Raifags BTFO
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pls,,sir to delet this
its also a literal chuck-e-cheese token that does nothing to generate value and shouldn't be worth anything
Hello fellow Redditor.
Would you be interested in exchanging some upvotes? My Karma is getting low as I BTFO'd some creationists on The_Donald earlier.
Hahahhahaa to all you bagholders!!!
Stop buying shit and meme coins. Or if you do fucking sell at or near the ATH or once you've made x amount of profit.
Only hold actual projects with utility and purpose like VEN, WTC, XLM, etc. Fucking LINK has better use cases!!!!
Currency coins are a fucking joke.
Chadblocks isn't fazed by that piss poor FUD. $1k EOY.
best retards,
bitcoin is a currency coin
>still number 1
Can you imagine a normie in the future using XRB to buy anything?
Didn't think so.
also just to add
the guy mentioned VEN now lets look at the stats
Circulating Supply
277.162.633 VEN
Total Supply
867.162.633 VEN
really makes you think
>mfw AssBlaster was right
can you believe there are still people who believe in the new exchange pump meme?
Just an opinion from some random dude,every stupid motherfucker can have an opinion.
What I find odd about RAI is that it's sole potential is as a digital currency, and that's years away, which means there is absolutely no short term gains left because it's already done it's 10000%. Yet these idiots keep chasing short term gains while citing long term reasons for it's value.
The whole binance thing is a joke. Anyone who wanted XRB got it by now, especially now that withdrawals have been fixed.
So basically RAI is either going to become the next bitcoin (unlikely) or it'll tank with nothing in between.
Those bags are getting heavy, huh?
nah got in at 2 dollaroos
salty noRai
Well, everyday that passes makes it cheaper to get in on RAI. So it's not like he's missed anything. Especially not if he's holding ven.
kek, they missed out. I'm sitting pretty comfy.
what did we miss out on? I'm assuming you bought XRB cheap? Well you missed the opportunity to sell it for 2x what it's worth now.
Oh I took a slice of the pie at the right time, now im just sitting back and watching.
to be honest, i am a xrb holder and i agree with this. it has peaked, the platform is restricted unlike xlm that already does near to instant transactions with 0 fees with smart contracts.
Rrtarded arguments
>> What happens when a better dag comes along?
The same thing that happened to btc
>The fact that XRB has a market cap higher than VEN just goes to show how absolutely meaningless these numbers are
The fact that BTC has a market cap higher than *literally everything else* just goes to show how absolutely meaningless these numbers are
>XRB is a one trick pony. No real corporate interest unless you count some PayPal employee.
BTC is a zero trick pony. Slow, expensive and no scalability solution planned. Merchants are actually running away from it right now as better coins are coming to the market.
>The tech is the only thing it had going for it, but now even that's dubious.
First mover advantage is the only thing BTC had going for it, but first movers never stay at the top for long.
>Now some of you are even beginning to call for Bittrex. The same exchange that removed this coin years ago because it's facing the same wallet issues it does today.
Bittrex has never listed Rai.
at least XRB doesn't derive its value from chinks waving partnership announcements as often as possible in your face so you maintain hope and belief that it will some day do something that is actually commercially viable in the real world.
XRB despite its faults actually functions RIGHT NOW as a cryptoCURRENCY that is the quickest and cheapest on the market. VEN is just a concept that works in theory but has no proven use-value at all. The fact that its mcap is much higher than WTC's is proof that it's mostly marketing driving people's perception of it.
everyone knows bitcoin is useless. bitcoin whales know this. it's digital gold. Why hasn't gold been replaced by another precious metal with more useful properties?
bittrex HAS listed rai
>Bittrex has never listed Rai.
It was actually cryptopia that delisted Rai.
And I think it was because of networking problems. Same as now.
>bittrex HAS listed rai
Never heard of that. Can you give some sauce?
Ven is same shit as Tron.
>Muh partnership
>Muh GAS...I mean thor
>Muh supply chai...I mean chinese ethereum
Lol fags
so much FUD, Rai has never been listed on Bittrex that fucking cunt has no idea what he's talking about. trying to get those $10 Rai again am i right? not gonna work bud
I've got 200 that I bought at 2.82. Yeah I'm fine
Definitely, because instant, free transactions are a great argument to catch normies who have been burnt by btc fees when buying $50 worth of crypto
But xrb is more than that
Yes, Cryptopia listed Rai. They delisted it because of Venezuelan captcha miners sending death threats and the node getting constantly unsynced. Node problem is now as of few days ago pretty much fixed. Bitgrail and KuCoin have used this fix to enable withdrawals and deposits. Bitgrail doing it blazing fast even.
