Get in here anons. who's comfy?

>he still hasnt bought INT

TOP kek

Other urls found in this thread:

yeah boy!
this is gonna 100x in 2-3 months
top 10 coin soon we gonna fucking lambo my niggas!

Since 2k sats, I’ve done a 4x in a week god damn. This thing isn’t stopping too. So many announcements coming.

comfy AF, LETS GO

It's so funny when now and again biz actually latches on to a gem at the bottom. I always think of those people desperately asking for coins that have never gone parabolic.

Yup you bet

5000 INT here

here we go, bought 100k at 0.18$



>moons louder than ever

get fukd

GG anons. so here is the low down

the pump hasnt begun yet. We are in the smart money phase. There has been no parabolic moves.

The pump will continue until mainnet launch, so i recommend dont take any real profits until 3$


We are still in "take off phase"

Check the OMG chart and WTC chart for similiar price action.
5$ before end of the month, most likely.
keep an eye on the daily volume, massive

good luck anons. godspeed

Waking up to new ATH’s

>he hasn't bought in yet
there's still time you know

should i fomo in?

holy shit user thats like 5 lambos once it moons

150M$ marketcap for a chinese IOTA.

its the second chinese IOTA.

ITC is the first chinese IOTA.

If partnerships are confirmed, it's a long term hold, no?

With IBM, hell yeah!!

IBM, HuaWei, Military connections, etc.

you should feel comfy as fuck too

It's ridiculous how strong this coin is doing

Just sold my, made 500% Profit.
I would care guys, this will get dropped pretty soon

Except if you have insider sources, I would like to know why it will drop before they announce more news at the end of the month.

100x would mean that it'd need a market cap double that of IOTA which I never see happening.

the circulating supply is only 150M now
maybe they will release the other 850M with the mainnet? so basically it will bring the price down quite a bit
i'm just guessing really idk

take profits fags this will do an ITC, you have been warned

We have no idea yet. What's the point to leave now?

Not sure if we can really compare with IoT Chain.

so there is no info about the other 850M supply?

>2 times better than iota
>doubts 2x iota's marketcap

KEK, stay poor user!

No way ...

Also just cashed out on coinegg.
HUGE shoutout to whoever shilled this a few days ago at 0.30.
Now onto the next low radar moon mission.


This is the real deal. Only HQ people in the team, they have been at conferences, barely any marketing, slow and steady growing, no hype shit, burgers can't buy it. I'm all in and at this moment i'm 3x. Stay mad.


I have no idea how to buy and nobody will tell me, I'm almost willing to share, inb4 okex and coinegg, registration closed to burgers

Do it anyway. It still works. Put in Canada or uk

you dumb fuck. use ur burger license and use canada. works fine.

where do you even buy this shit?

apparently lie about your country then get cucked when you try to withdraw

Comfy with 30K Int

Also 30k ARY and 50K BTO :)

Nice picks

fucking sell wall @91000

can you invite me to that discord that shilled int and bto?

I just bought them last week because of Veeky Forums shills.

Someone said my portfolio was just like cap's. So the discord guy is called caps.