What do you think of this video biz? Is Blackpigeonspeaks right?
What do you think of this video biz? Is Blackpigeonspeaks right?
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Who is he and why do I care?
Ah, the immigrant who hates immigrants so long as they aren't white. dont care
Why would you ever care what this bumbling faggot has to say?
how is is he wrong though? non whites are not even human
>has an average iq of 100
>claims to be a human
Hes probably one of the most consistent/best right wing YouTuber
right/left wing is for brainlets
if you're not a geolibertarian then you literally admit that you have a
Libertarian is right wing dumbass
Vegan is ultimate red pill. You literally can't win against it
Geolibertarian isn't just libertarian
yes, we have absolute economic and civil freedom
but we also seize the source of production (all natural resources)
try to make gains on a vegan diet, fag
what exactly would stop you from making gains on one? Pls dont make me prove that you're a brainlet.
I'm not even vegan anymore but you are on the same level as a feminist by denying vegan dietal fact
who is Clarence Kennedy
i'm not a vegan but i rarely eat meat because it's just too inconvenient. i just drink a lot of whey but i could see drinking soy protein assuming i can prove it doesn't cause estrogenic effects.
inb4 ad hom against VG as an attempt to invalidate his arguments.
This, predictably
dude is a literal brit sexpat living in sea and has at least one video about the quality of pol. hes retarded
you fucking kikes need a good gassing.
This guy is just an articulate alt righty youtuber.
>literally a nigger mad at a smarter species
Why should non whites be allowed in the country?
He's right about most things though
Which country are you talking about? But i dont give a fuck about race, immigration should be merit based if anything
USA should break up based on racial and ideological lines
White people need a country all their own
America. What other country is there. Stop trolling
Deep down your do give a shit about race
You've just been brainwashed
You prefer to be around white people and you know it
Okay buddy, enjoy your pipe dream. I won't take that away from you.
Cmon man, stop projecting your insecurities
Lol you can say what you want, there's going to be a massive civil war or some kind of big racial conflict leading to the breakup of the United States in the next 30-40 years
Its inevitable with so much clashing cultures and races
Deep down you'd rather be around white people
Admit it