Something really IS going on. This mooning is almost suspicious.

Moon from 7 to 8 cents?

It's cryptodoggos, user.

It does this every now and then, easy to swing because of the high liquidity.

I hope this piece of shit actually moons today. Already regretting selling my AST for it

There are multiple annoucements coming out for tron between today and the 24th.

There's also a game coming out today and a Kucoin voting listing.

Get in now anons we're going to the moon!!!

>whitepaper is a copy of another cion
>full of typos
>threads full of meaningless buzzwords (internet 4.0)
>no product
>no prospects
>devs barely know how to program
>devs already sold out
>its a scam
every time I post these facts all discussion suddenly stops and the thread slides to its death. Meanwhile a completely new TRON thread appears

>full of typos

you've disregarded your own post in two lines

Tron dogs English, Korean and Japanese website in any time today

That's right. Partnerships.
How many crytpo have no working product and you don't care.
This has working product and partnership.

Tron airdrop underway.

0.3 trx for every tron you hold.

Should be an announcement relating to their partnership with Game at some point today.

Tron dogs being released in English and Korean today too.

Big day for this shit coin.

>Tron airdrop underway.
>(plebbit spacing here)
>0.3 trx for every thing you hold
What? Why???


wow another baseless "tron is mooning" thread

I dont even need to look at cmc to know tron isnt mooning right now, is how consistently wrong this thread has been every time

>m-m-muh working product and partnerships

troncucks are living in a world of denial

nontrons mad because they missed riding the wave

>every time I post these facts
Except they aren't.

>whitepaper copy
Are you also bitching about how DADI copied the whitepaper? And so many other coins? I hope you are.
>full of typos
It's unprofessional, I agree with you.
user, EVERY coin thrives on buzzwords these days. This is not an argument for or against anything.
>no product
It's a 4 months old project. How many ICOs are a year and above and barely have a MVP? Yet they get a free pass because... why exactly?
>no prospects
O I AM LAFFIN. Distributed file storage and social media platforms are literally a key to opening up chinese people's wallets.
>devs are fresh
They are actively recruiting senior developers from other companies. Give them a month or two and they'll have a top notch team.
>sold out
This FUD has been disproven over and over again, yet people like to repeat it as if it was true.
Literally not. You don't seem to understand what it means to lose your face in China. Justin Sun is the posterchild not only for Tron but also for Peiwo. If he fucks up with this, it's over for him forever.

user, please.

(And no, that is not my ETH adress)

filecoin is the chad coin that tron is trying to be

> storage coin
> american built
> largest ICO of 2017
> built by the same team that built IPFS aka the core technology of distributed file storage

tron can't compare, and everyone knows but the bagholders

most tron holders are bag holders that bought at ath

My bad I've been following the wrong tron Twitter

I'm not arguing against filecoin, I think it's an amazing project. However, Tron has a different market to tackle than filecoin. While Tron enables people to store media on it's blockchain, the main goal is a distributed social media network. That's the difference.
There's enough space on the market for duplicates anyway.


Ban please!!!

>Implying no other coins has repeated what other frameworks they use
>Chinese to English translation
>Implying any coin in its inception had actual product aside from coin trading
>Prospects in the white paper you obviously haven't read and are shilling FUD from others for
>Devs were corporate coders for Alibaba
>Devs didn't sell out
>Implying the richest guy in China wants to risk the death penalty for my tendies funds

Eventually the accumulation FUD you all shill will just kill it and even your cheap coins will be worth nothing.

Unless you want it dead, then why are you trying to keep people locked into government spy programs covered as social media?