Mfw being comfy and posting from bed in my warm...

>mfw being comfy and posting from bed in my warm, heated room while it snows outside while the wakecucks prepare for yet another exhausting, draining day at work being yelled at by their boss and bullied by their coworkers
>no job, no responsibilities, no stress, no roastie gf to cause drama and steal my money
>can sleep all I want, play vidya all I want whenever I want, work out, go for walks, learn Japanese etc.

Being a NEET feels so fucking good it should be illegal. Thank god for shitcoins or I’d have to resort to becoming a wagecuck myself and I’d rather die than do that. Fellow NEETs, let us take a moment and pay our respects to all the wagecucks and failed normies on this board.


Post bedroom

its sunday cuccboi.

>What is timezones


Sure is good.


I'm jealous. I'm a normie-lite right now.
>have to finish homework and study for my classes next week
>have to prepare for some extracurricular club activities
>have a date with a girl from Tinder later today
>need to take a shower, brush my teeth, etc
>need to go to the gym tomorrow, so I need to eat healthy today and head to bed early
I can't even play video games anymore because I feel like shit playing them.

Any good online resources for learning Japanese?

I've got some free time that I'd like to fill with something fun and wanted to learn a new language for quite some time.

Check out the DJT on /jp/ or /int/ if you’re a normie

FUCK YOU, YOU CUNT Iv gotta be up at 5am for work, Iv got mid 6 figures in crypto and am so close to making it I’m losing my fucking mind! I need it to 2.5x so I can quit this incessant rat race

you're full-on normie, there's nothing lite about it.

why have you not quit already?

sounds like a shitty life user

>I smoke weed and play vidya all day
>find gems and hold 3 months
>cash out 6 figures after waiting patiently
>live a perfect neet life, no stress
>deliver food all day
> get hooker once or twice a week

Once i get some big money ill start traveling around.

Sorry if ur a normie or wagecuck, that must suck.

You could quit right now, should take less than a year to get 2.5x assuming you invested in solid coins. Just minimize your living expenses for a while

I hear you op, feeling pretty comfy too. Hope you took your bi weekly dose of LSD today to make sure those good vibes become stamped in your brain tissue

6 figures isn’t enough, Iv got my own place to pay off and only want to be semi NEET.

I made enough gains to join you in eternal neetdom.
Its so crazy I still cant really fathom it.

But I wont use it sitting at home. I will travel and see the world.
Thanks normie december bullrun

I’m a bit too sensible in the sense that I don’t want to supplement my lifestyle by spending my crypto until I have a larger stack. It gets scarier the more you have

Nice one bro.

I'm too poor for that so I'm training to be a teacher.

Takes no skill, no effort and kids do all the work for you.

Sounds good. It’s what I’d probably end up doing if crypto didn’t exist. I might end up doing it anyway if I get bored of this lifestyle.

wagecucks are not even humans
they are brainwashed since the earliest days of their lives that
>hurr hard work user, everyone needs to work hard durr
fucking slaves give away 8-10 hours of their pathetic lives everyday so that mr Noseberg can buy a new yacht. And their coping mechanism
>hurr I'm contributing to the society
>durr I'm too ambitious to be a neet
you got no choice wagecucks, that's the harsh thruth

God bless every NEET on this board, and let's spit on the wagecucks while they fight the traffic everyday to get to a place they hate with passion.

Thanks, I'll check it out.

The hard work meme is absolutely true if you work for yourself.
Using 100% of your time to realize your own ideas is very fulfilling (and females love it)

Im collecting neetbucks also


if you work for yourself doing what you like that's great, but how many people can say that about themselves? 1-2%?
Not every hobby can be monetized tho, actually most of them cost you money, not make it

Im about to stop waging and start something online in my field of expertise while travelling.

Crypto changed my entire life. Im not sure if I will be able to rightfully call myself neet when Im self-employed

oh and had my own business in the past so I know the feel

I can be wrong in what I will say.

Cryptocurrency can support this lifestyle if you make enough money.

And for anyone who truly love gambling or investements. This is paradise on earth.

The downside can be that you have to work. On yourself. And you're all by yourself. Some people need guidance or they dont do anything at all.

At some point you will realie the difference between wagecuck and being of benefit to society op.

Being a rich neet is just as pathetic as being a poor one. especially if you have never worked a job before. You wont have developed essential basic skills people acquire through work. you will fast become some strange, at bet eccentric outcast. you will struggle even more to relate to people. You wont relate to the average person, and you wont relate to the rich old money either. you will be an outcast with money.

