WTF is happening!
mega sell walls dude.. its not gonna happen
Volume just exploded!
tfw too slow to quick flip
hard fork announced
Nice. I'll be able to dump my bags.
>dumped my bags yesterday
same here user
same here
Nah, hardfork
coordinated p&d just as hardfork was announced
*just after
Wow from 10 to 11 cents
Traded the 200k I had of this shitcoin for ven
Haha bought verge on whim at diiiippity
you have yet to see anything
verge will be $100 eoy
lmao why do you guys do this shit
Where do you guys see the order book charts?
I always see them in memes but I never know where to look for them
>being this deluded
just fuck off, you filthy normie
welcome to the club user
I bought at 1300 and I've been bagholding for a month now
lmao that shits never going that high again.
whats so great about a hard fork w/o any new coins?
I bought at 1250 last time it mooned
What does it mean to have a hardfork? How would this affect people holding coins?
you get free coins
wait is it a hard fork? I don't see anywhere stating that it's going to be spitting.
Bag holders shilling it to normies to unload the on their normie asses.
1 LTC giveaway. Do you hate free money anons?Be the very first members of this pump n hodl channel. /biz is welcome. Giveaway and pumps start at 999 members.
All you gotta do is Join
Hard fork apparently. I sold anyways at a 50% loss lmao but already regained it from putting it in to INT.
The hard fork won't lead to new coins, it is to update the mining pools that haven't switched over to processing Wraith transactions yet.
does this devalue or increase the value of this garbage?
should in theory increase
It increases the utility of the network and doesn't reduce pay out to miners, so I would say it increases the value.
-a fellow with small bags
it won't be 100$ lul
I fomo'd in at 1550
Bought at 36 satoshi. Just waiting for that $1 to get to lamboland. Thanks Biz
How is this Mooning?
Owner of 1,350
Lol doge fork
You obviously don't have the real chart.
>real chart.
Are we getting into a /x/ mindset?
why do you do this? you will never make it user
20 hours until hardfork
Don't worry, user, it'll go back up after normies wake up and hear about it. The hard fork was only announced like two hours ago on twitter.
is it mooning again?
It went up cause pajeets thought they were getting free coins
>he’s still using buttsex
>an interface from 1997
>useless graph that refreshes like once an hour
>fees 5x those on binance
>logs you out every 5 seconds
Why do you keep eating shit, user?