How's your sleeping pattern Veeky Forums?

How's your sleeping pattern Veeky Forums?

I tend to wake up every day


Fucked up ever since I started with this crypto shit.


5am to 2pm. Total cancer.

I don't sleep well anymore because of crypto

Fucking horrible, I stay up late watching charts and browsing Veeky Forumsand sleep about 4-5 hours.

Midnight to 7am every day. Sometimes it becomes 3am to 8am.
Used to be me trading with china all day in august. Well worth it

there is no pattern to this madness.

I even dream about bitcoin. Oh so subtly introduced as a payment method or a hardwallet instead of a real one.

Thats the time I have to work this week
I hope I find a new job soon. I fucking loath working shift.
I want my flexible work time back.

I work in a restaurant from like 4-12 usually so part of it has to do with that. I try to come home and sleep right away but it never works because I’m obsessed with my crypto.

I sleep for 3-5 hours at night, then do 2-3 naps for 20-50 min during the day. I am going to die in 5 years.



Considering moving abroad just to fix this but I don't want to live in America and need good internet

it gets 1 hour later every day.

4am to 12pm right now. is going to be 5am to 1pm tommorow

read biz till 2am, kids wake me up at 5am, first check biz then make them breakfast

I've been sleeping like shit these last days, between 4-5 hours. I didn't have my meds for 3 days so it made the situation worst.

Do you guys really believe that small bag Americans or any small bags in particular are controlling this market movement? Or is this a meme?

> Vaporise some weed at about 22:30 and go to sleep and take some ZMA
> Woken up at 07:00 by pic related feeling fresh as a daisy
> Over winter use an air heater on timer to warm up the air of the house prior to me being woken

Remember anons: No TV, computer, or phones in your bedroom.

i follow cryptos and take adderall so naturally i sleep like a baby every single day ahahahahahahahaha kill me

Man, if I was my own adult with rooms, that'd be a good plan.


not good

Getting into crypto has cut off at least 1 hour of sleep per night since I started

I sleep at 5.30am and wake up at 14.30. Wish I could say I was joking.
It's not because of crypto though. It's already fucked up for more than 5 years,

Can I go to sleep now? Been awake 50 hours and this recent event is draining my sanity.

Any dutch late sleepers here?

mine varies more widly but high5 for being a fellow distorted bioclocker

Great. The misery of others sustains me.