Hi Veeky Forums
I am applying to a bunch of REUs for this summer and am struggling on the diversity question.
How will you contribute to diversity in the field of science?
I am a straight white male so I don't know how to answer this question. Help
Hi Veeky Forums
I am applying to a bunch of REUs for this summer and am struggling on the diversity question.
How will you contribute to diversity in the field of science?
I am a straight white male so I don't know how to answer this question. Help
i understand that i have a narrow world view so i will go out of my way to listen to and embrace the opinions experiences of the lesser human beings
Wait a minute do they actually ask that in burgerland?
Just pretend you're a retarded tumblrite
Say you identify as a lesbian female or something like chris chan
here is the actual question
I embrace total Diversity. My wife is doing what is made for. Nurturing kids. Im working. What a fucking diverse family.
Oh wait thats the only place where "Diversity" is bad. In every workplace WE need some low IQ niggers or rapefugees to virtual signal properly. I mean why not? White Beta males are cucks and slaves anyway.
If any any point you unironically attend university in the US you must leave this board and stay on Reddit (you’re containment area)
what major are you going for?
Say that you've learned the importance of the lessons imparted from being wrong. Entertaining ideas that aren't your own, evolving on issues with new data, etc etc. This feeds directly into a core pillar of science and indirectly addresses open-mindedness when it comes to diversity.
Geology. Sorry if that triggers you guys, but I really enjoy it.
Just say "fuck drumpf and fuck white people" and they'll think you're a genius.
I mean just look at that kid who got accepted for only writing down black lives matter.
just say youre gay
they literally cannot prove otherwise unless you admit to it
Why? Do you want to work in o&g/mineral resource fields?
Tell them that you will help raise the IQ of niggers so that they do not commit so many crimes
Either biostratigraphy or carbonate petrology.
I fucking kek'd as well. Holy shit.
try something about being as conscious as possible of any biases or prejudices you have and treating people based on their merits, that being fair is the right thing both morally and for the success of the industry and the world
serously this
just write "all white people need to die" and they will roll out the red carpet for you
straight white male is the new 20th century black enjoy getting cucked
Fuck, that question is so offensive. Just shit all over all these past scientists who actually accomplished something. Guess they weren't "diverse" enough to be creative. Apply to a better program?
But what if I'm ironically attending university?
just say youre FtM trans
Sounds gay. Find another program.
Posts like this make me realise what an utter brainlet I am... Fuck...
Congrats on actually doing something with your life.
I like the "fuck drumpf and fuck white people" idea. But you must write it hundreds of times on the page. Do not just write it once. If you do it hundreds of times it seems powerful.
im pretty sure all geologists live in a trailer in the middle of the desert, have people bang on their door at 2am, show them a core sample and then say "try 500m deeper"
Just write "BLACK LIVES MATTER" 100 times.
my sister and brother in law are both geologists. They just bought a house after 1 year of full time work. They live in Houston and work at NASA and Hess respectively.
>natural history
KEK, stop wasting your money
There's only a few of them that are specifically targeted to "underrepresented" students. Just get over it and apply to the ones that aren't.
>doesn't know how to answer this question
>thinks "diversity" is related to his race
>stop wasting your money
It's an REU. I'd be getting paid like 5000 over 10 weeks and getting valuable research experience.
Wow a whole $5000 over 10 weeks? I made more than that this weekend on crypto. You aren't even studying a real science. Enjoy serving coffee for the rest of your life.
To each there own my friend. Congrats on the crypto gains!
It might actually work to just admit that you're a straight white male who has had no exposure to diversity and are looking for a chance to gain exposure and challenge your preconceived notions
Wouldn't a white male be a minority in most grad programs? It's mostly pajeets and chinks now.
Alright I'll tell you what the question is asking.
It's asking how open minded you are and how diverse your interest in science is.
I bring diversity to the field of science through my interest in a broad range of subgenres of science. I enjoy AI, autonomous tech, etc. I do not stick to one subject, I am always adapting to the ever changing science landscape.
Or some shit like that.
Do not think it's about race, because it's not. They will think you're a dumbfuck for being like "uuuhhh diversity? You mean like race?"
thanks user, you saved me from looking like a retard