Post your battlestation

>post your battlestation
>post your portfolio value

I'll start, here's my dorm setup


Fuck off reddit

>Has a Keychain with the word 'Bitcoim' all over it

Are you retarded OP?

Kinda nice.
Dual monitors, printer, desk lamp, and swivel chair.


this is bait right

Literally EVERYTHING in that image screams "immature underage faggot".
Delete yourself my man.


enjoy the (yous)

>the keychain
>the beats
>the gameboy
>the microphone
>not an iPhone X
>1 monitor


hahahah holy fuck user

literally where did you see reddit anywhere

Hold up, the gameboy is fine, having raybans makes it -1/10

You have to go back.

that's my "second phone." I have a lot of monero if that helps explain why.

again where the fuck does anything say reddit

>again where the fuck does anything say reddit
your picture screams reddit

>again where the fuck does anything say reddit
First mistake is you're reddit spacing, second is the fucking "Literal ETH Prophet" bookmark with the reddit icon.

He also has a btc sticker on his car

>trying to flex a $1050 check
>trying to flex average tier public uni
>btc lanyard
Yea I’m gonna need you to kill yourself


Wow, how does it feel to have such a fragile ego OP?

1.2 BTC. Feels bad.

This is terrible

>whatever 15 Ven will be worth
Thanks for reading my blog. W-we’ll all make it


>i7 7700k
>EVGA 1080 TI Gaming black
>Gskill trident ram
>Asus board
>4 monitors
>i5 ivy bridge
>980 ti
>Single monitor

you need to step it the fuck up

Ya I thought OP was cringe... but we went from normie to nazi and it actually managed to beat it.

Cringe my dude

Is this the shit you guys mine on, this is so sad. I feel like I need to go to /g/ to wash the bad taste out of my mouth

OP why beatings by dre and reddit
Nice user I like your style.

Enhance that mousepad for me

remove the frog statue, replace the flag with the US flag, and swap out the hat for the red MAGA... then you got a good setup

I hope you will make it user

I knew crypto was for nazis

lmao, blow it out your ass.


This looks like where a web would watch anime tits all day

Tbh the Nazi has a better setup than the "where do you see reddit?" Normie
Open your browsing history normie
If there is one instance of reddit, normie confirmed

Just zoom in and look at his bookmarks, reddit confirmed.

you are a massive faggot and I hope you fucking kill yourself

Have a Betsy Ross I change out from time to time.

you are probably fat as shit irl and cringey as fuck

your operating system on your pc is shit.

>all this projection
I love seeing these fags

This entire premise screams plebbit. How long did you take to curate your "battlestation" faggot? 60 seconds? 300? kys

Just look at how he has everything laid out, he set it up specifically for this picture.

that's what I'm talking about.

>tfw when you're a fat loser with no accomplishments so you larp as a nazi to compensate for having a microscopic penis, despite the fact that the Nazis probably wouldve thrown your degenerate ass in a gas chamber the second they laid eyes on your fatass.

No wonder you have only 1.2 BTC


>Gameboy SP
>Bitcoin lanyard

lawd almighty

You too friend

Absolutely not.

The fact that you go off on a weird tangent about penis size says a lot lol.

My room setup. currently at 200k.
and 53 gen 0 etheremons

Fuck that was low quality. You can thank facebook and it’s shitty compression

>africa suitcase


Damn I like this too user. This just confirms I need to get my third monitor going...two is not cutting it anymore.

fuck off its a map of the world. Just the back of it is africa.


the third monitor is super useful desu. Got it off craigslist for cheap

>tfw a spic and have $300k in crypto
feels good destroying you financially


are you me?/10
because of africa suitcase


wtf do you use all that power for dude

ok imagine the same picture but instead of africa its the US. now what's the rating?

Sad thing is I've had one sitting right next to my desk for months I just need to go buy another dvi cable...I'll do it tomorrow.
Damn user what are you staking with those rpi? Why so many servers? Media collection? its beautiful


just outed yourselves with that diction faggotpais

I'm just so torn up, what will I do?!

holy shit a gameboy advance. solid tastes op


gotta ask what you're doing here... hosting a small server or some shit?