is showing it's age in many ways, but why would Bitcoin Cash be the token to replace it and not some other more advanced token, just branding?

Bitmain mines like 30% of BTC. That still makes valid
It means they have unlimited funds to push BCH. Literally unlimited.

What's a more advanced token? Consider the test of time, being stress tested at high network load, strength in it's hashpower, etc.. There is no better coin in terms of utility; politics and potential returns aside.

>ver uses poor African villages as testing grounds for his explosives
Wtf I love bitcoin cash now

Rodger Kver could be satoshi? proof?

>Consider the test of time, being stress tested at high network load
What test of time? bcash is less than a year old

Its code is closer to the 9 year old bitcoin than segwit shitcoin newfriend DYOR

wtf are you on about. If Bitmain mined 30% of BTC for BTC's entire existence then mined 100% of BCH post fork it still wouldn't be anywhere close to 90% you mongoloid.


>greedy chink
>convicted criminal
>gavin from cia

You have to be retarded if you think this will work out.

Lol, keep dreaming.

also, proof of what? There's no way to verify anyone is an user from 8 years ago unless all Satoshi-Sama's coins start moving around

How can anybody be so delusional that they think a chinese cointerfeit will replace the origianl?

Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

Not gonna lie, former Cash supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Cash crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this blockchain scale and reinstate the opt codes.

>every single time a HF occurs bitcoin ceases to exist

Well fuck man, I guess we haven't had bitcoin since 2009.

Bch mooning rn

lol is this the only way to make a cash thread without getting it insta-archived?

Rob Schneider

"Roger is a humble ancap and bitcoin investor,
With everything going for him.
Until one day-
((they)) try to limit his blocks
and hes about to become Rodger Kver.
And he has to learn the hard way
how cucked reddit truly is"

Its going to be called:
"Crypto. All In."

I didnt say the 90% claim was true. 30% is true

fuck bcash. They are trying to scale to visa levels with private transactions and smart contracts and colored coins and 0conf transactions and built in escrow and use a PoW algo that prevents social-power takeover attacks and offchain solutions while still allowing the uncensorable freedom to transact on the mainchain whenever you want!

bcash is trying to get 90% market dominance again! we can't let this happen.

Basically. BCH supporters always try to have technical discussions, but all this board pays attention to is spam about "muh moon missions".

>political hardfork
>technical discussions
simply not possible with charlatans like wright and ver being your talking heads

Not mooning no

It has hit this high once every few days

This is the first time it has actually had support above 0.16 though so it might actually go further

>HF to avoid Segwit, remove RBF, reactivate opt codes, add color coins, and scale up blocks

No all arguments against BCH are political. muh Shareblue character assassinations.

answer the call user.

You think Bitmain and Ver and Calvin would put Billions behind Wright if he hadn't proven being SN in private?

>Once every few days

Oops I meant once every day for the last few days



Fuck Blockstream. Fuck Core. Fuck Bitcoin.

its bcash ok ? most uselles altcoin full of conspirtards

>Not a fork of segwit bitcoin
>Own website clearly shows it being a fork from a segwit block
>Implying if people really cared about faster transactions with lower costs they wouldn't use a less volatile faster coin that's faster and cheaper

Solid argument

But Bitmain is the only company to sell ASIC miners, so maybe they don't mine 90% of all coins, but they and their hardware mine over 50%.

Why do so many people here LARP. Cash has its highest floor ever at .15 now. Its rising again today as well.

nigga what?

They poster I was replying to implied that any HF is not bitcoin. kys my man.