Still doubting user? i told you.. lol

still doubting user? i told you.. lol

>no marketing, small team, still hit hardcap crowdfund
>still has superior technology
>still up over 300% from ico

oops user, did you miss another mission? theres always next time xdddd

bought some earlier

One of you queers shilled this to me and i made $3k. But where the fuck do you find projects like this? Should i hold this longer?

No point shilling until it hits the big exchange next week.

>tfw $20M marketcap
>someone ask me what colour civic im gonna buy

Fucking let me accumulate asshole

You find these projects by sacrificing your chances of a fulfilling life of mediocrity and keeping your ear to the ground in crypto.

where to buy this shitcoin ?

delete this

Can u link me the blockarray subplebbit?

Black. Get yourself a nice 2013 for 12k

Learn to Google you lazy nigger


Here user, /blockarraygroup

>op wasnt a fag, 44 subscribers

Where can I buy it user?

Etherdelta. Centralized exchange announcement is set for next week.

Etherdelta. Ask someone to link you the token address, I don't have it rn.

is the price graph listed anywhere? cant really find it or the MC.

the sooner this moons the sooner i can retire so get the fuck on it you lazy pajeets

Not listed on CMC yet. Tokens are usually listed after 24hs they started trading. Gotta wait.