Node code is still being improved however to allow even bigger throughput for exchanges.
Bittrex has never listed Rai.
The top currency coins all have transaction fees including BTC BCH XRP XLM XMR. This is where XRB shines, 0 transaction fees for the rest of your life. You can argue, Stellar's transaction fees are pretty minimal, however once this scales up to larger amounts, transaction fees will also become higher. Look at BTC, it used to have 10 cent transaction fees in 2013 now they are $20-30 and will be $50 soon. XLM will follow the same trajectory. XRB will still have 0 FEES. THINK ABOUT THAT
It gets cheaper to get into anything with btc going down you retard.
Rai was never listed on Bittrex. This guy is just blowing wind out of his ass.
Furthermore, the network was just stress-tested live with 40tx/s. Not in "lab conditions" fully on the actual network. 40tx/s is already more than Bitcoin network has ever been subject to. Further testing coming up soon.
>tfw I sold all my XRB at $25 and went into VEN at $2 with that money.
Feels good mane
This was pretty obvious all along, although I'm still mad I didnt invest early for the insane gains
yeaah, nah
Honestly, yes. It's more user friendly than bitcoin and "rai" or (possibly) "nano" sound less sketchy and technical than something that starts with "bit."
If the tech issues are fixed then it could be bigger than BTC in the future.
First, they have to finish development. Then the market has to discover the price. Then it has to reach wider adoption.
The ipod wasn't the first mp3 player. The ipod wasn't the most functionally powerful mp3 player. But the ipod tore apart the competition and paved the way for Apple's dominance in the cellphone market.
The average consumer wants something simple and appealing. XRB is trying to be that. It might fail but that's why this is more like gambling than investing.
> 40tx/s is already more than Bitcoin network has ever been subject to.
I just can't take this coin seriously when you retarded shills spew this garbage. Bitcoins never been subjected to a flood attack huh? you really think that? may I suggest you do some reading up before you make that retarded claim?
Sell if you are fucking complaining and being impatient about raiblocks, it ISNT for YOU. Cryptomarket is not here to meet your short term instant gratification expectations. Go invest in meaningless shitcoins that'll exit scam you.
Colin, the main developer and creater of XRB, was pulling allnighters to fix many of the node bugs which can be seen on GitHub. It was rumored that he had only a few hrs of sleep per each night, getting overworked. Now a new developer just got hired to offload some of the stress on him.
It's also up 8,7% today where as pretty much everything else is down.
Has Bitcoin ever processed 40tx/s?
Rai can sustain that transaction volume flawlessly.
Bitcoin would just overflow with backlog.
that was pretty obvious, look at the team behind xrb
they waste their time shilling than actually developing this shit. that crap is literally a ponzi scheme
this is just trolling
Rai team is doing just the opposite of shilling, they don't even have an official Facbook page
I think someone will do a DAG with privacy and security long before RAI ever moves off reddit.
Rai is going to add privacy in the future, Colin already said he has plans for it.
Holy shit you have to be dumber than a rock..
The community is shilling XRB, not the developers. The developers have remained humble because their product is not FINAL.
XRB fudders crack me up, so desperately salty they missed the boat
the fact that Rai gets constantly FUDed everyday tells you something. Think about it from a pyschological perspective guys. What is this person trying to achieve? Well I can tell you two things.
1. He's salty because he didn't buy Rai when it was cheap. He most likely bought at an ATH and wants to tell people to sell it so he can buy cheaper Rai to even out his average.
2. He sees Rai as a disruptive technology and does not want to see it succeed. He has huge hodlings in LTC and XRP and BCH and he's afraid that XRB will outperform them in 2018.
Think about his actions and why he is constantly posting on Reddit. This was the same type of behavior when BTC was at $1000, which has 1200% increased. This most likely means Rai can 12x to at least $250 EOY
Still waiting on the source that Bittrex has supposedly ever listed Rai. Cmon FUDders, give me a link.
You realize that it's dropping so fast that it'll let everyone who wants get on it again right? If you sold your XRB and bought VEN yesterday you would have doubled your XRB holding.
Transaction flooding != tx/ps throughput
How about you come back to me when you can show your nodes handle 80k transactions instantaneously hitting?
