you would have to limit what people buy because they would buy retarded shit and lose all their money also the free market would account for it and we would be in the same position
If everyone had enough there would not be slaves
Are those iranians or pajeets? I honestly can't tell.
sure, give everyone a million dollars per year everyone will be rich and you won't have massive inflation that destroys society nope won't happen
enjoy $50 dollar loafs of bread because that's what will happen
If you give everybody more money, prices will rise to an extent where they can buy as much as before.
Are those Indian Jews?
Those are human beings, deal with it.
Money? What's that? There is as much money as we want there to be. Are there enough actual resources though.. that's the question.
Germans!!! they are german you nazi scum
fuck off commie, we already import millions of shitskins and niggers into the west giving them housing, food and money, also paying development aid for years into every shithole, you have to accept shitholes are shitholes because of a reason, low iq and shit culture, you can go to venezuela or north korea to understand shit culture, and you now visit former bullhouse south africa now in ruins cause black are in lead
why would I work if I got a guaranteed minimum income from the gubmint that was enough to cover my very simple living standards
id rather just sit on my ass all day and shitpost on Veeky Forums oh wait
Im kind of getting fucked betting on the Rand getting devalued though. I wonder what the bank of SA is doing to boost its value
Everyone is issued welfare coins that are programmed to be only spendale on food and rent.
Pajeet detected.
What street did you shit in this morning Rajeesh ?
Dibs on center left
UBI is the ultimate strategy for the elites & owners of capital/production, to absolutely control the masses and keep them quiescent and neutered.
Pajeet Google yourself an unclaimed street to shit in
why don't we tie rescources for everyone to have?
How much BTC for a sweatshop worker like this?
Rolling for 1 or 4. Dubs = winner.
if it can buy a house at 4 million (standard price of a house)
reroll because nobody saw it
That's all you weak minded fools got eh? Sad, sad, sad.
I don't know how money works... is there a book on how there are x amount of resources and certain number of people and how do we match those? like a recommendation for a good book on how economy works or money (is made?)?
Most people who purport this idea are just too lazy to work. Guess what, someone does the work regardless. And they won’t be happy busting their ass while you sit on yours.
People require inequal amounts of different resources and there is no way to distribute them appropriately in a totalitarian system like that.
It works beautifully when people make their own decisions about how they manage resources, though.
To answer your original question, UBI would destroy the world economy because it would decrease production. Why work when you get money for nothing? People would stay unemployed and not contribute.
There is no central system deciding who gets what. There is only the relationship between supply and demand (except in communism etc). You have something I want, I have something you want. Let’s trade.
Of course finding someone who has exactly what you want and vice versa is hard so we create an item that is universally supplied and demanded: money.
>everyone gets a guaranteed income
>prices go up to match previous real wealth levels
good plan, what could possibly go wrong
The whole point of UBI is that automation is going to drastically reduce our need for humans to be productive. Obviously you don’t implement it until then. Otherwise what do you do, just kill off the unnecessaries?
>automation is going to drastically reduce our need for humans
This is the true clause of your statement, the rest is useless nonsense
ubi would be the best thing that could ever happen to crypto. middle class and rich people worldwide would be pouring their money into btc just to keep those delusional commies away
>Anecdotal non probable feels the argument.
Free market doesn't work for the most disadvantaged currently. There needs to be safety nets in place.
I'll vote for this issue every time l-o-l
>no arguments the thread
Why do righties and pol cuck incels prefer feels over reals
>drastically reduce our need for humans to be productive
i think you mean
>drastically reduce our need for humans
sure, hand ubi out to people who have currently lost their jobs, like truckers, but theres no reason for the next generation to get a cent.
left one is actually a qt
UBI = safety net?
It sounds like all-time never really at risk net to me.
You’ll vote because you want free money. You don’t really give a shit about “the disadvantaged”.
1 4 3 2
>People would stay unemployed and not contribute
fuck ton of scientific breakthroughs done on pure enthusiasm
Surely Daquan will get into biotech research. Examples are all around - welfare recipients are the most innovating group.
You can simulate a basic income for yourself without depending on government. I've already stacked enough money to live without having to work for the next 10 years, in my third world country.
UBI is about relocating existing money not printing new money. Also expanding money supply doesn't necessarily mean uncontrollable levels of inflation, see quantitative easing and its effect on prices.
UBI, if adopted by inefficient economies such as ours, would probably lead to a short term net positive effect and ultimately result in more income inequality, a more pronounced and defined economic underclass.
Short term, and with incomes guaranteed, societies, companies and governments would free themselves from needing to account for labour loss, full employment, etc. Automation, machine labour and similar ideas would gain greater footing. For example with eventual regulatory changes or simply because of labour loss due to many being fully contempt with a basic income, Mittelstand companies in Germany or car manufacturers like Renault would be free to fully robotize their production lines or at least reduce human involvement to a minimum.
Certain industries and sectors would be hit by part time employment, reduced work weeks, job hopping and an overall reduction in labour participation. These sectors would adapt and eventually come out on top, because lets face it, many industries do not actually require full labour participation and its really just there because of the full employment meme.
cont below
no one can win if no one can lose
Eventually, all of this would lead to much great economic efficiency. But, after the hype dies down in a couple of generations, dumbfucks will wake up to a world where capital is concentrated to a much greater extent than it is now, because greater economic efficiency will lead to ever higher rates of return and the rich will continue to grow rich. Equal opportunity idiots will suddenly realize that "free money =/= free IQ points" and that now even the entry level jobs are gone because the barrier to entry keeps rising higher and higher. Remember how petrol stations had an attendant? Usually a shitjob performed by unskilled labour, but a shitjob that could potentially lead to higher employment as a car mechanic for example. Well the same will happen to many other unskilled jobs, either outsourced (because a wage makes no sense since it would need to match UBI at least) or robotized away.
Dumbfucks will be left holding their marketing degrees, mongolian dance studies degrees, business administration degrees and so on. Exactly like a billion other dumbfucks with them, now free to pursue their dreams with no requirement to "slave away" at a regular job. Essentially they will be reduced to a new underclass. Not poor enough to starve, but incapable of moving up in this brave new world. Reduced to council housing, receiving UBI checks and just existing, while the world moves on with very little need to account for the undesirables.
Everyone must suffer because shitskins don't breed responsibly. Global communism for all.