White nationalist support doesn't look good in the corporate world. This fat, disgusting motherfucker better not ruin our gains. I swear to god I will kill him if he fucks this up for us.
Nice, just bought 100k to secure a future for the white race.
Zachary Cox
The fucking alt-kikes ruin everything.
Samuel Watson
Nice, just procreated 100k white children.
Easton Mitchell
Seriously guys, this is bad. I don't give a shit about this guys views but its not a good look for him to rep LINK
Joseph Gray
It might actually be good. We must shill LINK to Alex Jones and Dickie Spencer. The alt-kike money will pump it to $10 in a weeks time.
Aaron Cook
>brand is ruined by usage by unlikable people
brainlet, i guess they will never use glocks now that niggers use them
Jace Kelly
forgot my pic
>apple is ruined
>casio is ruined because bin laden likes it
>toyota is ruined because their hilux made an african war called the toyota war
Michael Martinez
I don't want alt-kikes to get rich. LINK is a crypto for true NatSocs.
Cameron Rivera
time to sell
Jonathan Campbell
>people still unironically believe that the upper class in North Korea has no access to western tech Never fails to amuse me.
Anthony Roberts
>NatSocs >crypto How are these two things even compatible? I genuinely don't understand. Crypto will be the first thing to be banned under a natsoc regime.
Noah Ward
Blake Morris
He will ruin the image of LINK, like the Nazi's ruined the image of the swastika.
Jason Martinez
WN and LINK holder here. You guys are fucking cucks. Just so you know, either we WNs win or western civilization is doomed anyways and your bags won't matter. Miss me with this gay shit
Jose Peterson
>upper class in North Korea You mean the 0.1% of the population that is high up in the government chain of command when everyone else staves?
>hurrr human rights are evil capitalist construct kys
Owen Clark
I can get to his house within an hour. He fucks this up he's dead
Angel Jackson
>Crypto will be the first thing to be banned under a natsoc regime. You what? Hitler ran crypto before it was cool. Due to Germany being broke by the time Hitler came to power, Reichmark was backed by labor. So by working people were producing Reichsmarks and they were issued in a fashion of a blockchain, recording the equivalent goods produced.
The only things that will be banned are whales and scams.
Ayden Lee
I honestly have nothing to live for if he fucks this up
William Young
Justin Ramirez
It's a troll not alt rightist
Brandon Ramirez
>centralized government-issued credits >imprisonment for not having a "job" This is literally the opposite of crypto
>The only things that will be banned are whales and scams. Are you gonna hack the blockchain?
Jose Cook
Fuck off, you've been had by the leftypol faggots who have taken over 8chaim. You are so against people who are standing up for the white race that you're gonna side with the niggers during the race war because "8chaim told me the white army was controlled opposition".
Joshua Torres
>imprisonment for not having a "job" That's simply not true.
> Are you gonna hack the blockchain? Nah, just get the putting up the sellwalls and shoot them.
Ryder Sanders
Lol fuck off nigger
Alexander Lee
fuck now i regret not buying in
Aiden Reyes
fucking faggot
Luis King
>implying walking with tiki torches is standing up for anything
Camden Davis
Levi Gray
Yeah, it's pretty obvious you're some jew from leftypol who is claiming to be NatSoc so that people will listen to you when you shout "controlled opposition" for the 6 millionth time. You have no idea what you are talking about. Don't listen to him. The first rule of /pol/ is that anyone shouting "controlled opposition" and have seething hatred for anyone even mildly rightwing is that they are faggots from leftypol trying to subvert. We all saw it happen with 8chaim and everyone is trying to make sure it doesn't happen here. He made sure to go out of his way to keep bringing up how the AR is controlled opposition, while also saying "Hello, fellow right-wing whites!". He is also absolutely retarded enough to call Alex "I don't care if this country is 80% brown" alt-right and on the same tier as Spencer.
Leo Powell
Imprisonment for not working was normal during socialism. t. Eastern Europe
Gavin Butler
Nobody on the right had an issue with Tiki torches. The only people who got mad about were left wing cuckolds who tried to pretend it was scary. Keep outing yourself, jew. Your goal of causing infighting during times of struggle is not going to happen any longer. You did it during WN 1.0 decades ago, you did it to 8chaim (with the help of your mods). You aren't gonna do it here.
Jonathan Young
>The first rule of /pol/ is that anyone shouting "controlled opposition" and have seething hatred for anyone even mildly rightwing is that they are faggots from leftypol trying to subvert. That's why I left. Literally anyone and everyone is "controlled opposition".
Sebastian Baker
imagine being this type of person
Aiden Robinson
> White nationalist support doesn't look good in the corporate world Actually it does to the right kind of ppl Time to all in
him too and literally every single alt right person i know is shilling LINK
mostly because of Autistotle a patreon tech analyst who is alt right and is somewhat famous among them being like the #1 link shiller of all time
Carter Sanders
You're right. Doing tons of research so you can contribute to 8pol threads about Nazi bases in Antarctica and the location of hyperborea is much more productive.
Parker Murphy
Better than doing fuck all and criticizing those who leave their houses. What exactly have you done?
Luis Bennett
>trying to fight a race war instead of a culture war
Good job, faggot; it's like you leaned nothing from Uncle Hitler's mistakes. You can still Ally based on culture/values and have your circlejerk ethnostate ya dumbfuck.
>Western Civilization
Yeah, you can thank all those Mediterranean brown rape babies for that.
Luke Green
This motherfucker needs to take it down. I'm happy he's going to make it, BUT HES FUCKING RISKING MY GAINS
Christian Smith
What's with the goofy glasses? There's a clear version on the twitter background as well.
Jason Sanchez
Thanks just bought 100k
Dominic Green
Alt kikes have like 70 LINK in total.
Isaac Lewis
We're using crypto to bring back the patriarchy muhahahahaha
Isaiah Myers
Most of these nazi faggots think they're tough but they usually work fairly low wage jobs and they'll be out from $3-$5 (not to mention they weren't in it nearly as early as Veeky Forums and probably average under 10k link each). They're even more afraid of success than Veeky Forums is (hence all the self victimization rhetoric). No way in hell they ride this all the way to the moon.
Brayden Allen
Yes, please.
Cameron Hill
The gay shit is because society has lost its mothers and dudes are trying to replace that. They lost them because loans and debt bumped up the cost of living meaning two parents need to work. To defeat the west’s problems and safe the white race we need to abolish all credit, loans and debt. Then we will get our mothers back and men can be providers again. Nobody wins in the current system. Everybody is sad unless they are blind sheep going through the motions. They are zombies though and usually degenerate. Solve the banking and loan problem and you save the white race. Fear the money lenders used to be a thing for a reason.
Levi Wilson
Nigger I've been into bitcoin since 2013. Andrew Anglin of the Daily Stormer called bitcoin the official nazi coin in 2015. Being banned from using services like paypal has made many of us incredibly rich. We're all retarded inbred hillbillies though, please stick to that narrative