Where my REQ bro's at?
On my yacht
Guys I don't think you could actually land that jet on the yacht, this image might be shopped.
Are you sure?
Can't be sure to be honest, I'll have to call in an expert on this. Can anyone who has seen many shops in their time confirm?
REQ isn't going anywhere. Dropped my holdings for VEN and haven't regretted it one bit. I'll get back in 2 weeks from now if the next update is promising
Crypto gods never reward weak hands
I'm growing suspicious at the size of the helicopter on the back too, and also how it's mounted
>t. Creator of that image
Request: A decentralized network for payment requests. A universal invoice platform. (analogy: If PayPal was open sourced, decentralized and standardized)
OmiseGo: A DEX and a settlement system between eWallets (analogy: SWIFT between Venmo and Alipay, allowing you to send between both while utilizing both fiat gateways and crpyto; technical terms: Clearinghouse and liquidity provider between..
Literally comparing apples and oranges you filthy pajeet
Fixed that image for you
Yeah dropped my req bags for ven when the shit announcement came out on Friday. All you faggots laughed at me lmao
Updated, because I feel I have to defend holding all these REQ bags but also gotta give the cred to VEN for keeping my portfolio up
currently trying to x2 on some ico shitcoins just to spend it all on req before bullrun
80:20 LINK:REQ marine reporting in
This picture would be amazing with Link at the sinking ship and shadowlink on the other
TB i'm too retarded to do it
fuck we were ready to moon but now sell walls start popping up
Fucking whales need to be harpooned
Sell volume is low
Buy volume is high
Moon soon.
Bought at 7 sold at 1.10 good luck holding those bags for me losers
RSI approaching oversold territory
Dis nigga nevah played gtav
holding strong to the moon