Trading open
>tfw Cesstoid not worth even 0.1 ETH
Trading open
>tfw Cesstoid not worth even 0.1 ETH
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Buy my baggymons.
Not bad eekapes looking good price wise. I'll give it a few weeks before I sell mine.
weren't our eggs supposed to come this update? I don't see mine.
So, this project has it all except for players.
Smells like success
How is this any different from Ether tanks?
R u fking kiddin me, mate?
You think it is an ethertank ripoff?
the same way world of tanks isn't pokemon u dumb fuk
Why the fuck would I pay 0.3 ETH for a fucking drawing of a monster
You can train it and actually win money battling other mons. Its an investment in a way
they will introduce tournament next phase, this is lowkey beta model, new features that will incentivise players (imb4 making money) to play hasnt been introduced yet
People selling their mons for cheap are retards.
>selling before the marketing campaign
>renting out mons
>selling mons
>when there are like 10 people actually battling right now.
Seriously what is wrong with these retards.
You have to pay gas to offer these up. You're throwing money away right now by trying to rent these out right now.
>.01-1 eth for rental
Yeah people are gonna just rent these out for much cheaper later on. Good luck getting these ridiculous orders filled.
how so?
the eggs are going to reduce the price by like 300% when they all start hatching
this game is shit, buy ethercraft items instead, dungeon crawler where you can make eth
>trading opens
>market immediately becomes flooded with Veeky Forumsbros trying to drop their bags
lol, for real though are people buying the gen0's because I really want to drop my bags
I can't even open the marketplace, no clue
literally sold a cesstoid for .5
>MFW I didn't fell for ponzi
So impressed with the devs. Seriously would be shocked if this doesnt become a runaway success.
I bought a Vive for only .2 ETH! E z money
That's it. I want one of these nagees. I'm gonna invest 10 ETH in it.
Is that the best choice or should I buy a diloom? I'm really excited and dont know which to buy.
This will be good if the devs do at least a decent job, but Ethermon has its qualities too let's not hate.
EtherTanks got its idea from Etheremon's original model, which was literally a ponzi scheme. And now there's a whole fucking wave of ETH "games" that are nothing more than item shops with ponzis attached.
How is this any different? Because it removed the ponzi less than a week after it launched because it was being abused (before EtherTanks or any of the other clones were even an idea), introduced a few literally free mons and a lot of cheap ones, and then went on to introduce real gameplay: building castles, attacking other player's castles (with rewards such as the new Etheremon Token), training in gyms, and today trading and lending of mons between players. Best of all they rewarded guys who bought late (i.e. the ones who usually get screwed the most in this ponzi shit) with eggs depending on the ratio of returns they received, which will hatch into new copies of those now-uncatchable mons for the owner in the next update.
They've had the most active and consistent dev team of any Ethereum-based game aside from CryptoKitties, and they show no signs of stopping or slowing down. With trading out of the way, the only features left to implement are Transforming and Egg Laying, both of which are already feature-complete and their code is open source:
Once the devs have tested these features to their satisfaction, they will be deployed and "phase 1" of Etheremon will be considered complete. It is at this point that they plan to market the game on a large scale to international audiences, and they are more than capable of pulling it off considering that they earned hundreds of ETH from the initial sale thanks to the ponzi. During and after this marketing campaign, they will be starting "phase 2" of development which includes a competitive Tournament mode.
There isn't any game even remotely as complete and playable as this one is, and it's only a month old. I'm very confident in the future of this game.
Bamp. How do i sell my bags whats the strategy
You'll never make it. Taking advantage of market inefficiencies is by far the best way to make money in crypto. Hint: most recent listings are on top. Of you scroll down enough you will load them all on one page. Scope out your competition then undercut them. Take advantage of the visibility of being first and look at not only the prices of the specific thing you're selling, but also the ones that yours will be listed next to. When it drops past the loading threshold relist it. And look deep yourself to find the best deals to flip or hodl: remember to divide the price by (eggs + 1) to figure out the cost per unit when scoping your competition or looking for a good buy.
Shit. Wish I could play without needing $$$
Put up all your mons for 0.01 eth each and people will buy.
