Why are jobs so hard to get? isn't it for the benefit of the country/company to make it easier to employ workers according to what they need?
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Cause you are useless and not an asset to employers
>Why are jobs so hard to get?
Because the government destroys the economy and it's very difficult for businesspeople to create jobs that generate profit.
Fuck central banks and government interventionism.
This. Jobs arent hard to get when youre well qualified. OP is just a retard who brings nothing to the table
Your IQ must be really low. The government cant help you finding a job. The companies cant help you find a job. You yourself have to work on yourself and stop being a useless NEET. If you cant even get a wageslave cuckjob you must doing something seriously wrong.
Most jobs are obscure and can only be found if you know where to look already... Alot of jobs require an experienced person, i just graduated from fucking college with little to no experience
>Graduated from computer engineering
>little to know experience and preparation for any real world applications and only learned a few things of benefit in my field
>have no idea how to start a buisness
>applied for like 7 companies 2 of them are famous car companies and all of them ignored my ass despite the open positions require little experience
I'm not looking for a fucking mcdonalds job, but even an entry level job is hard to find...
>little to n experience
>the open positions require little experience
but do you see the contradiction?
is standing around smiling for the costumers really that hard?
or is accounting and sitting idly behind a computer in some random company anything special?
There definitely needs to be government intervention to simply and standardise the process of applying for jobs, and what must be included in job advertisements. its just getting more and more ridiculous
EXACTLY!!!!!! This is what i'm trying to say!
pro tip: internships
>applied for 7 companies
Hahaha who cares. I applied nearly a 100 in a couple of months and basically got my job right out of school.
Apply yourself, it's not that fucking hard, cunts who say they can't get a job usually get discouraged in seconds and stop trying, or have a criminal record.
Seriously, if you can't get a job these days with Computer Engineering degree, you have no one else to blame but yourself.
You do know how to program, right?
i know what they taught me in Java, OOP and C++, but what they taught me isn't much after 4 fucking years...
>gov intervention in job applications
Computer engineering isn't software engineering. Computer engineers do a lot more math than programming (at least that's what we were taught in the compe courses I took). MAYBE Verilog. Seems to me it's a lucrative pursuit, but harder jobs-wise than software.
t. computer science grad
dont worry OP, ive been rejected from mcdonalds.
instead of making 600 a week flipping burgers i know claim disability due to "mental illness" for 480 a week.
Let's say you're part of a government, you want your country to be better? You make it easier for people to get jobs, people shouldn't apply for 100 companies to get one fucking job
because you didn't actually give a shit about what you were learning, because you expected everything to just be handed to you instead of making yourself useful. They gave you more resources and guidance than you could have possibly utilized in 4 years, but you probably barely even opened a textbook and when you did you were fucking refreshing Veeky Forums every 5 god damn minutes because mommies milkies made you such a weak impulsive fuck. i'm fucking done
It's not like applying for 100 jobs only gets you one interview/offer, you know? Applying for only a few really limits your odds.
It's not that hard to throw applications out for multiple businesses.
No, they should. The point isn't to get some random job. The point is to find the ideal job.
And only applying to 7 companies including top employers when you're clearly not very qualified is ridiculous.
Applying for internships is difficult to get in. Even unpaid internships is a challenge.
I was taught the basics for everything about the computer and nothing prepared me for any real life jobs that involve computer engineering because people expected me to get on the job training for what i do. And anything more complicated beyond that is masters degree material
> 2018
> just be a predator, wagecucking is worse than death
I work for a major retailer, and everytime we bring someone in that has a hint of potential they just end up being useless fuckwits who act like hot shit but can't do basic tasks.
Also, my brother worked for a famous car company briefly and he even sold a few cars to some people with body guards 'n shit, he said the job requires creativity and a way of talking but beyond that, almost no qualification or skill, just a suit and good looks. I have both.
Tell me this doesn't apply to most jobs. I fuckin' dare ya
Try to get some feedback on your applications/CV, and then work on any problem areas.
