Just cashed out the profits from my investment in litecoin shares last month. And what are you losers doing...

Just cashed out the profits from my investment in litecoin shares last month. And what are you losers doing? Buying nerdcoins like “vechain” and “link”? Fucking LOL. I’m gonna spend my profits on a new pair of jordans and picking up thots at the club.

Wtf you made $300? Go user I drop that weekly on high end escorts

>high end

I cash at least hat out on a single day trade

omg you Indian loser you don't buy shares in litecoin! And you're so week handed you should still HODL

>blue chip whores

Try again.

women and jordans are depreciating assets tho

This board can really be embarassing..



Too obvious b8, no one is this poor.

Bait post is bait


I cashed out a little bit too, OP. Thank you XRP, TRX, and XVG.


>not even benjis

I'm Australian but when I cash out I want a fat stack of crispy Benjamin's. Who else with me ??



I'll bite bait and call OP faggot

and do what with it?

You can't use usd in rooland

having more than 4 20's, ever

You must have a huge wallet

ps. baiting in a post thread


>calling his coins shares
>sold ltc at the bottom
>holding 20's


Holy fuck what pleb tier garbage is this?? I'm seriously hoping this is just bait or sad attempt at larp. If thats really all you made in profit you really shouldn't have cashed out. You've got a long way to go poorfag. You could probably get a bj from a 40 year old cracked out hooker in the back of an alley with that though, so good luck on losing your virginity I guess...

>And what are you losers doing?
x100 my already obtained stack