Dont get too comfy. You may be lucky to have stumbled upon this gem of crypto right now, but contnue your old habits and you wont be happy. You are just as much as a cuck as a wagecuck if you are unwilling to make yourself uncomfortable. pushing your limits and expand yourself through at worst adversity, or just going out your comfort zone. but you wont lave that comfort bubble. you wont make it.

>The downside can be that you have to work. On yourself. And you're all by yourself. Some people need guidance or they dont do anything at all.

That makes it so great. Because cucks without drive and some self discipline can not get into crypto early. At least not with a big stake.
That means if the greatest wealth-transfer of all times memes are true, all that wealth will flow to a certain kind of person.

Typical wagecuck cope. I was already an outcast and unable to relate to people before, which is not to say I evet had trouble functioning in society (graduated from one of the top universities in my country). I just hated having to suck up to people and be fake all the time to normt upset brainlets like you. I knew it would be 10 times as bad at any wagecuck working environment so I chose not to do it.

>You wont have developed essential basic skills people acquire through work. you will fast become some strange, at bet eccentric outcast. you will struggle even more to relate to people. You wont relate to the average person, and you wont relate to the rich old money either. you will be an outcast with money.
Been working for 6 years and all work has done to me is made me hate myself and kill all my passion. I used to be pretty productive person before too. All you get from work is wondering everyday "How the fuck does what I do have any value to society at all" and keep up with the bullshit office drama and people wanting to talk about stupid things.

>Dont get too comfy. You may be lucky to have stumbled upon this gem of crypto right now, but contnue your old habits and you wont be happy. You are just as much as a cuck as a wagecuck if you are unwilling to make yourself uncomfortable. pushing your limits and expand yourself through at worst adversity, or just going out your comfort zone. but you wont lave that comfort bubble. you wont make it.

That's some serious C O P I N G right there
>hurr leave your comfort zone
>durr put yourself in difficult situations

90% of global population is fightng this battle everyday, now tell me how happy they are huh?
being obsenely rich may not make you happy but you sure as hell won't be happy when you have to think about money you don't have, all the time, to pay the bills, support family etc.

so much wagie cope ITT

he thinks life is some fucking game that needs to be played in the hardest mode kek

all you "ambitious wagucks"
why won't you go to freaking Uganda or lets say even Ukraine and work there?
that would be a hell of a challenge, leaving your comfort zone, pushing your limits etc

holy fuck, the delusion of wagecucks is beyon the delusion of the salties nocoiners.

I'd recommend it bro.

I don't want to do it because I give a fuck what anybody thinks of me I do it because it feels more rewarding than regular wagecucking.

You can use your job as an excuse to travel the world too. Eventualy you'll feel empty just fucking around with lots of money not doing anything productive.
That's why billionaires end up doing all sorts of random charity shit.

still a wagecuck, investing what I can into the coins that seem good, is there a better way? just yolo invest in the troll coins like turtl, bitbean, and picklericks? invest in "gems" like ICX and VEN? reeeee I WANT TO PLAY VIDYA ALL DAY TOO

No, you just dont get it. Working for a period of time at the very least is necessary to foster those experiences and skills. if you have done that its fine. im talkinga bout these 19 year old NEETs on ehre who think they can sit comf if they make it with crypto.

Being a rich NEET at home all day playing vidyas is still pathetic. I know plenty of this kind and nobody respects them. they arent all that happy either. the only connections they can foster is through money.

there is no reason to wage cuck all your life if you made it with crypto. but working is fulfillment. work for yourself if you need to. working with others is key. its taking part in society. If you havent grown up as old money, you wont integrate with them. its simple. if you become a rich NEET, you wont relate to people in your social class either. you will become a cuck.

Being too scared to leave their bubble, thats why most of them are in their current position in the first place.

You've done enough then. presumably. I dont know the extent to what you worked but you've been through and experienced that part of life. you can always draw on that experience and relate in capacity now. No worries there.

im talking mostly to 19 year old NEETs who never worked.

You are literally retard if you think every NEET is unproductive piece of shit.

>live a life with nothing to show for it
>wasting your years in a virtual world because life is scary
>actually makes fun of people for having lives

Who cares as long as he's financially independent. Do you think wagecucks are any happier with their generic lives?

