Is this too crazy?

>be canadian
>hear news about government using ethereum blockchain
>"awesome, the government loves crypto"
>read about canadian users experiencing issues with their banks all of a sudden when buying and selling crypto for fiat
>now worried about banks and not being able to cash out for taxes

>*flashback 7 months*
>working at bank (one of top 5)
>low level wagecuck
>division director gives town hall meeting about blockchain
>"its the future" -director
>"wow this guy loves crypto!!" -me

>*back to today*
>"the guy doesn't love crypto faggot, he loves blockchain" -me to myself
>realize banks may just stop allowing all transactions from their user's accounts

>few months in future
>banks create their own blockchains
>now we don't want regular crypto anymore because the bank's system functions are now instantaneous and cheaper anyways
>crypto market crashes
>governments and banks are able to purchase all outstanding tokens and coins for next to nothing
>useful existing blockchains get used internally
>worthless ones closed
>"fuck. the government doesn't love crypto either retard. ONLY THE BLOCKCHAIN"

Someone please give me a reason I'm wrong. I'm begging you.

>Someone please give me a reason I'm wrong.

There are more reasons to use crypto that simply fast and cheap transactions.

This worries me too user. I really hope to make it and cash out before the crackdown. I gotta take more risks and stop fucking around. I heard making US account and transfering from Gemini is the best option for Canadians. Thoughts?

But not for the average person. Normies won't have a reason to buy regular cryptos. No new money will soon lead to hard crash.

I'll sell you some crypto, but it'll cost ya :P

I've heard that too. Really have to start looking into that more.

>read about canadian users experiencing issues with their banks all of a sudden when buying and selling crypto for fiat

You faggots still dont understand a thing about blockchains huh?

Blockchain's with a longer chain and more nodes are valuable. This is why Ethereum will become king. A private blockchain will never beat a public blockchain in these characteristics hence they will never beat a well-used public blockchain.

If they are not going to use a public blockchain for the security that a longer chain and a lot of nodes provides, why not use a traditional distributed database instead?

I'm a Canadianfag too btw

But yeah honestly wtf is the purpose of 1450 cryptocurrencies? "cheap and fast transactions" aren't enough to justify a coin for every fucking thing. Why the fuck do I need a coin for this, and that and this. Oh, and that too. Someone explain this to me.

In the meantime, weeeeeeee

ok looks like you have no sources for claims

fuck you fudding cuck

There's a few posts on /r/BitcoinCA
Specifically this one and the comments by QuickBT (a small Canadian exchange)
/r/BitcoinCA/comments/ 7p3yk1/rbc_froze_my_account_and_wont_open_it_again/

Fuck you. I was grabbing food :P

you're wrong because you are a no coiner wage cuck drama queen fudding faggot whose chief claim to fame is being the load your mother should have swallowed

But if enough banks around the world cockblock buyers, then the value goes down. The banks buy Ether for pennies and then uses the longstanding Ethereum blockchain for their own business internally

Probably the fact that it was a smaller exchange

Also, RBC is notorious for this.

I use TD and I've had no problems going through coinsquare, gonna sign up with quadriga soon though

Not trying to FUD. I'm just a worried movalicker

use quadriga with TD and no problems


stop getting raped by TD, RBC, SB, and every other garbage branch bank

Tangerine + EQ Bank is what every canadian should be using

I understand the other uses, ie. shipment tracking/validating, cloud storage, smart contract, etc.

But these systems will be adopted and implemented by the current leaders in each market. We're not going to overturn them

but these uses are the blockchain. Not the coin. So why would people ever want to manage this many coins?

Well their isn't actually any "coins". Just millions of addresses. Managing them is no problem if they are able to control the block size and other parameters of their blockchain

Don't you stupid Goyim want control over your own money? Muh blockchain muh fast cheap transactions muhh supply chain managament. Why dont you just cut your dick off and hand it to the closest jew

maybe in 2019, not this year

That works for me, thank you. I'll make it future me's problem

Dont underestimate blackmarket cryptos



OP you're right, banks will have their own blockchain. So will other institutions (hospitals, universities, insurance companies, different areas of the government)

Value will come from these different blockchains working together with smart contracts and interoperability between them.

ICX/AION/WAN are the future. Each one is targeting interoperability in different geographic areas, where partnerships are king. ICX is leading the space in korea with an insane amount of huge partnerships on their testnet already. Their government moving towards bringing korea into a cashless society and ICX is the one to do it.

>ICX is the one to do it
Thanks just bought 100k

But seriously, I've been meaning to look into ICX more cause I don't know shit about it yet. Thanks bro

Your source is a Reddit page. Kid are you retarded? Fuck outta here faggot.