Acquiring a job is a competition, and you need to be more attractive for a position than any of the other applicants. It's not that deep
>just b yourself
That's statistically retarded. I'm going to use Australia as an example - there are 200k jobs available with 1.3 million people looking for jobs. I know the US is far worse right now, as well, but don't have the numbers for them.
You got lucky.
You either apply for a job when you're able to be paid less, and thus you get your experience before you're an adult, you hope your family has connections, or you hope that you're good at the job lottery, because for even the most basic of jobs, jobs with one opening can have upwards of tens of thousands of people applying from across the entire country.
Before you say "xd fuck off jobless loser", I'll point out that I work as a senior exec at an IT firm in one of the most IT-savvy places in my country (which isn't saying much, given how our government views the internet). I used to be in charge of handling job applications until I managed to get someone else to pass it off to and I would have upwards of 30k jobs for a basic listing on a few shit job websites - and half of the time, the jobs ended up going to people related to those already working in the firm. I've raised it to my boss and the financial department that we should be hiring one person for one job like back in his day, rather than one person for ten jobs, and trying to set an example - he doesn't give a shit, and you'll find most boomers don't, because they can't be held to their own standards, and because it's financially better for the jews to just higher people below 18 so you can pay them less, and then take them on as 'interns' if allowed so you don't even have to pay them for a while.
Don't tell me it's better for backwater towns either, because those fuckers expect you to run their entire company for them and are physically incapable of hiring enough staff for the business to run smoothly in the first place. Then they step down two years later and make their autistic, uneducated children the CEO because they need a successor
hire people*, fuck it, tired
Fact is people getting jobs are lucky. I sure as hell I know got lucky. I didn't get a job before I was at the age where they were required to pay me proper wages, and that was only because I called my now-boss a retard in a bar and he liked my guts, not even because I was educated or that I knew what I was talking about (though I did, luckily)
it's not hard but if they don't hire you right away means they have 100 more candidates just like you. Some of them worked before and they will be first in line to get the job.
jobs aren't hard to get
you are just a lazy idiot who doesn't want to put in the marginal effort to get technical training for an in-demand career field OR you consider yourself above a technical trade because you are a communist millennial fuckstain
you could get up right now, go start technical training in HVAC/refrigeration, and start making 120k a year by doing overseas maintenance and training contracting, maybe after a 6mo paid apprenticeship
but you won't do it, because it's "beneath you", so you will be a parasitic leech on the hard workers in your country until you poverty and depression takes such a toll that you settle for a truly demeaning job like retail or food prep
Wow, SEVEN (7) whole jobs and you're still unemployed?!
I don't think this is a bad idea at all desu. Maybe this is my sour grapes talking but I have a feeling that allot of positions advertised are not real and the company is just trying to present a case that it is expanding/growing to its shareholders.
I would support a law that says that all job applications made in good faith must only be rejected with advice on exactly why you didn't make the cut and not just a generic rejection letter. Also, the winning candidate's CV must be published. Otherwise what the fuck is the point of all these HR workers if they can't even guide you in how you could have been successful in your application.
I know what you mean user.
I'm a smart/educated guy and have applied for all kinds of jobs and have been rejected, ignored or received responses that were 6/12 months too late.
If you don't have experience people won't give you a chance BUT people won't give you a chance without experience.
The system is broken and only works for people who have parents with contacts that can get them work or people who are really lucky.
>applied for highly competitive 1000 applications/position role in finance
>Got it
Just be me
This. OP, you're worthless and pathetic.
How do you guys stay motivated and not spiral into dejection and an attitude problem. Like how does one not give up after being rejected for the 200th time, what makes you keep trying in the belief that you won't be rejected on the 201st time.
get neetbux, then look for job, fuck being homeless,
There are too many people and most of this generation are underprepared for the workforce. That's made up by being overprepared for interviews to the point where companies can't differentiate good prospective employees from bad ones. They're all normies in the end, so instead of trying to find good matches, they just raise the minimum qualifications, thinking they can find someone better from the pool of applicants but you still get the same people applying.
