Pick at least 2

>pick at least 2
>receive lambo

2018 isn't supposed to be hard guys, don't fuck this up

easy fucking choice
also you forgot jibrel
ven+wan+jnt = ez lyf ez gains

this. the chinese wont let us down. they have too much to prove.

VEN and WAN. Both are literally blue chip cryptocurrencies.

VEN is smart as fuck you're a smart frog yes ni hao everybody i will make you filthy rich

w-when do you get to buy wan

no icx? lmao get the fuck out of here nigger

nigga, u should add ICX and Lamden. they are perfect lambos for by q3 ALONG with LINk. also remove req garbage.

When the hell does WAN get listed? I've been sucking sucks for days to get money to throw at it.


>picks all 6

psshh. nuthin personnel kid

lamden shills arent even trying. You are holding a shitcoin scam

which coins are the 3 last on picture?

I still trying to choose between INT or ITC, can you guys help me?



Super /comfy/

lol. Lamden gives better ROI and solid than rest of the garbage u mentioned unless u join them ico

I wouldn’t go near any of those chinkcoins, because I’m not a race traitor and I’m not stupid enough to get scammed out of my money.

remove req please. fuckking garbage coin. u demeaning whole list by putting REQ beside them

REQ FUD is insane rn
Why do you care so much to make 2 postings saying how shit req is? I will never understand FUDers, do they really think their posts on an anonymous Japanese anime image board are going to have any impact on the market whatsoever?

nigga, I know there would be id in posts. but I hate fuccking garbage coin like req.

Being a burger excludes int, their kyc either lets you slip through or stops you.


There are literal scam coins out there and you are choosing to talk mad shit about REQ
You sound Indian as well I can smell the shit from here Pajeet



Literally the top row

>Wahhh I lost $20 of my pajeet earnings during the market downturn because I bought REQ at ATH and now its a shitcoin because muh money.


Pick both you retardpajeet.

I know right, don't even hold req but it's obvious FUD

So I have 100 stinkies, will that be 100 lambos any time soon

fuck off nigga. I hold 100k req. but i fud out of this shit as bags getting heavier for this piece of shit.

REQ seems like a good buy right now. It's low af and market is recovering.

req is legit shit

INT for sure. Easiest money in the game right now lol

I only know the logos for LINK REQ and VEN. What are the other 3

Left to right: Wanchain (WAN), AirSwap (AST), and Internet Node Token (INT)


req and ven, long term

INT is scam coin. female ceo , have bags like power. it never grow after certain point

What about RLC and ENG? They will be big this year IMO

>no ICX

shit list

Those two are in the same tier as LINK, biggest tokens that will help ethereum to be more widely adopted

When is this piece of shit finally on exchanges?

INT only

Pretty comfy with INT.


Really just need AST easiest pick I've ever seen

how many KNC do I need?

>INT circulating supply 150,000,000
>INT total supply 1,000,000,000
are they going to burn a portion of the supply or something?

REQ because it's relatively low right now. Comfy 5x.

60/30/10 LINK/REQ/QSP

Poor and stupid makes racist
Racism keeps poor and stupid

This desu. REQ is guaranteed to go 5x this year alone, probably before June.

LINK has so much potential but it's a little risker, and QSP is too clever for normies and moon kiddies.

Honestly, don't like or trust any Chinese projects. Their ethics stink.

Wanchain, ChainLink for big moonshots.

Vechain for slow-and-steady Ethereum like gains for the rest of the year (with the exception of when they rebrand for a big moon, and when they announce the big western partn...oh wait the goys are not supposed to know that).


Choose wisely, anons.

This guy knows

I have 3 of these.
I'm fucked.

What did he mean by this?

Might be a used hyundai

>Richard Branson interested in AST
>Novogratz advisor
>Ethereum Co-Founder


ICX market cap is too high. I think all of these coins will definitely 10x in 2018, but ICX 10xing would put it at a 40b market cap, which is pretty unlikely right now

You're gonna make it. Literally future millionaire here. Totally archiving this thread, read my reply above.

Gtfo with your pajeet grammar

>no ENG


Congrats on this. Seriously.

Bought Vechain at 17 cents back in Sept. Tried to shill it, but all you fags were too busy sucking Walton cock and didn't listen.

Sold all my VEN and made ridiculous $$

Bought into AION. That's the next major moon.

Aion will be to crypto what TCP/IP was to the internet. DYOR and don't be left don't VEN bags. It's already mooned. You missed the train. It might x2 again but that's about it.

Haven't seen something shilled so hard since VTC... and look what happened.

Seriously undervalued. Best investment possible right now.

blue and green coins are the future

where is XRB?

No one could give a genuine explanation on why REQ is shit. It's an amazing project with an amazing team, and they always meet their deadlines. There's no problem with outsourcing, many successful software startups outsourced. PayPal itself outsourced their operators. The FUD is literally mindless. The people who FUD REQ are weak hands who regret selling at the dip, wanting to bring people down with them

How does Kyber fit into all of this? I'm trying to figure it out how valuable the token can get.

Thanks boys. I also hold ICX, ZEN and some blue chips.

I think I have the most foolproof portfolio.


Wrong. VEN is going to $20 EOM. I have some information you will never fucking guess.

jeez i had 5 of these at one point. only got 4 now (sold airswap not long after the ico because it kept tanking

I would have AION instead of XLM

screenshotted for keking later

Hey look at you with Airswap - that’s my hidden gem op.

VEN & wan

More chink hype and hot air? Sold my bags, I recommend you do the same and get on the next train.

Hey Biz, I fucked up trying to accumulate VEN and lost about 20 last night. I only have 150. My goal was 200, but would it be better to sit on the 150 and put my fiat into AST and/or INT? Can't afford much, though.

What is it's purpose? XLM doesn't have 10x potential, but I think it's safe to say it will at least 4x in 2018.

>never touching any of these crust bucket coins

You are an idiot....why would you fud something you're trying to sell.
Buy high sell low, am I right??

Pinkies always fud the coins they bag hold.

Where can i buy wan(chain)coin?

You can't. Don't trade it on EtherDelta as it will be useless. Wait till they migrate to their own chain and it hits exchanges.

2x Link


when is this expected?