40 tps? Is this a joke? ICX will do 9000. QTUM can already do 7000. NEO has been stress tested at 1000
Nailed it
How is it dropping? It went 16000% you fucking mong. Of course people will take profits + node issues (that are FIXED now) and btc crash are doing their job. Instead of buying into good coin with no bs team you are fudding like a fucking retard you are.
rai can be BOTNET'D easily
Both Bitcoin and RaiBlocks have now been subject to high tx flooding and lived through it. The difference is that Bitcoin puts the txs in backlog, RaiBlocks has them cleared as fast as the receiver does his PoW.
The fix was temporary wasn't it?
>RaiBlocks has been subject to high tx flooding and lived through it
[citation needed]
40tps was just a network test right now. More tests will come. I doubt these other coins have had live tests on the whole network for the tps' you claim. An isolated test on RaiBlocks had 7000tps btw. Theoretically unlimited scalability is possible for a block lattice.
Do it. Only the wallet you send it to will get fucked if he wants to process your millions of 0.00000001xrb transactions.
Still waiting for the Bittrex listing source, everyone.
Lot of implications there
>I have VEN and XRB
>I don't day trade
>Using hindsight to try and act like you knew exactly how and when you should be shifting your positions
>Never implied that people shouldn't buy the XRB dip. In fact if I didn't already have a fat position in it already, I would be buying more
I got in XRB at $0.25 and VEN at $2.00. I think I'll be just fine.
No it works well now. They said they are going to optimize it more before hitting binance, but they are no bs team. They are working hard without much exposure even though coin is top 20.
You wont hear single
>Muh partnership
>Muh microsoft
>Muh china backing
From them
At this moment, would you accumulate more XRB or VEN at current prices for long term potential?
They don't need to with all you redditors chilling their shit. It's the spaces between your lines that give you away.
Network just had its first live test. At its peak, it was supposedly over 100tps. Larger tests are coming. And the report for this test is supposedly also being written within the following days.
Do you have the source for the Bittrex listing btw?
>the wallet you send it to
i don't think you understand me. wallets. as many as PC's in botnet.. don't forget nodes need to execute PoS all the time. with 0 fees botnet can spam ad-nauseam and people running nodes will get angry/offline soon enough :)
Stay salty. Less shilling the better as I bought starting at 1.80$
i do not, wrong ID
Few thoughts on this.
I actively try and not follow the herd.
VEN is up
XRB is down
Buy more XRB at the moment.
If you are looking to purchase RIGHT NOW and NEVER AGAIN, I'd say go 60% VEN and 40% XRB. XRB is definitely riskier because they need to work on adoption. No adoption, no value, no matter how good the tech is. VEN is focusing on adoption, which makes me think it is a safer bet in the long term.
I'm shifting my portfolio weekly, monthly, depending on how the market looks. My personal plan with XRB and VEN is once XRB goes on its inevitable bull run again, I will move some of those profits to top off VEN and get into a Strength position.
I have a lot of faith in XRB's technology and the teams understanding that adoption is key to its value, so my end position will probably look something like 70% XRB and 30% VEN. But I'm a risk taker, so take that for what you will.
>to be honest, i am a xrb holder and i agree with this. it has peaked, the platform is restricted unlike xlm that already does near to instant transactions with 0 fees with smart contra
The major problem with XRB is that it can't succeed unless everyone buys into it. It does payments well, but you can't use it as a payment system until big companies and banks start accepting it, and they wont until millions of people want it.
Maybe that will happen, but it's a fucking small chance, and if it doesn't, having the best tech isn't going to mean shit. Especially because real IOTA could do everything RAI does as well as it's IoT thing. (I really fucking hate IOTA by the way).
butthurt christcuck
Good inputs and I wholeheartedly agree. I feel that the tech in XRB outweighs adoption for now. All these coins are boasting partnerships like Tron. People don't realize that partnerships can always be revoked due to conflict of interest... Never bank on partnerships, but the tech will always be there. The foundation in XRB is the TECH, not the partnerships. As long as the tech is solid, the partnerships WILL COME. The devs are competent and even said they haven't actively marketed or sought partnerships because they know that once they do, XRB will do another 10x just like that. We need that FUD to keep the growth organic
dude stop comparing Iota and XRB. Iota is machine to machine. XRB is p2p. They will both do fine in their respective fields. XRB isn't IoT and will never be IoT. Iota performed well this year, XRB should follow the same growth. I don't get why you have to compare this like it's a competition between the two. Both will do well in 2018
XRB can do one of two things. Magically replace bitcoin and skyrocket || fail miserably.
