Super Bowl

Think we’ll see any crypto related commercials?

If so what for? Speculate on real things so we can buy before the big day

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Bump. Crypto has become a huge mainstream business. I’m pretty sure we’ll see a commercial for SOMETHING

Coinbase is the only thing i can think of, but i’m not sure they’d want it because they already have traffic problems



I’m telling you SOMETHING is gonna be on the Superbowl this year. On feb 4th

What is it?

We already did. IBM had a blockchain commercial. It was so fucking stupid. Something about tracking a tomato from farm to table, and tracking a diamond from mine to jeweler.

Obvious fucking attempt to increase share price with a stupid buzzword.

VIBE is in a Monster inc commercial you fucking retards already confirmed DYOR


>bet on the eagles
Go birds

I'm not sure if we see any crypto specific commercials, but I bet that bitcoin will be the punchline to a joke for at least one commercial, similar to that recent jack in the box commercial.


VIBE has a comercial announced for the Superbowl, so far that's the only crypto project i know of

You mean like THIS commercial?
2018 Super Bowl Commercial Coinbase SBLII

they're actually calling crypto investors dumb

wabi? or is that just for chinks

egl coin
pat coin

VIBE will have a vr concert commercial

buy the dip


I don't think you get it. Mainstream doesn't care at all about crypto and most people are probably waiting for it to crash so PC parts can go back to normal prices. If blockchain tech has any future it will be private companies implementing their own versions that don't require funbux payouts to incentivize people to run nodes. If you haven't already capitalized on the irrational mania of 2017 and become rich, you're never going to. It's ogre. No more future bagholders left to entice.

IBM will run an ad for Stellar

Is this real? On one hand, it's one of the most obviously stupid things I've ever seen. On the other, this is exactly how I'd advertise my pyramid scheme to morons.