I dont want to click but can you tell me what a face looks like if theres no skin?
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im trying to eat some god damn lucky charms bro relax
This shit is so yesterday. Get with the times /pol/.
What confuses me about this video is, if the policeman was the main target, why didn't they kill the son in front of him first instead of vice versa. Seems like the son got it much worse.
all of south america should be nuked
How does the son survive that long?
Youthful resilience, the poor fucker.
Mexico is North America you inbred faglord. That said, I agree.
did he survive?
this but unironically and also including north america
thats gross
Didnt click either but I heard on some other board that they ripped out the sons heart out
looks like its time for my quarterly dose of reality
is he ok?
It looks like a pink wojack.
bls nuke mexico papa trump...also south and central america...chile and argentina can stay
Remember people, if you're touting around a million dollar wallet in person eventually the wrong person will hear you and you'll get this treatment
does pink wojak represent a skinned person?!!!
Just like this
>Animefag acting like desensitizing to violence from the comfort of his home is a big deal
South America is one of the nicest places geographically in the entire world and this is who inhabits it.
you know what I meant
OP lied, they didnt skin them, they just cut out the boys heart
>There are people who believe in god in the face of this evidence
What did the police officer do btw? To make these manchildren so mad, I mean
Where are his eyes?
removing the ears and centering the eyes makes it a LITTLE bit better
Click this instead.
I plan on moving to killing animals soon
Ok well i ain't clicking on that shit before breakfast, someone give the details pls
He just needs to change his socks, hydrate, and get some Vitamin C, he'll be fine.
Posting retarded attention seeking nonsense is childish, but those apparently aren't police. They are from rival gang. It's in the comment section
Yawn. Faggot. Come back when your balls drop and you're killing people.
I hate nujack i really do
I will always love Veeky Forums. Little shit like this makes me laugh harder than any comedian can ever wish to.
he probably was a dirty cop, then at some point fucked over a cartel
This is why I would never allow myself to be captured. Once they try to take me the first time, I fight tooth and nail no matter what, cause at least then I'll get shot, go down quickly and with honor.
This is just sad. Allowing yourself to be captured is really, really stupid. You will just die in a slow, humiliating, painful way.
They got him
this is what happens when you let shitskins out into the real world, need to get on those walls stat
you arent worth a bullet, dont worry
Fukken saved
>Dad gets whacked with branch
>Gets beheaded while son watches and cries
>Skips to son covered in blood after being stabbed.
>Knife handler starts trying to create a hole in sons chest to get at heart
>Kid showing high levels of resistance
>Starts flaying from upper chest to lower abdomen
>Organs and rib cage are exposed
>Organs start spilling out as son is breathing
>Knife handler splits sternum in half from bottom up
>Proceeds to cut away until he reaches the heart
>Once heart is out of chest, he places the heart around sons upper chest and stabs it onto him leaving the knife embedded
wojack has been killed, it's been confirmed. Now can we see gainz again?
>North America
wew lad
Ow, the edge.
Clearly these people belong in america and have the exact same genetics and susceptibility to violence as we do.
i hope this is a troll
2-3 People can knock you out/drug you then tie you up. I understand you're reasoning but it's not that hard to kidnap/ambush an unsuspecting person.
I thought you were in about the policeman’s son for a second. Kek.
Pumped full of speed, this your first gore video kiddo?
>being a Mexican cop
>allowing yourself to be captured alive
Biggest SHIGGITY imaginable.
fuck off red*it nigger
did he die?
This so much. I would unsheathe my katana and take my own life if needed.
OK I could get stabbed or whatever too. But I've been doing bjj for several years, if I had no weapon I'd just rush him and go for a takedown, bite his ears, throat, poke his eyes, then go for a choke. If someone is going to kill me I'm at least going to try and make them pay as much as I can
‘‘Tis but a scratch!”
If they know this type of shit happens why aren't they always strapped for a gunfight/suicide
not fucking watch this bros
I know everyone here like to be edgy but this shit is just beyond fucked
i dont know why but the first thing i imagine when i watch this kinda shit is that the person getting killed is me or someone i know
just dont watch it, fucking mexicans
What I want to know is how they stay so calm.
You'd think they'd be screaming constantly and flopping around like a fish but they seem quite relaxed 80% of the time
I watch this shit so i know how dangerous open borders are
In some universal oneness sense it was you. Plot twist: you were the killer too.
This literally only happens because drugs are illegal, and they will never be legal because the US is fucking retarded. kys /pol/
Pumped full of drugs
Srsly. Does gore not get posted much on Veeky Forums?
>Implying they don't get you when you're sleeping
Honestly, fuck the wall. We just need to tactically nuke areas along our boarder and create a fucking irradiated strip from California to Texas. Let nature sort out the rest.
ok but dont you think these guys thought that too? How do you know you wont be over powered by a group of large men and drugged?
Denial/capitulation. Have you not seen the graph? Bull trap next before another moon mission.
Statistically more likely to survive if you try to run away from a kidnapping actually
I see what you're saying, but as someone who's been grappling for a while, taking down an in shape trained man is not easy at all, even for 3 people, and the victim could easily attack/go for a weapon enough to make the attackers either run or go for a quick kill. That's way better than getting flayed.
But yeah if you get drugged you're fucked. But you have to wonder what you've done to get people to drug you, at that point ya done fucked up
Better yet, don't be a policeman in a shit hole like mexico.
You're right though. All these gore videos have the victims sitting calmly while their life is ended. Co-operating with your murderer isn't going to spare you life, at least increase your chances of survival by going out fighting.
>You'd think they'd be screaming constantly and flopping around like a fish
kinda hard to scream and flop around when your mouth is taped shut and multiple guys are holding you down
just sayin
kek you motherfucker
Lol, I doubt before every single execution that they put them on a ton of heroin to keep them relaxed and calm.
It's the same with ISIS videos
why would they do that?
they're in shock
they stop your car on a highway
they're dressed as police officers
with police vehicles
they walk up to your window
you roll the window down, unsuspecting
they shoot you in the neck with a tranq
you open the door to fight to the death
you fall on the ground unconscious, drugged
you wake up, still drugged, tied up
Good luck fighting to the death I hope you have the chance
yeah cartel vids kind of killed my interest in watching gore videos online. i think for me it was the one going around a while ago where they saw a dudes face off. i still like watching fucked up movies and stuff but idk real gore i'm just not interested in anymore.
prove me wrong burger
What if I want all drugs to be legal AND close the border?
I just want to travel without any fear of being chopped up like so
>inb4 just don't go to dangerous parts of town / country
what do u think they did with his heart?
forgot the pic
Lets not forget the government supplying limitless amounts of weapons, creating the demand for the drugs, and using undercover agents within different cartels to create carnage.
Yeah thankfully there's someone with humanity here. I find it deplorable, I can't wait until we start escaping from this kind of shit. Bring on the Blockchain powered AI and robots, bring the lab created foods. I'm done with nature and its blender of undignified ways
Obama and Eric Holder did this.
If you struggle enough in the first kidnapping attempt you can either get away or get killed on the spot. Both better than getting sliced open slowly
Obviously against multiple/armed attackers, 100 m sprint is the best self defense
Does he look ok?
>the place that literally thrives on drugs wouldnt drug you to make grahic videos to scare rivals/law enforcement
Sure thing buddy
I unironically advocate nuking anyone that isn't white or light skinned Asian
Why did I laugh so hard I swear I'm not a psycho
Empathy? Wow newfag.
Nah it was just a prank bro
either ate it or fucked it
sold it for Link