Ok guys. So, I hear how you all complain that girls are shallow and all girls now are sluts/hoes. Well Veeky Forums. You're right, however, it is worst than you thought. You all virgin neets will be one way or another ultimately tempted and find and make a relationship with one of these THOTS (Which in 2018 is about 99.99% of the female population age 17-99.
You Have no GF
Other urls found in this thread:
Put the whole link you retard
he did?
He posted half of it. Im not gonna copy and paste that shit
copy and paste into a home youtube link. Holy sht you fucking dumb brainlet.
Manlets are not attractive. Shocking.
The guy in the op looks like 12.
nigger he just said he isnt going to copy/paste it fuck you
can't put entire link cuz of spam bots dumb sht
stfu fagg1t
Same height or taller you're all fcked manlets
ok sorry my apologies
tfw you're 6'3, jacked and have an above average face. life is ez for me
if you're 6 3 and could get anyway girl you want. Then why are you on Veeky Forums. Doesn't seem like someone like "you" would be browsing these threads. Maybe you're just poor and dumb as shit, and awkward with girls. Are you also a virgin?
God I love being a tall chad.
Guy looks like 5'4, girl on the right and 3rd from right look like butch lesbians and would never fuck them, 2nd from riht is a babe and last one is meh but would still fuck. Overly manly butch type girls are just as unattractive as shorter than average men.
>I’m jacked
If biz has taught me anything, it’s that the opposite is true.
None of them were particularly hot and they all said pretty short heights were fine.
I'm 5'9 and sure I wish I was 6'0 but it really doesn't bother me that much, least I'm not proper manlet 5'6 or something.
5'9 is fine... For india. If u dont live in a shitty 3. World country kys.
its 11:30pm on a sunday why wouldnt i be on Veeky Forums
pic related
lets be real lads, you wouldnt date a girl who has a 2/10 face, so why should she date a manlet?
If its really you, you're hot
user, do you hate easy money? If not then join,
discord dot gg/6ddqFHd
Im starting to trend towards that to be honest. Any girl over a 6 these days seems to come with a fucking shocking personality.
wtf? these are just gender-fluid girls.
don't watch.
>mfw I'm a 5'7" mixed asian dude (living in a predominantly white country) who's not that good socially but has banged over 100 chicks without much effort.
If you're a shorty, just get jacked. Then it's easy mode, even with disadvantages. Srs though when you got your cock in some hot chick's ass, the last thing on her mind is your height.
nice larp
This isn't jacked. Cut faggot
5'9 is literally the mean height in Australia.
By contrast it's 5'5 in India.
Kek find better angles you bloat face.
Your face tells me you're on dbol but your lack of volume tells me you're just a chubba bubba face.
Manlets will forever be the most BTFO group on this planet.
Pic related, this is like cheat mode for life.
Hahaha the coxswain hahahaha
tfw only 6'1'', good thing I made around 150k in crypto and have a top software developer job and I have abs otherwise I wouldnt have stood a chance in the current dating market
w8 5''8 perfect height? IM 5''8 YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You guys are so pathetic on this board, it actually makes me sick...
I’m married to a literal Barbie girl... eventually you’ll find someone. Improve yourself and focus on something else, maybe money and taking care of your health.
Then explain RSD Tyler and how he fucks so many women he is short.
Why do so many people bang on about height but nobody every asks women 'Does FACE matter?'.
Yes, right.
Of course
Money is also easy mode, but they don't desire you. No reason why you can't have both though.
Only on the day that American men turn to foreign women with realistic expectations, will the last thot be patrolled.
5.8 here, living in one of the tallest nations in the world (Serbia)
5''8 living in the netherlands also onne of the tallest nations. was at a party yesterday and felt like A DWARF. everyone is 185cm minimum
why tf do you keep posting this
I’m 5’8” and my brother is 6’3”
Life ain’t fair mates
I’m married and my wife worships me. Don’t listen to these idiot assholes on this site.
Dutch guy studying abroad here, I'm 185cm. In The Netherlands I'm totally average, abroad I'm a god. Feels good.
face > height