
0$ incomming, this is a PIECE OF SHIT

>buys in at ATH

thanks sold 100k

Volume is low, hype is over (for now). I wouldn't touch this coin

its literally at its all time high. Wtf is wrong with you you fucking retard?

its 6th highest volume on Binance. HOW MANY FUCKING PAJEETS ARE ON THIS BOARD?

Pajeets everywhere.

We need flags ffs

Stay poor OP, this will be $100 EOY.


It's fucking pajeet-paradise here. Major events coming up for ICON next week and week after. But no, all those poorfags are doing is begging with their dumbass aelf referral links.

>its 6th highest volume on Binance

Means nothing. It has less than half the volume of its last pump. It will get rejected at resistance and go back down like OP said

By all means though, buy the bulltrap if you want

I'm still up 30% from yesterday. Nocoiners need to literally kill themselves.

you worthless piece of dog shit. Leave /biz now. For the record I bought 30k Icx at 1 dollar, Jesus Christ your dumb. GTFO.

Is this a thread to make idiots sell it?

It's at it's all time high!!!!
>In satoshi


ya Jesus christ. These idiots constantly shilling there fucking 50 dollars of "free money". WHERE ARE ALL THE old biz bros. I made 60 k today, you think I give a rats ass about 50 dollars. FUck this.

ICX or VEN brehs? I currently own a few ICX but am debating throwing a few hundred into VEN.

No one cares where you bought pajeet. You more sound like a desperate holder that bought the top desu

both, one is china coin other is korea coin

Stay salty faggot

I am SO fucking glad that I am split 70-30 VEN/ICX and not the other way around. What a fucking shitcoin this is

Why’s that?

both, but I would wait until the correction. ven is hella hyped rn.

I fucking told you anons to throw the curry out, it is attracting these disgusting pajeets.

cause it still hasn't recovered from the market crash the other day. Mainnet is in 4 days, we still haven't seen price increase, and more people are suspecting a dump than not.

damn im about to go get some chicken ticka masala right now, but ya shoo shoo stinky pajeets

the coin haven't even hit korean exchanges yet, fuck off you filthy stinky pajeet.

Sell all EtH and BtC crash incoming.
solid info fucking goyim

I own more ICX than you and even I can't wait to get rid of these proverbial bags

korean exchanges is the only straw you fags can reach for. It's not happening.

If I was holding, I'd dump it.
It has no promise and is overvalued.

>mfw when I dumped for 8500 vitaliks

well, you can't always sell at the top


This. This thread is full of street shitters.

lol selling a solid project that's not vaporware, that's going to hit kr exchanges in a week. The same kr exchanges that pump shitcoins into hundred billion market caps. this shit will move kr into a cashless society lol have fun staying poor if you sell this sleeping giant.


I'd take satoshi value over usd any day.

In this instance, I'd say its following bitcoin.

it's midnight in europe what the fuck are you on we are DEFINITELY asleep while some of you guys are still awake so it's either the chinks or the US

ICX is overhyped shitcoin

Don't get too greedy biz, take your profits and dump it

stay poor faggots


We can't have nonstop gains. It settles for a bit and then moons again unless it's some shitcoin. Fucking Pajeets, though.

thanks sold 100k

you'll be the smart money that buys back in when all the other faggots are posting pink wojaks

I swear half of biz is on that Korean hopium and doesn't even look at the fucking charts

Slight correction is possible, but there is still very little normie money in VEN. Garbage like Tron, BCash & Ripple have insane caps that will flow into VEN once it gets shilled by CNBC.

>tfw u no asian GF

Slants wake up and see 20-30% gains and dump at ATH, then buy the dip and hold. I don't see the problem with this. By Sunday morning US time the price will be close to ATH again, possibly higher if Sunny jizzdrops another god-tier commie partnership.

YES make it fucking dip
I've been waiting to buy back in when i sold wrong spot

YES goy , it is a piece of shit coin

sell sell sell

lol baited

>still very little normie money in VEN
There have been dozens of VEN threads an hour here on Veeky Forums. You're deluded if you think its not overhyped like TRX and XVG