I'm glad I don't have to wageslave for sometime and hopefully I can atleast extend this a couple of years with good gains, but to not work at all gets boring really quick. I'd rather gain the finances to start my own business and express my creativity than to do nothing at all and stay in all day playing videogames.


NEETs will never realize that you always have to work for something in life otherwise you can never have a respectable woman by your side. women only respect men who are constantly moving upward. you don't have to work for someone else, but you have to do something on the daily that shows progress.

You’re projecting your stereotyped negative image of a neet onto other people because society has programmed you to do so as a coping mechanism to deal with having to wagecuck. Free your mind. I agree though that most people should try working just to experience how shit it is firsthand.

noone will spend his entire life playing video games, even the hardest addict will get bored of it
And having money together with not being a wagecuck enables you to try a different hobby everyday. Noone is stopping you from interacting with firends/family either.
Stop projecting your Tony RObbins type of BS.
>hurr leave your comfort zone
people in freaking Ukraine/Palestine are out of their comfort zone 24/7, that must make them happy and fulfilled as hell

You’re not only a wagecuck but an actual cuck. Impressive.
Or maybe a roastie in disguise, who knows.

>caring what women respect

You're a born wagecuck lmao

you should aspire to live your life the way you want.
If it makes you happy to chase bitchy stacies, go for it
If someone doesn't want to act like someone else just to get another person to like him, that absolutely normal.

the dream of ever reaching a life like yours is the only reason I haven't killed myself yet

Sureeee what ever you say OP
You know deep inside you feel like an unfulfilled piece of shit that larps all day. This I am 100% positive on.

Know how i know? It is human psychology, i've been there my self. Every person needs social interactions, love, financial success, productivity etc to be feeling 'well' or 'good'.

If you wake up 2pm every day, never had a job, home day to night, jack off to porn all day then you are fucked. You will NEVER be happy and never feel accomplished.

Prove me wrong you fat smelly virgin, i repeat I am not a salty wagecuck i only work once a week. I have been a full NEET before, it is HORRIBLE. The worst depression i have ever fucking had, i would rather be a wagecuck ANY day of the week because at least i make some honest bucks and come home at night feeling like i did something positive.

Prove me wrong

Most are though. thats why so many on here post crying about "tfw no gf" and shit.

And the productive ones still have this awkward interaction with people where they cannot relate on a lot of things due to no experience with it. something central to fostering human relationships is shared feelings and relating. some neet who never had a job is gonna struggle there with quite a few people. cant relate to basic every day things.

I lose respect when i meet people who never worked. I know they cant relate to me on a lot of things. i view them as a but childish still. If they have worked at some point in their life and made it, that is completely different. they have the experience to relate, its really nbd.

because you're an idiot, that's why you were miserable.

There is tons of different activities to fill your day 10x if you're not a retard.

>hurr rich neet = a miserable lay slob who sleeps/plays games all day
keep coping, lmao

You’re a genuine beta, that’s the problem. There’s plenty of people like you who are unable to feel happiness without constant validation from others and from society, in fact that’s by far the most common type of person there is! You’re too weak willed to allow yourself to follow your own path and be free. That’s fine, society would collapse without useful drones like you. But you need to understand that not everyone is like you.

Take us through your day today. What was accomplished?

negative. i don't have to work a day in my life. i'm a handsome 27-year-old fresh out of grad school, and i've never had a full-time job. i have two houses and a million in stocks waiting for me.

i only want to date women with a STEM graduate degree, and it's quite apparent that to date a respectable woman, you need to be respectable yourself, ie moving upward in life.

i honestly feel sorry for you perpetually angry biztards that are both poor and ugly.


You really miss the bigger picture. Maybe autism prevents you computing it. We are humans, and we are happy when we are fulfilled, surviving well, and when we have strong connections with others.

Yes, the goal isnt wagecuck. but its fucking pathetic seeing 19 year olds on here saying they will never work or be a wagecuck. lol. they basically will never develop some essential skills and gain essential experiences to help foster relationships in the future. They should work for 5-10 years even if they are millionaires just for that. Its invaluable.

Old money can get away with it because they all itneract with each other and its been that way for centuries. New moeny neet isnt going to relate to them at all. and new money neet who never worked wont relate to people in his on social caste either.