I'm against the government getting too hands in, but sometimes it's a good thing. Companies will put up open positions to "test the market" and see what applicants are applying and how much they're willing to work for even though they don't have any open jobs. Also a lot of times, companies will have already decided that they're going to hire someone and put up an open position that only that one person can fit into, just to show that they're not being biased/selective.
>not lying in your resume
You failed Veeky Forums, unfair times require unfair tactics
>inb4 assmad moralniggers
I'm all in on crypto. I don't care about my job. I either make it to retirement age with magic crypto money or I kill myself when it inevitably crashes
>enslave yourself for free
Kek, never thought i'd see this comment on here
That... Seems like a nice strategy...
>How do you guys stay motivated and not spiral into dejection and an attitude problem
I didn't stay motivated, I spiraled into dejection.
I'm so depressed I don't even want a gf anymore.
Ar15s are easy to get than a job user. Just saying. Look into it.
Same, I was not prepared for this world at all, even though I have an OK degree but the responsibilities are too unbearable.
t. manchild
Well said Folks
They are designed to fuck you.
>hehe our software disqualified you for not having the right words in your resume
You need to program on your own time user, you need to build your own projects. You need to hustle and go to meetups. Nobody is going to do it for you. I’m in the same position as you I WISH I had a comp sci degree instead I just have to learn everything on my own and hope I don’t kys
>Just become a lower class wageslave
No I will not stay poor. My IQ deserves better.
You are not going to make it with a work ethic like that boy
I unironically think that. Call me a fucking dickweed, but i refuse to work a shitty job that doesn't bring up my potential
Took me like 6 months of applications and bad times before i got a graduate job.
Once you're in and have a year or two experience and skills, the game changes and it's comfy.
You should be studying and working on things that make you employable then. Don’t just sit on Veeky Forums all day
Having worked in a kitchen for 6 months I agree.
It gave me no useful skills, no references, It wasn't enjoyable, I didn't make any friends and I only made slightly more money than being on neetbux at the cost of 40 hours of my time a week.
It taught me is that wageslaving is for idiots, nobody gives a fuck how hard you work and that I will literally kill myself before I do anything like that again.
jobs arent hard to get.
jobs that you think youre worthy of are hard to get because desirable jobs have basically an infinite number of applicants (unless youre hyper niche) so you actually need to be skilled (youre not) to get them
i can draw, i'm fluent in Arabic and English, i'm pretty good socially and in sales, adaptable and flexible with most given tasks, above average intelligence, i know the basics of programming, quite a bit about computers, and i've graduated from computer engineering, you'd think these things would get you a job easily...
+ 1 for refrigeration
>be me
>go to trade school
>become a refrigeration technician
>don't know how to write a CV or application & mid 20's with only 2 months of work experience
>walk into a commercial refrigeration company with my F-gas certification and ask for a job
>got hired
Start lying more and have the knowledge to back it up
Unironically think that trades are the best investment of non-crypto time. People are smarter, there's less competition and you don't have to deal with any nonsense from most of the deluded normies
>Why are jobs so hard to get?
something tells me you never even tried to get a job. Maybe try to just walk in and ask if they have a job avilable? Don't tell me you sent your shitty resume to their spam folder, user?
I'm Arab too. I'm convinced my name is the only reason I'm unemployed currently.
I have been told so indeed...
And yes, this is the age of trading and crypto if you wanna get rich...
I'm also Arab/American taking Computer Engineering in the US, do you still recommend it as a path?
dunno, i just apply for some jobs and get the first or second job that wants to have an interview.
Apply for Jobs you can actually imagine yourself doing and go in with the attitude that you are doing them a favour for using your time to help them. Not in a condescending way, but more in contrast of being thankful that they let you waste your time.
You dont even need the qualifications they ask for, companies who drop you just after checking what certificates you have arent worth working for anyway. It all comes down to how well you fit in.
I like this idea.
