>you have to record every trade >you have to pay tax on every trade# >you have to pay tax for last years profits even of you didnt cash out >you will have to [pay a huge percentage in tax to cover all of this >your accountant will probably try to rip you off >the taxman will probably try to rip you off
Justin Price
Most of biz would have massive write offs because they fall for every shill and buy high.
Daniel Morgan
>tfw you thought you could have a lucky break
Justin Allen
Buying and holding means no taxes due yet. Suck it day traders
Jeremiah Watson
You only pay taxes if you make money, 99% of biz won't have to worry about it
Aiden Rogers
>tfw you realize some people LOST money during the huge bull market of nov/dec/early jan
Hunter Perez
What if you buy some monero or other privcy coin and send it to an exchange? pay tax on the privacy coin you bought but try to out perform it on the exchange and keep the profit
Logan Robinson
>Not evading taxes What are you, a retard?
Jacob Gomez
how does capial gains tax work?
example: ENJ at a -300 loss LINK for a 300 gain then put a lot of capital in VEN. How would taxes work on something like that?
Tyler Brown
give us a step by step
Aiden Cox
>Not taking steps to become an expat
Why do you want to keep propping up this shitshow of a country OP?
Samuel Lee
Michael Gomez
Step 1: don’t report any of this shit to the irs Step 2: profit Step 3: get audited years later and go to federal pound me in the ass prison and lose all your money
Leo Richardson
>yfw you pay the expatriation tax
Luis Peterson
What kind of authoritarian shithole would have rules like that? Get a better country mate.
Logan Ortiz
leaf here. Not doing it. Going to tax myself on cash out - cash in
Ryder Martinez
> Be me > live in Switzerland > Do not have to pay taxes on gains from crypto or stocks > Profit
Tyler Collins
you're not "buying and holding" if you buy alts with btc/eth once you sell btc for an alt you're already realizing gain/loss thus creating a tax obligation
Burgers prepare your asses, mr Taxman needs your money for picrel Land of the free, MAXIMUS KEK
Parker Bailey
What poison did he use? I'm thinking of killing myself too.
Jack Fisher
Not that I would do this but what stops a person from just not declaring any of this until they’ve already denounced citizenship, and gotten citizenship someplace else? I know there are expatriation taxes as people have mentioned but how do they know to tax you on digital gold stored on that flash drive you take with you? Then you accidentally rediscover it once you’re a citizen In another country.
Hunter Diaz
Obviously this would only be useful to big players in crypto but I’ve always wondered when these things come up how they would ever know or if it’s even possible unless you try to withdraw while you’re still here.
Jayden Morgan
tha's what you do if shit hits the fan. You don't even need any flash drives/wallets just remember the passphrase, show the US cucks a middle finger on the airport and restore your wallet in a country that doesn't hate money/its citizen and will allow you to cash out as long as you give them something without this "every trade hurr taxable durr event record history" BS
Jackson Gutierrez
how the fuck are day traders supposed to record every trade lol do exchanges have an export log for all your trades?
Blake Price
some of them do, some of them don't some will give you a sheet for only the past 3 months like binance, but it all doesn't matter because they are just excel sheets that you can freely fake
Just make up some fake trades when you're about to cash out and that's it.
Matthew Murphy
Jose Howard
>don't give them personal info
Carson Perez
I haven’t done anything this year. I’ve been holding since November 2016 Loser daytraders
Caleb Anderson
For 2017 you only have to pay taxes on the amount to cash out to fiat.
Michael Wright
if you ever bought an altcoin with btc/eth you're equally fucked and stop being cocky, kek T A X A B L E E V E N T prepare your burger ass
Lucas Stewart
>you have to record every trade in case if the law has questions, yes. but is very easy. set up a small excel sheet right from the beginning >you have to pay tax on every trade# depends on country. in germany you can buy and hold for >364 days and you wont pay a thing OR buy and sell before 364 days passed, cash out once, fill out a chart in 10 minutes and pay 28-35% tax income once on all cash you gained. >you have to pay tax for last years profits even of you didnt cash out no big deal, cash the tax amount out and keep trading >you will have to [pay a huge percentage in tax to cover all of this depends on country. in germany it is basic income tax 28% to 35% max >your accountant will probably try to rip you off and >the taxman will probably try to rip you off thats why you have the excel sheet with all your trades
Justin Morris
"loser day traders"
>doesn't double his portfolio on dips and bull runs
Brayden Flores
let them stay cucked, lol they think they will win this game by being obedient cucks while everyone with a higher than 1 digit IQ trades freely without compromising his gains because >hurr durr muh taxes
Ian Cook
We need HODL'ers so the price keeps going up. I'm not one, but we need them. You should be trying to convince as many people as possible to hodl.
Chase Gomez
trust me, i feel no remorse for people missing out on free money.
Moon! new paradigm! >sell Crypto is over, get out now! >buy >????????????
Jonathan Gomez
At least daytraders are actually taking advantage of an irrational market, 'buying and holding' is an even bigger gamble because of the amount of factors that could destroy the crypto market in the mid term. You're absolutely insane if you think 95% of the market is going to survive at all.
Adrian Hernandez
it's clear how the government tries their best to discourage everyone from investing >forcing you to pay taxes after every year even if you don't have any cash >forcing you to trade and calculate thousands of trades, icos/airdrops/forks/txs fees >forcing you to calculate all that according to what? coinmarketcap? Coinbase? what if there are local flash crashes etc kek
this shit won't be enforcable and all the obedient hodlers (even tho they already have tax obligations by buying alts with btc/eth which they are not aware of) will get fucked when their shitcoins go to 0 one day, meanwhile the free trading masterrace will just find a crypto tax friendly country and retire
Lucas Fisher
I gave my trades from ETH to the IRS for my 2016 taxes already. Stay cucked, enjoy jail.
Nicholas Ramirez
I hope the mods ban these shit coordinated threads yopure bigger faggots than the link spammers and tether fudders
Jonathan Walker
>fake trabsactions
Jfc why didnt i think of this
Clever girl
Aaron Brooks
I will pay my taxes but only when I cash out and no more than 20%, meanwhile you will enjoy your pathetic gains after getting shaken out by Mr IRS, Stay cucked, enjoy wagecucking lmao
not sure if that's sarcasm or not, but yea, that's what you do
assuming you never sold anything on a verified exchange you just put up some fake trades for the last year before cashing out, so that they add up to the final amount of btc/eht you're selling and voila!
Austin Brown
It shows how retarded people are here when they think that if you underreport your income, you’ll go straight to jail.
This happened to me this year for 2015 tax and all that happened was I got a letter and I paid the taxes that were due. End of story. Even if I didn’t pay, they would’ve seized my property, not send me to jail.
Mason Perry
Do I have to pay taxes on every trade made in 2017 and record them?
Zachary Rivera
misery loves company they want to make sure everyone is an equally obedient cuck so they don't feel so bad about themselves >muh jail >muh tyrone raping you oh right, I'm so scared lol
if you did it on a verified exchange then yea I could see a problem with not reporting it, but if you didn't see
Noah Garcia
Hemlock. Dont use it. its very painful.
Michael Ross
only those that entered the market at that point
Austin Thomas
>user its says here you invested in something called ethercraft, would you mind explaining to me what that is?
William Clark
Blake Green
The land of the Free actually the biggest financial slavery in the world lmao