ive browsed this board for over a year and still am a nocoiner
just sold all my req. im done with this shitcoin
I’ve invested in tron
i went on a PnD discord and lost 50€ out of 100
Sold all XVG two days ago at peak of crash (still left with 3x profits).
FOMO'd XVG a few hours ago, buying in 30% higher than what I cashed out.
Realized how retarded I was.
Sold all XVG again. 25% less than what I bought back into it for.
3x gains turned into huge loss.
You KNEW it's a shit, you KNEW this shit has already bubbled.
Why? What for?
im servery addicted to trading with max leverage on bitmex
Bought Tron at .000019 sold at .00000389
held 1k ven at 3 usd. sold it.
i get fucked up and yell at charts its actually pretty fun
I killed my dog because I didn't want it to be alone or injured if I died. I did this when we got the missile warning in Hawaii.
Awkward/sad af when my parents got home.
im sorry brother like super sorry that actually fucked me up a bit
My portfolio still hasnt recovered from the crash, and is only getting worse. I diversified too much into shitcoins
Please forgive me lord ad i cannot forgive myself
I shilled you all Hobonickels. Thanks for the extra scratch chumps
I knew ICX and BTC were going down while I sleep but I didn't sell anything because I'm greedy and can only make money when it goes up, not down, so I wished I was wrong but I wasn't.
well fuck, man
TIOTOUR on Etherdelta is going to moon as soon as it gets added on CMC, only 450K circulating supply,german team and huge community> price is shitlessly cheap now @ $0.2.thank me later
I snapped a pic of some stinky pajeet's private key receipt while he was waiting at the bitcoin atm but the pathetic subhuman only had $50
still felt good robbing him
I still have dimecoin
i trusted Veeky Forums shills and invested into telcoin and liveedu
I was active in bitcoins from the very start and sold 100% at around $40 which was really a lot back then.
Made around $18k which was a lot for me then but if I waited until now it would be worth around $2 millions.
Yea I fucked up big and I've felt bad about it but I'm still going on with some ETC, BTC and other altcoins and it's going okay.
i love sucking nigger dick. i just wish with all my gains that a nigger will finally let me put my tongue inside his dirty asshole
I sold 16,100 link @ $0.17 after buying in at $0.35
I hope you're ok, user
I only have 25k link.
ahahahaha wtf dude
Half of my portfolio is BNTY...
I spider weave when I should just play dumb. Forgive me father..
HAHAHA i bet youre a pajeet too tho
Some robot said buy BCPT and I'll thank them later.
Realised it's a shitcoin and IDK what to do now.
I fell for the Vechain "partnership" scam. Just hoping normies will be dumb enough to buy this shit and i can dump my bags on them and go into WaltonChain for some quick gains. Looking at an easy 15-100X gains this year with WTC great coin wouldnt want to miss this one
I didn't really I just made that up so I would have something to coinfess.
I fell for this VEN fud. Oh wait I didn't. Stay salty walty.
Yeah dogs are notoriously able to survive ballistic missiles, makes sense.
Sold all my ETH at ~1000USD this week.
Are you the same user that fucked his sister?
I fell for the stupid chink coin VEN TWICE :(
Haven't been able to let my bags go either
Got in like a week or 2 ago at $2.50 and again at $5
God I fucking hate myself for falling for these stupid fucking partnerships that keep on rolling out every goddamned day
I have been at it since last week of November and my portfolio is only +2000$
I hate the hodl meme but it is all I can do.
I tried to put in a stop buy order but ended up buying at market.
I still have holdings in XRP at 3.1 and 2.2 because there’s no fuckin way I’m cashing out now. My gf also told me to cash out at 3.2 at which point I would have been $4k in profit but I ignored her and now I don’t hear the end of the bitching. I also coinfess that I am still purchasing small increments of XRP on the current dip in the hopes of a bullrun again to recoup some green. I also coinfess that I’m a lazy cunt who only uses eToro and can’t be fuckin arsed to create a binance account etc so I can literally only buy XRP, BTC, ETH, LTC, Dash and ETC. I want a lazy easy life and I’m finding out the hard way that you only get out of it the effort you put in.
