>tfw constantly bullied by coworkers
Tfw constantly bullied by coworkers
give us an example
>too shy to talk to anyone at work
>always have to eat alone at lunch
>take my lunch from the breakroom fridge and throw it in the garbage
>dump work on me
>spread rumors about be me to other coworkers
>never help me on projects even though I always help them
they sound like assholes
Did you speak with anyone at your workplace about it? Are you looking for another job?
Where do I buy this coin?
feel for you op
join this group on discord
we wont bully you
Snitch to HR
when my coins moon and i'm peeling out of the wendy's parking lot in my lambo in front of all of them then they're going to wish they had been nice to me...
get a new job, start lifting
you're a bad person
this sounds rough OP but you really just gotta grow some fucking balls and tell them to cut the shit. dont be a doormat for other people because they WILL treat you like shit if you just take it like a bitch
>working in 2018
>not trading internet money and meeting it up
user, I...
Also reminder that if you put 1k into the bountyx ico you would had 19k right now
No job can compete with that
I have a similar problem except I am an undergrad in college. I never had this problem in high school. Wtf do I do?
see above
>start lifting
>stop hanging out with niggers
if it's your roommate I'm sorry, other than that (besides profs), all your relationships should be completely voluntary and easy to break off
make it known that you're not the type of person to be fucked with
Beta alert
you have smart coworkers
sorry man you gotta stop being a cuck. that's it. they know you'll take their shit and assholes love toying with that sort of person. one time i had a construction job and the foreman used to tease this young guy so much and call him a fag and on and on. the dude would sperg out "n-n-no i'm not!" but it just egged them on. When i started he tried the same shit with me and i just looked at him and said, monotone, "yeah, i like a good dick in my ass most mornings, really helps me start the day." and just stared at him. he never bothered me again and went back to teasing the other guy. show other people you aren't a cuck and they won't try to cuck you so much. simple but requires the balls to actually stop caring so much what they think
get a new job.
There is no alternative.
At your next job you need to go alpha on the first faggot that tries to fuck with you. salvaging it with dudes who already think youre a pushover isnt worth it.
Just go somewhere else and try to act more confident there from the start
I know bro, mobbing sucks.
There's nothing wrong with you, they shouldn't bully you because you were so retarded to buy LINK.
Plant a hidden camera and record them stealing or talking shit about the boss/company. Go to a public library or public wifi and upload it to YouTube under a fake name. Mass email the link to every important person in the company.
If they're treating you like shit they must be doing some other thing they could be fired for.
>Plant a hidden camera and record them
I cant because of regulations, maybe I could in the breakroom though
Male friends/peers insult each other and they don't really mean it.
Female friends/peers compliment each other and they don't really mean it.
Would kick their ass if I were your friend irl user
thx I appreciate the thought
You a few options.
You could talk to upper level management and have them take notes. make sure you have some kind of union rep with you. If the bullying continues you can take sick leave, and say that bullying is the reason. If the people continue to bully you, lower your work rate, cite bullying as the reason and if you get sacked, take legal action - the union reps documents and proof of absence can move things along.
other than that, find another job and bully everybody who bullies you.
Hey o.o, I wasn't bullied, but in my last job I got into a position where ppl were too comfortable with me and I noticed they were not taking me seriously. You do have to be careful not to let your personal persona bleed into your professional persona. It can be changed, but if you intend to stay at your new job it will have to change slowly. I will say, it doesn't sound like you're being bullied, you're just taking too much shit. Start showing that you respect yourself, don't take on more than you can do, and do your best at what you are doing. I'm not sure what line of work you're in but always be clean and professional, and wear clothes that fit nicely. Remember that it is possibly to "politely" refuse things. Also remember that you can't take care of someone else unless you're taking care of yourself. Pic related, some normal shit to wear to work.
they literally threw his lunch into the trash
in a civilized society he'd be able to murder them.
Spit piss booger in their food. You didnt grow up with brothers
How did you get into this situation in the first place OP?
Whos she?
your answer was cucky though, should have just stared at him without saying a word
>tfw smartest guy in the department, everyone respects everything you say
just talk to them
No idear, some female streamer prob. Bet she has made more in BTC donations than any of us will ever make trading.
>breakroom fridge shit
if you're working at a place with +35% women, you're pretty much fucked.
Reasons not to wagecuck. 80% of employees will get bullied eventually