User where did you get all this money from?

>user where did you get all this money from?
What do

Go the fuck back to /tv/ you piece of shit. This board is bad enough as it is.

ur despicable

how about you talk a girl over the age of 12, you pedo fuck

Fuck you, pedo scum. You will burn with the rest of them.

How do I buy a wife this young?

Fucking pedo. Go back to /pol/!

What's up with all these ducking plebbit newfags? Where's the old Veeky Forums crew? Are they all enjoying their millions from mining btc in 2009? Did everyone leave already?

Same way I got you, trading Doge.

Here and realistically I made only half a million on crypto, so I'm not "enjoying all my millions," but I lurk like the rest of us.

Veeky Forums has been ruined for a long time. It was only slightly better last year.

They grew up and went to wizchan to discuss and execute the best way to kill themselves.



they've moved on to actually being happy.

this website is a sad and comfortable cave for depressed and hopeless male virgins

They already bought their way out

Men are suppose to protect little girls, not be be degenerate with them. Only be degenerate with women.


what if shes your wife?

checkmate f4gg0t

>I lurk like the rest of us.

Neoteny is what made us evolve and keep on evolving.

What's that