No matter how much fun you have with vidya or your hobby, life will be missing an essential competent.

all the low test men with no drive and abition all use extreme examples with the "comfrot zone" idea. it seems to sting to bad. you are unwilling to promote growth in yourself trough working hard for it, even if that;s in your own hobies. that means practicing your craft everyday even whe nyou RELALY dont fucking want to. becase by doing taht you wil become great at it.

that means pushing yourself to experience thigns that scare you (in your case probably talk to a woman) to grow. how fucking low test faggot must you be to miss that point

eac hp ost is more. degraded than hte laast one

and why do you need to know my exact day plan? lmao
everyone has different hobbies, fishing, reading books, riding a motorcycle, meeting with firends/family, trading crypto, training your dog, whatever, find something that interests you

just because you're a fucking zombie who doesn't know any life different than slaving away 8-10hours a day, sleep depraved at that, doesn't mean that such life doesn't exist.
Like I said there is enough activities/interests in the world to fill your 20 life times, but you only know the life of wagecucking, and got brainwashed enough to think that everyone who doesn't work is a depressed neet, lol

but like this user says, wagecucks like you are needed in this world, if everyone tried to be like NEETS, this freaking house of cards would collaps, kek, keep wageslaving, someone has to do it in order for others to be free from it

on phone faggot, none of you are worth proof reading and editing for

You can only be respectable man after you've taken dick in your ass. Have you ever experienced that? No? I see, you are still a child and so out of the loop what is happening in the world right now. You see, human is a simple creature that gets sense of fulfillment only from getting dick pushed deep into his ass.

bet there were plenty of fags like you that thought they were hot shit in 1999. have fun committing suicide when the bubble pops user

>have good paying job I enjoy with ez hours, am able to trade during the day
>make mad gains with crypto
>laugh at loser neets who think earning $200 a week is making it

and why do you feel like the only way to interact with other people is through fucking work? Being a wagecuck can only teach you how to be a good wagecuck. That's it.
>hurr interacting with people, working together
Tonny Robbins, pleas leave this board

holy fuck, your coping mechanism is beyond anything.

I wasn't unhappy because i didn't have validation from others. I didn't have validation from my self, my core. Trust me on this, i'm not here to make you feel like shit for no reason like many people here. I know about this, and it isn't just for me. Not everyone is like me, but this applies to everyone as a human. I have done research on this.

I was a NEET for many years, it was the worst depression of my fucking life. Even if i woke up, went hiking, took care of things, tried to be productive i still felt shitty... although less shitty than doing nothing.

You can't stay home all day 'comfy' trading crypto, and expect to be happy for ever. If you aren't in school or working or working towards something higher you will always feel like a loser. Being a Veeky Forums NEET is not the life to chase, sure if you just quit your job and you are a NEET for a while. It can be a blast, feels great to have no responsibilities for a while. But it's only a matter of time where you will feel soulless and useless and want more from life.

not about being a wagecuck its about experiences. they broaden you and let you have a complete picture and gain perspective. They allow you to relate to people. You dont need to work 40 years and wagecuck to relate to 99% of people in western society on everyday stuff, but you do need to have done it for at least a couple years to gain that.
you talk like someone who has worked and thus experienced it. could be wrong though(probably why you disagree so much). so its no big deal. talking mostly about the 19 year old neets on here who never want to work ever. they are robbing themselves of an experience and un purchasable level of perspective. Even if they only do it for a short time.

neet all my life since dropping out of highschool
got a 10/10 18 years old woman who loves me and who I love just as deeply
fulfilled and happy
only problem is immigrants swarming my formerly peaceful town, but i'm going to emigrate myself so who cares
your intelligence is limited so you need society to provide you with challenges
i was born with genius level iq and could spend my life practicing the piano and finding new insights about it
we're all memeing here and yet i'm sure fellow neets by choice fall on the higher spectrum of intelligence as well
you're right in that neetdom breaks average people
with an empty mind comes the need for outward stimulation
likewise, you will need to cope this as a larp
it's ok
sincerely and without condescension, i wish you a good life, user

>good job
>easy hours

Lmao, the cope is real

I only asked what you did today. You seem to give all these coulds and mights but not what you’re actually doing.

Your assumptions about me are incorrect but thanks for the insight into your frame of mind.

Dont bother dude these people are too far gone and they lack the self awareness to see it from inside the situation
Its like trying to tell a heroin addict that they have a drug problem and it's fucking their lives

You didn’t have validation from yourself because you’re a fucking beta, as I said. You’re literally incapable of imagining someone who can have self-respect and that’s a little sad. Just like a worket ant can never be a queen, so will you never rise above being a wagecuck.

