>a new generation of millionaires created
>neets who did no hard work and don't even understand the technology they gambled on
the elites will NOT be happy about this
>a new generation of millionaires created
>neets who did no hard work and don't even understand the technology they gambled on
the elites will NOT be happy about this
Other urls found in this thread:
it's not done yet,
We're only at like 3% of the dotcom bubble.
pretty much me. I'm up to 600k and I spend my entire day trolling reddit fags and laughing at biz memes
you should pay me to make high quality memes for your currencies that you can spam around and get normies interested.
thats how i make my crypto gains.
First of all, you'll only have millions. Nothingfor the elite to be worried about.
Second, you'll consume with that money, giving it back to the elites.
Just like athlete and rapper niggers
And jumping into a higher lifestyle they can't maintain, just like lottery winners.
Also a win for the elites.
Post some of your work, I also have six figures and nothing to do
>Nothingfor the elite to be worried about.
The elites fear nothing more than a financially secure white man who can afford to raise his own family after paying those taxes that raise Shanqeesha and her 12 nigger kids from 5 different fathers.
I'm interested in this.
OK, sure, but getting a couple of millions in one cash out doesn't equal financial security.
You'd have to have self control with it, give yourself a salary, and live by those means.
But none of Veeky Forums millionaires are going to do that.
The lambo is a joke, but a true reflection of the wastefulness that is going to occur.
You think that money will last? 90% of these idiots will be back to bankruptcy in a few years because they don’t know how to handle money. Like rich athletes that end up selling used cars.
Neets says that. But when you become a millionnaire, you want more.
You want a lot more. Because you can.
Ofc I can be wrong. And in your case, if they stop, you're probably right.
highest quality memes require 7 figures
All I know is that most of us wagecucks have already made a million or more over X years of wagecucking, so we know that a couple of millions won't get you too far, unless you move to haiti.
Neets maybe believe they'll park the lambo at their parent's house? That's probably the case.
>the elites will NOT be happy about this
You mean the same elites that were mostly born into their wealth, and also didn't do shit?
If I ever become a millionaire I’m going to invest every penny to make even more money and never stop for the rest of my life
It’s amazing how much easier it is to generate wealth when you have that much more capital
oh you mean making an entire generation lazy and too dumb to do anything without the government or corporation feeding them just to survive?
All they have to do is crash the market or make everything so expensive that having a few million doesn't mean shit.
ahhh fuck i forgot about this thread.
Hold on
Disco#1300 on Discord
hope you make it user ur cool
We got this far by not giving into the money jew. We saved and invested, this is exactly what rich athletes failed at doing.
The average investor is much more frugal, even a retarded channer crypto investor is much smarter with money than celebrities.
Those are absolute shitcoins bro lmao
(isn't that the point)?
>literally a new generation of smelly neet lambo owners who crash and die because they never fucking learned how to drive
this is insane, I have 10x'd my original investment and still have more room for growth holding VEN, ICX, UFR, and ARK. This shit is basically free money
How much do you charge?
>Implying I'm not putting 90% of my hypothetical millions in structured investment accounts at a major investment firm the second I cash out.
Not even counting for inflation since then.
payment in a spicy sum of whatever coin i'm meming usually.
rich neets will basically provide the market for high quality companion bots with artificial intelligence. Neets are not like normies, they don't want to spend their wealth on vanity. Furthermore, their lack of finely tuned social skills will make them unable to distinguish between people who want their money and those who like them for who they are.
I might be interested in your service. Join discord dot gg/KvhKQ
Tbh you dont have it until its cashed out. Be paranoid with your security.