>TFW grinding real nigga hours on etheremon
>Ethercraft no working product
>Etheremon pretty much completed
>Ethercraft leaves ponzi open for its lifespan to jew as much money as possible, has 20 threads a day out of desperation, needs to show transactions of 'free' items to pretend it's popular outside of anyone in their circlejerk top-of-the-pyramid den
>Etheremon closes ponzi immediately and the dev says making it a ponzi was a mistake, only has threads whenever significant events happen, still has far more popularity
Kek, stick to your containment threads
Haha people are selling their mons at 1/3 the original price trying to undercut each other
It's the greatest feeling in the world picking up cheap mons, knowing that the insane marketing campaign, with Etheremon's war chest, in over 9 languages is coming
Just bought an Eekape with 2 eggs for 0.07 eth
LMAO SO DID IT! Catch 359!
so is this like those gay early 00's mafia text games with almost no gamplay?
yeah except this one costs 800 dollars
Nice, we’re both going to make it
He bought it for 0.07 eth, not 0.7. Meaning $80, with the value of over 3 ETH on it
We bought it on the new market for .07 eth ($80), what you see is the price they guy selling it bought it at .7 eth ($800).
Eh I see this dying and dwindling in price until ethereum switches over to POS instead of using POW
They got casper testnet up right now. Might be a few months until they fully switch to POS
So you mean the price will sky rocket even more when TX fees will be almost gone? Sounds good to me.
Yeah. All I'm saying is it's dumb to buy right now since there's definitely gonna be cheaper gen 0 up to the point when POS happens.
Dude its still in BETA...CHILL THE FUCK OUT
Ahaha good meme
really depends on how desperate people are, also since its new, more people will make mistakes (like selling mons with multiple eggs)
>Etheremon closes ponzi
elaborate on this. Last I heard it was straight ponzi + had a way for the devs to take all the money and run.
This. Once the features are really fleshed out and the marketing campaign begins there will be a flood of new people coming in.
You don't earn money from mons anymore, he removed those issues almost 2 months ago.
>good meme
Just look at eekape. They're selling them at 1/10 what they bought them at. On the first day the market opened up. Look at the rest of the market place. Same prices happening trying to offload bags but no one is touching them.
The ones who did make a profit by being first on the ponzi will be selling them even cheaper as the weeks go by. This game just isn't sustainable on the current ethereum network.
Only a couple of rich fags are playing right now and a tiny few who already have all the mons they wanted to buy bags off some poor sucker.
>tiny few who already have all the mons they wanted won't need to buy the bags off some poor sucker
Fuck I paid retail on this bitch
only gained .3 eth back from the ponzi youre saying its only worth fucking .7 eth?
and on theoff chance they do think this game has a future they'll just wait until the prices keep plummeting.
They're not gonna scoop these up right now cause they know it has further to fall.
For how much and when should I sell these shits.
Within the first week (more like the first three days), the devs removed the pyramid aspect of the game, so no one was getting dividends anymore. People who didn't manage to make dividends got eggs for copies of the mon they bought (and Gen 0 mons, the ones with pyramid aspects, can't breed/make more/whatever), so it made up for the price. Basically, people who didn't make more money than they spent got extra mons to sell/do whatever with to make up for it.
The part about devs taking whatever they want is completely removed, and was removed asap. They originally had it that way to take care of an issue that they elaborated on and it was pretty sound reasoning. In the end they paid some eth bounties out and worked the kinks out so they can't touch anyone's mons, wallets, etc, anymore
I bought one with 2 eggs for .07 eth lmao. I bought mine at .4 eth though (made back my money tho)
0.01 - 0.02 eth so I can pick them up as I'm running low on money
.07 I mean
This thing was cute before then devs had to change because reddit
gonna rename it bag of trash before i put it for sale
The devs never changed Eekape, what are you on?
I would wait with those bags for a while if I were you, the market is really saturated right now and there aren't too many buyers as is. No point in cementing any losses.
Nigger I bought this myself.
The artist started a shitstorm saying the devs stole art.
It's true, but that's why it's literally a bag of shit now.
neat, I'll check it out again.
I can't even sell my gen0 for 0.1, help me Veeky Forums !!!
You're fucking retarded. The artist gave permission for his art to be used and is currently working with the Etheremon devs. They never changed any of the art. They changed Camo to Mizumi, but that was a completely different mon, not just an art change. That's literally the only change they made.
whatsup Veeky Forumstards. How much should I sell these for?
People are selling for cheaper to dump them. Give it a week and people will be buying your shit for 0.3. Give it a month when the marketing campaign has started/gone through and they'll be selling for over 1 eth each, minimum
>had a way for the devs to take all the money and run.
There were two problems in that regard. First of all, the devs had the ability to "withdraw" all the Ether in the contract to anyone they wanted. Secondly, they explicitly left a suicide function in there to destroy itself and send the funds to a given address.