The field is still desired by companies but you have to take courses and training outside of your actual college education for you to be of any use in a work place... On-the-job training is something you'd be looking to get if you're lucky enough
Hahhahahau must be a fag
Interesting, should give it a shot...
Plenty of us Arabs on biz...
what coins are you brothers in
I was unemployed a while back, im a carpenter, i quit my job knowing im an asset to anyone that employs me, the next day i leave the house thinking to myself i'll get a job today.
I just drove from construction site to construction site asking Need carpenters? a few people saying not right now mate can i get your number.. so i head to an agency get a job for the following day £20p/h piss easy work a monkey could do it. 2 weeks later one of the guys phones me saying he needs more men on site and can i join in? 18 months of work their minimum.
it's easy you plebs, you have to bullshit you way in, for me it's just looking confident and looking like im supposed to be theire, I.e look like a worker Hi-viz, work clothes, pencil behind the ear and a big beard. For you? If you want a nerdy job in an office, wear glasses even if you dont need them, if you're going for retail look like a trendy tanned cocksucker, you get my drift?
im not that good at my job, i work hard, put the hours in and i'm really trying to get better, but make good money from appearing that i know exactly what im doing, and 60% of the time i do
user, do you hate easy money? If not then join,..,
discord dot gg/6ddqFHd
lol i have like 25$ in bitcoin XD
For the on job training I've been admin for a Doctors website/domain in the past few weeks and have done similar works for others, mostly for the money but I also find I enjoy it. Is that the path I should be taking in my major or should I be focusing more on doing more developmental work outside my schooling? Like coding or software?
For anyone casually observing this thread, I'd like to point out that this is why you should only buy houses built during a recession and avoid houses built during a boom. Only the most competent tradesmen can get work during a crash and guys like this are the ones building your house during the good times.
Depends on your passion, my dear user, but i'd say keep doing the job you like but at the same time try to keep up your coding and software knowledge because these are a path for bigger buisness opportunities.
Be good youngfag. I can tell you posted that unironically.
>government intervention
The most dangerous words you can hear are: "im from the government and im here to help."
if there's money in it, sign me up, i'd say... If ya ain't got nothin' bad that you did in your life, ya ain't got nothin' to fear from no government
maybe I don't want to hire you because you're fucking stupid
should I put that on the letter too?
I didn't hire anyone because all the applicants were fucking retards that couldn't code themselves out of a wet paper bag
wagecucks are the worst
lol the quality of work is still there 100%, i cant just hide huge flaws, I'd get caught out. im just not making my employer as much money as some of the better lad's. but youre right only buy any house during a recession
buy the dip as they say
Took me over a fucking year to find an accounting job after graduating. I’m full fledged autistic so I don’t interview well at all. Eventually someone gave me a chance. I’ve been working there for over six years now and just recently got promoted.
Someone will give you a chance and when they do work hard and you’ll make it. Just don’t give up.
I see thank you for the good words
Shukran wa salam
Oversaturated job market in most fields that aren't physical labor.
Always remember that there are possibly hundreds of applicants for the position you're applying for and many of them have families to feed.
Happy to help!
Exactly, that's why i said the governments should do something instead of doing fuckall and shitting on eachother all the time
>be me
>white, 24 year old, masters in business
>apply at accounting firm
>black guy, younger looking, only has a bachelor's
>tfw they hire him over me because of fucking affirmative action
>they literally tell me they need to fill a diversity quota
>say i could apply again for a lower position
>he'll most likely be my boss
>tfw i made all this up
>tfw am still in college
>tfw am indian
people who have families are on welfare
Join the military. Once you're out it's EZ mode getting a job. I applied for two jobs when I got out and got a call back for both within 24 hours. They started me off at $3/hr higher than they pay their other new hires and it wasn't even a job I had experience in. I knew why they valued me right away, I was on time and worked hard independently all day without anyone wondering where I was or if my job was getting done. The other fucks at my position were constantly being asked where they were and getting corrected.
Lowes practically instahires all veterans and pay them pretty well.