>>to be honest, i am a xrb holder and i agree with this. it has peaked, the platform is restricted unlike xlm that already does near to instant transactions with 0 fees with smart contra
XLM hasn't proven its scalability. I don't think you knew about BTC back then when it had 10 cent transaction fees. Now those transaction fees are $20-30 and will go up to $50 next year. You do realize that Stellar will follow the same trajectory right? Stellar will probably have good growth this year but you must be a dumbfuck if you think the fees will still be cheap in a year
>The major problem with XRB is that it can't succeed unless everyone buys into it
This is the problem with every cryptocurrency. Adoption is everything. Way to early to look for partnerships and merchants using Rai at the moment. It just started to get attention 1-2 months ago and there are improvements to be made with the node code + usable wallets to make.
IOTA is much more centralized with the Coordinator overseeing every tx right now. They also supposedly have problems with users constantly having to reattach to the tangle. If IOTA gets properly working, it will be perfect for machine to machine IOT transactions. Not so good for human usage.
>railblocks is feeless
They'll have to have fees one way or another or else how are they making money? Oh yeah they leave with your cash and leave you internet money but it's fast RIGHT?
it doesn't need to replace bitcoin. Bitcoin is a store of value/gold. XRB will be the people's currency used to transfer wealth and conduct commerce. They will co-exist in this ecosystem
IOTA and XRB can both do p2p, only IOTA can do m2m. IOTA hasn't really proved it's tech but if the IOTA developers weren't retards, they would've killed RAI by now.
Both techs are going to be replaced by whatever DAG pay-pal decided to do. They aren't toying with RAI because they want to adobt it, they're toying with it because they want to steal the tech.
Bingo. Thing is with me, I have faith that the XRB team understands this. I think they're ironing out the kinks in the tech right now, and once they are 100% comfortable with the product, they'll go full force on adoption and marketing. Will they succeed? Who fucking knows. What I do know is that they have a value proposition that they are CURRENTLY delivering unlike other coins on the market right now that are just PROMISING.
I disagree with this here. If IOTA could potentially deliver XRB's value proposition. They aren't at the moment. If they do, XRB will be having some real competition. Which is why they need to be moving fast and capturing market share before it is too late.
>They'll have to have fees one way or another or else how are they making money?
Who are these 'they' that want to make money off of a cryptocurrency without miners?
>Venezuelan captcha miners
we're gonna need a story on this one
Check this plebbit thread:
xrb and iota supporters should die.
This is up there with one of the stupidest things I've ever read on the board, congratulations
>This is the problem with every cryptocurrency. Adoption is everything. Way to early to look for partnerships and merchants using Rai at the moment.
Partnerships wouldn't to shit for RAI though. The sole way for RAI to succeed is to be adopted by the majority of crypto holders and all the nerds doing conferences. Things like VEN, OMG, and shit, even TEL work with partners because they're actually changing how finance and banking works in the thrid world
RAI doesn't do that. It only does transactions and there is only one CURRENCY that's world wide. In the real world it's DOLLAH in crypto it would need to be RAI for RAI to obtain any form of value.
Maybe it'll happen, but you by that logic you might as well be buying lottery tickets.
>Bought 200 GTX 1070s last week
its safe to say i'll be hodling XRB while waiting for the time that iota delivers its empty promises. Still waiting and waiting..... think i've been waiting for a few months now
Reason why Rai was removed from Cryptopia:
It was mainly due to several different factors, but here are the main ones:
1) new users deposited very little XRB, lower than the required amount that was required for deposit. people were confused where their deposits went, this resulted with a ridiculous number of support tickets
2) angry people decided to give death threats to staff members when their $.02 of XRB didn't get deposited
I wouldn't write off IOTA yet, but yeah within the next month XRB is a way better hold. But if IOTA starts delivering this year it could be huge. I'm definitely going to have a position in it
Every crypto is worthless without adoption. Rai does definitely not need to be adopted by the majority of crypto holders to be worth something. You could say the exact same thing about Litecoin, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dogecoin, Monacoin, Bitcoin Gold, Vertcoin... as they are also ONLY currencies.
>In a PoS system, participants vote with a weight equivalent to the amount of wealth they possess in a given cryptocurrency.
wait, that can't be. that would mean that Official representatives which are under control of developers have 63.4% of all XRB...
i feel like the ship has sailed with iota. it's already a top 10 coin. I remember the day it mooned it was like under $2 in December on Binance and they had to disable withdrawals.. so much more room to grow with XRB
Knew something was fishy about this. Pumped way too fast. Way too many Reddit hive mind followers. Made a few posts on biz questioning all this to of course get bashed by it. Not surprised that the price tanked and people are questioning it.