Just applied for free Monaco Visa Card

Anybody who also wants a free Monaco Visa and additional $10 budget on top use code get.mona.co/IVWT/Yse3ixc3RJ

Other urls found in this thread:

visa.com/splisting/viewSPDetail.do?spId=3004&coName=Foris Asia Pte Ltd&HeadCountryList=SINGAPORE&reset=yes&pageInfo=1;30;ASC;coName

wtf how are you so close to the front of the line? 59.8 meanwhile I'm all the way down at 49,512

Are you actually this retarded?

Strange, wonder how OP got to almost be the first in line

wowzers r00d, have a cute Yoshi

Why the fuck are they using a full stop instead of comma for thousands? Is this some chink way that my mongoloid european metric brain can't understand?


Because in europe it is full stop for dividing thousands. Globalisation is real, my dear faggots.

Thanks ivan (real name) for lifting me up 11k ranks

only a few more and you'll be at spot 1

>tfw black card #799

yeah, no that's not how it works, 999 first are reserved, one for me. Sub 1k can't be altered, you cant move up or down

You can only go up to 1000 (I'm already there) since the first 999 cards are reserved for Obsidian card holders (need to stake like 50k MCO).

>999 first are reserved
Creepy shit user

When are they even making these cards? I feel like it's been forever since I signed up

feel free to use mine user, help a biz bro out : get.mona.co/IVWT/R3q7hcWHkl

Never. Visa will not approve this.


visa.com/splisting/viewSPDetail.do?spId=3004&coName=Foris Asia Pte Ltd&HeadCountryList=SINGAPORE&reset=yes&pageInfo=1;30;ASC;coName

they were given out during ICO, nobody is gonna buy 50k to get it, and they know it

Lol Europeans use periods instead of commas.

Thanks jakub and enjoy your $10 credit

You must be retarded, yes. Europeans use the comma as a decimal separator.

Yeas, it is the system more than half the world uses. You burgers have to be special snowflakes and use opposite notation and measure in body parts no matter how much it complicates calculations. I know most of you can't even use math in the first place, but still sad.


Sure, I'm aware. But the cards actually getting printed and used for more than a few months is another thing. You think visa would cut off all these other companies and not Monaco? Monaco / tenx / etc all haven't launched only because visa is stalling them.

The solution is businesses accepting crypto directly. A fast, viable crypto, with a card attached to it, and merchants having new machines to read those cards. One is in the works.

Fuck visa.

someone will still need to convert that crypto to fiat though

Take a picture of the Monaco card stuck in your ass with a timestamp

What information do they require to sign up?

help an poorfag plz.

I will, but with the card in my hand and the hand in your ass. No homo, though, bro.

Full name and photo of your passport/id/drivers license front and back. Registration needs 2 minutes.

that would be up to the merchant?
of course he would need a more streamlined service as well

actual retard

Well the UK and Eastern Europe must be different from the rest of Europe, because I have never seen anyone use a period for anything other than decimal places. It's X point Y not X comma Y. The period signifies the end of a whole number, a comma implies continuation. It makes no logical sense to use periods for whole numbers and commas for decimals.

The metric system is superior to bullshit imperial measurements that's true. Really fucking frustrating when your country can't decide which one it wants to use.