I just read that back and it really hammers home what a piece of shit I am. I need to rethink my approach to life man
Another bad one... I've made about 500 trades on kraken, every single buy and every single sell was done at Market Limit
I sold my req and bought turtle lmao
Same man. If I don’t get reasonably wealthy from crypto I seriously have no clue what I’ll do. Also, you’re gonna really wanna get a Binance account brah..
panicked during the dip I sold 121 ven
after various trades I bought in again
now i only have 87 ven
I am retarded
damn dude thats going to be hard to forget
that makes you even more disgusting pajeet
...how did you kill him?
I fell for the XRB pajeet coin scam, bought at ATH, waiting anxiously for the Binance listing to offload these heavy bags.
i will dumped even more harder on binance
I just recently started and invested half my money. I haven't lost any, my worst one is TEL, it was only one I bought because it was shilled here but it looks promising and could end well but I still don't know what to do. Day trading would consume me because past few days i spent every minute just looking at charts and shit and I have no idea what to do because everything's a mess and you're battleing vs people with insider information, whales and bots so unless you get lucky gl.
Most of my money is in "good" coins, some I plan on selling when they get higher but in the long run idk what to do.
I've lost 2500 out of a 3500 investment by selling my bags but I still give people investment advice here
I just throw money around without even googling the product. Spend 10k yesterday on absolute shitcoins and will probably lose it
>sold short term holds to buy a laptop
>holding only 10k XLM and 100$ worth of BTC from mining
I remember old school Veeky Forums and I used to be against all the crpyto threads
I'm gonna need a full greentext story for that one user
surely you're not this stupid anons
or are you just angry shitskins?
I have no idea what I'm doing and I hope I get lucky. 33% ETH, 33% ICX, 33% VEN + WTC +ADA + BAT + XLM
Are you me? feel you man.
I bought Tron semi-high and sold low to get rid of the shit. The only coin I've done that with.
Cryptonoob me bought 100 ether for $10 and sold it for $11 for an amazing 10% profit. After I sold it climbed up to $20 and then towards $300. I then bought xrp ($0.3) and xlm ($0.04) in may at their ath. Was down 50% at one point, didnt sell thank god.
its been 6 month since ive been in crypto and only doubled my money. epitome of JUST
I've lost 50% with Tron.
I just fomo'd in to VEN at ATH with my entire stack.
ven has new ath every day so it doesn't matter
>Another bad one... I've made about 500 trades on kraken, every single buy and every single sell was done at Market Limit
I know nothing about trading crypto - can somebody explain to me why this is a bad thing ?
i don't deserve to have 80BTC worth of portfolio
i knew about it in 2011, mined 2.1 BTC and sold 2
then 2013/2014 i acquired about 50 and just sat it on after gox
holding shouldn't have made me a millionaire
i got fucking scammed into buying DBC at 30c and only sold 25% at 50c or whatever
i sent 10k to a complete hoax ico (Phobos or some privacy coin, the name is on my other laptop)
the only good trade i made was into stellar but that was at 30c and i sold half at 75
my coworkers wer into stellar when it was pennies
I've never done taxes in my life.
No idea how to do them.
Don't plan on doing them when I cash out. (I've turned 14 grand into 60 grand so far)
kucoin as well?
>I've turned 14 grand into 60 grand so far
I started with $500 beginning of nov. Failed at daytrading and dropped to 200$. Now im only back up to 700. If I held the coins that I had i would have had over 50k
>Don't plan on doing them when I cash out
this is an absolutely terrible idea for so many reasons
what country are you in?
i shorted ltc shortly before it went up like 100 dollars in a day last year
Same. Several of the coins I had picked have dont really well. I fucked my self good by not getting my shit together and getting skin in the game.
*have done really well