Yeah the cope is real, loser neets trying to cope with being complete and utter failures with no hope in life
Keep gambling your chump change on yobit moon missions... it's the only chance you'll have at succeeding in life bro

Funny that you say that, my depression was so bad from being a fucking useless NEET that i went on to do drugs such as Heroin....

Once i started doing shit with my life, school, friends, work i didn't feel the need for dope or drugs anymore. Funny how that works right?

Anyways you're right, they are far gone. You cannot bring someone out addiction if they aren't ready, they will not hear a word you are saying.

This applies to this lifestyle.

Not an argument bro
Better get those kneepads ready, Mr. Shekelberg is getting impatient

ITT: Wagecucks trying to convince neets that you cannot be happy not beng a wagecuck

Holy fuck this is the best thread of 2018 by far

Non argument
A nigger working at mcdonalds contributes more to society than you. How does that feel? Try cope with that...

You can just imagine it:

>group of people at a bar, shooting the shit. OP is with them"
>"ah, you know when you're working towards a deadline, finish it ages ago and just fuck around for day and your boss thanks you for working so hard today to do it? that happened today, so funny right OP
>Op sits there awkwardly "yeh"
> or when you were working for two weeks, get a bit of time off and put your feet up, aint taht the best feeling ever!
>Op sits there unable to relate. "yeh".

This only shows that you are person who can't be left to live his own life. You are using your workaholic tendencies to keep your mentally ill side on check.

like we give a fuck about contributing to the society, keep dreaming.

Actually when I go to buy something I create demand for it, creating jobs etc, so I contribute more than that nigger even tho I couldn't care less about it.

Mate nobody here is a wagecuck anymore you're wasting your time.

ITT: NEETs who were severely depressed a few months ago now trying to convince us they’re happy being useless

Don’t think I forgot all those fucking posts, every single day, people complaining about their NEET lifestyles until they got the hope it could work with crypto.
You hate wagecucks because you fear you’ll need to actually work someday and can’t sit around eating chocolate and playing vidya.

Admit that shit. Crypto is literally the only ticket to lifelong NEETdom.

So you're a worthless parasite and take pride in being inferior to a nigger
Nice cope indeed

you just find people to interact with who are not life depraved zombies

If someone is a wagecuck and the only thing he can talk about is how was his wagecucking last day I have bad news for your. Really Sad!

All these fags are the kind that cannot comprehend why people like bill gates, Steve jobs or others continued to work hard long after making it. long after the point they could retire forever. They lack drive and ambition.

how am I a worthless parasite?
I earned my money by myself, noone gave it to me for free. Am I inferior because I have more interesting things to do than wagecucking? lmao

oh you will. but over time, seeing as 99% of people have these experiences, it will chip away at you. each time the conversation eventually turns that way for a time.

I lose respect when i learn people have never worked and just been a rich vidya chocolate chip eating neet. they seem perpetually infantile

Running a business you love and being a wagecuck for sheckles is a completely different thing.


they think it's the same, and by being wagecucks till they die they act like Bill Gates or Jobs, lmao

Are these fat previously depressed neets going to do that? Dont think so mate.

Even those people in my example worked a job for a small amount of time to gain valuable perspective and insight along with purchasable experience before they could move onto that level.

“Here lies user. He had a bedroom”
Clearly supreme to actual achievement

You'll always be a half-asssed person tho, leading a half-assed life. If you're never pushed beyond your limits, you will never know what you're capable of.

Hooray for mediocrity.

Crypto is a lot of work though if you want to make it, unless you are a holder only since pre-2013

I cannot speak for every neet from the past lol but most of them were probably living in their moms basements ready to be kicked out any day and forced to work, of course you cannot be happy with that pressure on your neck

but when you make it, and know you don't have to work a single day in your life, the only depressed ones can be wagecucks

Nothing in his post tells us he's not pushing his limits though. In fact, he discusses using his abundant free time to develop new skills, like learning the Japanese language. It seems NEETdom can actually enable self-improvement by granting the time necessary to pursue mastery in new skills.

>94 replies
>39 posters
Wew. Wagie's are fucking stupid though and it's insane how they just accepted and live a life of mediocrity. My cousin is a 24 year old man that still lives with his parents. I keep telling that idiot to invest his paychecks into crypto but his fucking mom holds all of his money for him. It's mind-boggling. Being finanicially independent should be the goal. Instead of worrying about making Shlomo Mcshekelstein more money for his yacht, we should bettering ourselves and living our lives to our fullest. That's the way I see it anyway, and I will make this come into fruition.