The reasoning for this was that the game was still an alpha and they needed a way to upgrade the contract. Since it was still a ponzi back then some of the money in the contract was actually Ether waiting to be cashed out by the players, so they needed to be able to move that to the new contract if there were any serious bugs (like if there were a bug for someone ELSE to deplete the contracts ETH, in which case the devs would need to do it before any attackers could). But the response to the existence of these function was so overwhelmingly negative that they immediately drafted new contracts with three key differences:
1. The withdraw function added logic so that only profits could be withdrawn, not any user balances.
2. The suicide function was removed entirely.
3. The ability to catch the original mons that generated ponzi-style returns (now called "Gen 0" mons) was removed entirely, turning them into extremely rare mons that were only available to early adopters. They even compensated people who bought last by giving them eggs that hatch into extra copies of those mons proportional to the % of returns they missed out on. This actually upset a lot of people higher on the pyramid (who already made their profits thanks to everyone else) since it was speculated that the eggs would be more valuable than their returns.
New mons were then introduced with no returns at all, and returns as a feature are effectively deprecated: even if the devs tried to add mons with returns, the new contract would not allow it. The only reason there is any "user balances" anymore is because some people for whatever reason still haven't cashed out from before.
Don't let your Quillster or Windora go for less than 50 ETH
The other ones are garbage
Whatever. They were eggs to begin with
Eekape just happened to be a bag of shit.
No, they were normal monsters to begin with, with their current appearances. They were made into eggs after the fact when the artist had an issue, and then they switched back to the original appearance after when the devs worked with the artist
FUCK YES! Got a Quillster +1 egg for only .5 eth!!! Thats half of its original price and I got 2 of them LMAO
Please buy my Vibe and Burrball with 2 eggs for 0.25 ETH each. They're going to take my kneecaps if I can't pay up.
>kneecaps are only worth .50 ETH
I'm fucking 5'5, mine aren't that valuable
I would have bought your Vibe if I hadn't already bought one earlier :(
Last mon I dont have is Swifty.
!'ll give you 0.6 but I need the answer now, or I'm out.
Yeah, that's good with me. They're both up on the market.
That's my plan. :)
Gonna get a monopoly on at least one kind of gen 0 mon and then sell them one by one for much more than I paid. Or maybe I'll rent one of them out at a high rate or something
Catch 141 and 270 respectively. I'll be able to keep walking thanks to you.
I was referring to your kneecaps, and for that reason, I'm out.
>there are people who think a shitty clone of pokemon based on Ethereum will be popular someday
I have a fucking eekape and I'll hold it on the .00001% chance the game goes somewhere in the future and I can sell for more than market price now. Beyond that I'm confident as I have been since day 1 that this game will fade into obscurity, because it's nothing but a shitty, clunky, overpriced bad clone of pokemon.
People think it's just going to fly because "the game is decentralized" and based on ETH? THE GAME ISN'T REMOTELY FUN OR INTERESTING
O-ok. Well, I'm sure you'll make better use of that ETH than I will.
>Crypto Kitties didn't do well despite it being a shitty clone of Neopets, based on Ethereum and targeting solely crazy cat people
There are people who play the shittiest most obscure card and mobile games out there that pay thousands. Why is Etheremon any different?
Atleast play a legit and original game, World of Ether.
>mfw undercutting people by as much as 50% and I'm still going to cash out with thousands in profit
fuck this shitty game
World of Ether won't be a game for 8 weeks, and until then it's literally just egg-buying simulator. By the time World of Ether is out, people here would have made heavy dosh, the game will be fully fleshed out, and the marketing campaigns would have already started.
A lot of people into Etheremon have already picked up WoE eggs, but that doesn't mean they can do anything with the eggs for two months.
Nice. I'll take my chances though since I can afford to wait.
Fuck some amazing deals, remember cunts you can lease these fuckers to gambling neets for passive income
EZ fucking games lads. I now have a complete collection and can evolve any monster. Now the plebs will have the barrow my mons to evolve.
should i sell my cesstoid now? what would itbe worth in a couple months?
Wait, obviously the market is flooded with people trying to unload.
Legends are required to evolve mons.
Cesstoid is required in these two:
I'm selling a Vibe with 2 eggs for 0.3 if anyone would like to buy. 3 mons for the price of 1 dawg.
I saw, really good deal. I'd buy but I already got a complete collection and want to wait and see what happens.
Heres a tip on battling though: Using multiple of the same gason doesnt multiply the bonus (ie 1 gason mon has the same effect as 3 of the same gason mon)
catch #1s.... this is the dev. Lynch him.
>being this ecstatic to buy a $500 picture of a porcupine