>Mentally ill
>A dad, just like yours
>Labeled a 'useful idiot'
>Or 'a clown'
>Ridiculed by millions all over the world
>Lost all his money
>Targeted by cyberbullies
>No more hopes and dreams
>No, we aren't building the whole world
>While Bitconnect scammers walk unscathed he still manages to keep a smile on his face
>when the bit connects
>he ended up getting fucked over by bitconnect worse than anyone
>I said “but wait I’m gonna go to the bank, I’m gonna get my bitcoins
>I’m going to actually put it into dollars. Here they are right on the table.”
>“Nooo, that’s money they took from another account.”
>I say “what am I gonna do?”
it's like he predicted the future.
In spite of the sheer stupidity of idiots of the suckers they pulled in, the people behind this scam really should hang.
>didn’t listen to his wife
If he would’ve taken profit when she told him to he would have walked away richer. Instead, he lost everything.
Complete slimeballs. You can tell who’s who at that PR event from their expressions, very calculated, making sure the right attitudes are portrayed to potential and current marks.They were straight up deluding the audience.
“We are coming and we are coming in waves, to take over the world, it’s a revolution, buy now bitches”
And the way they appeal to young minorities through their marketing and rhetoric. The same group they know is least qualified to make investment decisions, owns the least assets, and has the least experience.
if carlos was an early investor he still could have made money
Doubtful. A guy like carlos probably bought continually and raised his average throughout the scheme.
HEEY HEEEY hee iii eeeeeeeey
yeah true well F carlos
ffs don't bully the man he's suffered enough leave him be you autistic fucks
Any update from him ?
He had more than 100k in bcc and it was 3 months ago, he surely cashed out some no ?
carlos is /ourguy/ now
It really looks like only minorities and women were into this shit.
1.5% a fucking day, even Madoff only offered 10% a year.
You really have to be stupid if you really think you can get that kind of money.
Inb4 someone mentions Nick
> tfw he's paid 6 figures to scream at coin conferences
> tfw you still buy high sell low
Looks like he found out the world is not the way it used to be no no noooooo
> tfw you realize everyone on Veeky Forums is kind
> of like carlos
There was a video of some American youtuber who was big into Bitconnect vlogging his journey to that Bitconnect event. When he got there he was literally surrounded by pajeets and chinks. To the point where when he was waiting for the ticket booths to open he was the *only* person waiting in the "United States" queue. There were practically zero white people attending. He was trying to act all non-judgemental and PC about it too as he was commenting how there was no one else from the US there and pajeets invaded his camera space, it was truly fucking sad to watch him rationalize. Mind-boggling how he didn't get redpilled there and then. Unfortunately he fucking deleted the video just as I was watching it the other day, and I forget the name of the youtuber. But it was classic shit.
is he the IRL pink wojak?
tfw lets not forget the fuckers in the back
How do people like Carlos even exist? How does he make money by being a con artist for these ponzi schemes? Does he just get offered a load of money to play a role? He must know it's a scam, he has to be a genuine sociopath. I feel bad that he has kids.
so, do we know if he really lost everything ??
hes based actually, he didnt have the tech knowledge to know it was a scam actually
he does mention "it's not a scam" during his performance on stage (link above)
i'm pretty sure he had a sense of it being a scam.
he prob just believed in a volitity bot, and saw other people getting rich off crypto and assumed bcc was the same shit. I mean ive made more than 1% a day lol
I know most victims were brownies and women, who was behind the scam? Fucking white males?
Yep, this is the territory of white and yellow men, serves the darkies and women right for thinking it was easy enough for them to do it to.
I bet Carlos had inside info and sold everything before the crash plus they probably paid him even more to shill it
Don't worry about Carlos, he's ascended.
You could say his world is not anymore what it used to be MMMM MMMM MMMM NO NO NO!!!
>people fell for this
Why would they pay Carlos? He only has like 200 subscribers? The dude got steam rolled pretty hard.
sauce for carlos's youtube page ?
Empathy is for women and soyboys
>(((who))) was behind the (((scam)))?
anything with CON sounds suspicious to me
>implying Carlos didn't get out right before the exit scam
Female empathy is the reason europe is being flooded with muslims
How the fuck can people buy into shit like bitconnect.
Veeky Forums ... are people really this fucking dumb?
Is there more money to be made on the stupid?
