I'm too diversified, help

I'm too diversified, help

Portfolio about 160k rn
I like all these coins but I know I have to consolidate. How should I do it though? Thinking of selling wabi & mod for starters during the next upswing.

Neo 20%
Link 17%
Eth 16%
Req 13%
Xmr 6%
Ven 5%
Qsp 4%
Xlm 4%
Omg 3%
Icx 3%
Kin 3%
Mod 3%
Wabi 2%

100% into INT for the next 2 weeks and you’ll double your current portfolio.


I don't want to sell everything for something new, just want to consolidate what I have in as few steps as possible. I plan to hold everything for a year to avoid tax so looking at long term coins

100% link not joking thank me late feb


I've thought about it & have been steadily increasing my link stack but I want to stay diversified at least a little




Out of the coins you have, consolidate into NEO,LINK,REQ,QSP, and XLM

My xlm bags feel fucking heavy right now but thanks

Guys, I have 37 different coins. Is this bad? Honestly I want more.

I feel your pain user, this shits addictive

nice fetish OP

for real tho, what is the point of QSP token?
related, wtf is "proof of care"

mommy gib milkies

a..auditing smart contracts?

Give me some advice you fuckers





Just for you retard, I'll continue