None of the people in bitconnect were white so they genuinely believed it could work.
yeah listen exchanges are shit to use norms havent even really entered yet
even if bitcoin hits 6k there is an alt spring around the corner so hang tight
with BIT too
This nigger cannot speak English at all but is "from NYC"
Build the wall
Amazing. I've put a lot of change into BNB, and my dick gets hard everytime I hear some chad at work giggle in excitement "now that he can finally register and make insane internet money"
>And the way they appeal to young minorities through their marketing and rhetoric. The same group they know is least qualified to make investment decisions, owns the least assets, and has the least experience.
Isn't this their main purpose for being in our country? Veeky Forums should should be doing this more. Just make sure to sell car rims or something instead if completely obviously scamming them.
faceberg dot com slash ConceivedAchieved
I did some work to make him look more like Wojak but he.. I mean he's pretty fucking close by default
woah, im sold. bought 100k
low IQ == easy to scam
>He was trying to act all non-judgemental and PC about it
This is what happens when people are concerned about not being racist. They make absolutely retarded decisions and tell themselves that all these other people are equal to themselves. Then conclude they couldn't possibly be a bunch of idiots and they should get an equal vote in your home land. Just think about that. Bitconnect suckers get an equal vote as you and they outnumber and outbreed you.
anyone got the pic of carlos sat at a hotel resort?
Keep going
You have biz's money blessings to make this man the new wojak meme
The can't even spell 'currency' correctly.
Just google “Carlos Matos”, are you for real? Like, you couldn’t find it on your own?
crypto currycy
Now make him pink
Wtf he's been trying to become w professional shill since 2016?
The shitcoin bubble aka Ethereum coins has not even blown up with normies yet. When that finally bursts, it will scare normies away from legit crypto for awhile.
yeah and then there goes next legit ripple crypto
soyboys don't have empathy
or for that matter, many other emotions other than self-righteousness while they dress like shit and get cucked in every way imaginable, because they justify it by telling themselves that it's intelligent
if they've reached the point of being a soyboy, then they're quite likely so mentally damaged that it would take years for them to recover and once again step out of the bounds of fetishizing their constant loss and start feeling empathetic for themselves
from there, if they kept away from the soy and modern liberalism, they'd probably be able to correct their mistakes through feeling fucked up every time they do something deliberately harmful to themselves
if they had a brain in the first place, they'd inevitably turn to the things that their feminist friends told them were so bad, and they'd fucking love it
oh yeah and many idiotic women these days don't have a real sense of empathy
this confused cross between sadness that someone disagrees with them, and rage that someone disagrees with them
perfect for guilting soyboys into submission
>legit ripple
That's not a real crypto currency.
it was sarcasm, sorry
They mainly aimed at minorities and low IQ peeps... That is the future of this crypto revolution, the dumb will enter with their hard earned cash and they will offload it onto the rich who take it by being smarter.
It will be the future casino of the ghetto plebs, with us being the house
top lel
Wait, do we have video of Carlos crying? Can somebody roll that shit?
i cant find anything about this guy online. red pill me? or is he just a literally who who shilled bitconnect
Carlos was trying to warn people sarcastically, but no one listened
Veeky Forumsraeli historians are conflicted on if Carlos was a direct proprietor of the company or just a man they used to push the product and who was as badly burned by the exit as everyone else.
IIRC, he continued publishing videos after the exit explaining the devs would be back to make "Bitconnect X", so I think he's just some guy they fucking ruined.
No that's called sympathy.
Not empathy
I think they most likely paid him with a cheap hotel, a plane ticket, some thai whores and a handful of BCC...
Carlos probably knew they were exit scamming and got out early
>compresses an HD wojak
Fucking kek
yeah this sounds about right, he seems pretty simple-minded desu
I think he's just primed for mlm style ponzis. Saw a couple of his video upload from a year ago, stinks of those over the to self help books vlogs
he was probably in on the scam
Pretty sure that Carlos didn't have any money in it in the first place
If he was this close and didn't even know they were gonna exit scam he deserved all of this
Even pic related got out of it in time
>it managed to reproduce
he he heyyyyyyyy (best song ever)
he showed his exodus wallet post-bitconnect crash.
He has 5+ BTC and other coins.
Even if all his bitconnects are gone he has done 4x in a year.
in his videos he looks and talks like he just came a minute ago
And you didn't. Really makes you think
Like this?
Liek this?