Bitter virgins on Veeky Forums

Anyone else here successful, love women, and not racist and homophobic?

Congratulations, seriously.

I truly feel sad for those that write the discriminatory shit on this website, even if it's as a joke. I hope you hold your coins this year and make it. Use that money to educate and clean yourselves up so you may finally blossom into a normal human being that doesn't hate everything this diverse and beautiful world has to offer.

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im still not buying links

I guess she doesn't know expanding brain memes are ironic.

unironically, same here.

Love my gf (soon to be wife) and we track crypto gains together. Veeky Forums has helped me make money but I don't really care for the racism and other things

>Love women
They'll stab your im the back as soon as you fail to fulfill her needs they're like kids when they cant have a toy
Is impossible not to be with these pajeets
I dont care about fags

Retards on here don't know how the virgin/chad meme works either.

I'm equal equality guy. But I hate people in general.

People like you, the "I hate everyone" are always egalitarian faggots who need to die. You see how awful niggers are, and so that you don't feel "racist" for hating them, you decide that all humans are as bad as blacks so that you hate everyone.

Successful if you count 6 figure net worth as succesful. I love women and they like me too because I know how to not be a desperate cuck living my own life. I do not care about homosexuals and I am racist because to not see obvious differences you would have to be a total dimwit.

I understand there are racial differences in IQ and behavior. To deny this is beyond retarded.

There are also obvious differences in male/female behavior as well.

Am I racist or sexist for pointing these out?

You're just an idiot OP.

/pol/ so desperately wants to make itself somehow a part of this board but are shut down almost constantly

I hate most people, especially sandpeople who invade my country (sweden) but I dont dislike them back in their countries, only the ones who infest this place. Would call myself slightly racist but nothing compared to the avg Veeky Forums boy
Very sexist though, I dont respect women and never have, probably never will. I dont care about their feelings or bodies, and while I think they should have equal rights in society concerning laws (working, driving, drinking etc) I absolutely do not think they are equal to men and companies should have every right in the world to pay them less, or just not hire them (same goes if a woman starts a company and dont want to hire men)

This is partly because I dont respect women but also because I'm a libertarian

>if you arent racist you deserve to die

You are if you think those slight differences amount to anything significant, because in non-autistic normal day-to-day life, they really don't.

When everyone is properly educated and not in poverty, everything kind of levels out between all the races, the differences become less and less significant.

Modern psychology absolutely believes in gender differences, the science is there, but psychology remains majority liberal because those differences just don't really mean much in real life, especially when you're in an urban setting.

Normies are so sickening

You are racist idiot, that's the whole point, everyone is. Especially people who see themselves as victims and can justify it.

Fuck off nigger

I don't hate women for not having sex with me, however I also don't think I am obliged to do anything for them (other than my mom and grandma) if they haven't done anything for me. In fact they consistently campaign for anti-male and anti-white hatred and policies, which makes them my enemy whether I wanted it or not.

>if you think those slight differences amount to anything significant, because in non-autistic normal day-to-day life, they really don't
Those "slight" differences literally determine what your daily life is like - it's the difference between living in Africa and New Zealand.

>When everyone is properly educated and not in poverty, everything kind of levels out between all the races, the differences become less and less significant.
That's comically wrong - pic related. It's amazing how the "I fucking love science!" faggots ignore evolution when it suits their narrative. The adaptations to the environments our ancestors lived in stopped at the skin and eyes and blood cells and noses and skulls. Our brains have transcended genetics!

Reddit spacing

>pic related
>no pic
I guess I was the nigger all along.

fuck off nigger

why the fuck is /pol/ raiding fuck off

>leave biz for a week
>comeback and catalog is full of soylent bait threads

>using statistics and demonstrating just how autistic you are

How about spending a few years in the real world? Live in an urban environment socializing/interacting normally with different types of people instead of living inside your head, staring at screens and reducing people down to numbers.

Also I can play the same game

Asians live longer than whites, have higher IQs, lower crime rate, and higher income, so they are superior right?

Go gas yourself kike.

They will soon realize that their entire "redpilled" worldview was just a larp gone too far.

Wy the fuck is this faggot bringing all this gay shit to Veeky Forums ? go suck some cocks in an alley cum bucket

There's a difference between being racist and being right.

Here's an example of a retarded neckbeard who's probably poor and autistic. And yes, I'm a jew

did she glue fake nipples onto her real ones? I've never seen nipples so cartoonish

shit bait mate, here's a (you)

There's a difference between being racist and being right.
There literally isn't though.
The "racists" are always the ones who use actual science and win arguments.

>You are if you think those slight differences
What slight differences?
They are fucking major.
Massive differences in intelligence and behavior of course will have a massive impact on social outcomes.

>they really don't.
Why are blacks 13% of the population and commit 50% of the murders EVEN WHEN CONTROLLING FOR POVERTY AND OTHER SOCIAL FACTORS
You're an idiot.

>How about spending a few years in the real world?
>dude live in the REAAALL WORRRLLDD where science and facts don't matter

Just face the facts, you're wrong.

>The "racists" are always the ones who use actual science and win arguments.

lol... Like the Nazis...

I am educated and have experienced the world. Its the reason im racist in some ways. Get out of your faggot sanctuary city for once you scumbag

Even better! Those are a set of stick-on tits! Her original ones are much smaller and she uses those fake tits for cosplays that require larger breasts.
Here. Have some reference material

hur durr nazis

they literally used more facts than any liberal snowflake nowadays does

>women's rights and equal rights somehow aren't under the umbrella of human rights
>women's rights is somehow the most important thing on her list and human rights is the least
Imagine being so incredibly blind to your own irony

I love women. Which is why I also hate niggers.

I am all those things but society isn’t. Women are no longer women in general nowerdays. They are pushed into work to provide for themselves. It doesn’t stop if they get a family either. Both parents work. Society has lost its mothers. We see evidence of this everywhere. The trans ad gay epidemic as men desperately search for what they have lost. The female mental health epidemic as they struggle to understand themselves. The relentless activism in demand for equality which they already have yet it doesn’t feel fulfilling. Loans and the banks caused this, by making it so two parents needed to work. Before one parent could and they could support a family, it was usually the guy. not always, which is fine, but usually. This allowed women to stay at home if they wished and to develop their creating and nurturing skills by looking after their family. Once their kids grow up they would start expressing this learned skills in creative ways, through art, writings or charity in the comunity. Maybe they are just grandmas. Then once the man retires (much earlier than usual) they could together either become grandparents or use the money earned (sometimes from the stay at home parents art) to increase charitable works. This is how many wealthy people still do things. It is the bill and Melinda gates foundation for a reason. This is her project and her idea. As it stand now, to many women try to subvert politics for charitable ends. Politics is for protection and keeping order. Not welfare. That is charities job,
This all culminates in a single court without mothers. A society with its literal heart cut out and bleeding to death. #notall as sure, some women make great men, the majority would be better women, if they were given the chance.
t. I’ve had more wonderful experiences with women over my life than hot dinners but the older I get the sadder I see them get. “Sisters doing it for themselves” has gone way to far.

Nazis are fucking retarded and their race science is pseudoscience.

That doesn't mean modern racial realism is wrong.

Everyone grows out of discrimination. Almost everyone.

Because deciding if you want to kill your own people over drugs every day or if you want to get a job and improve your community is such an insignificant thing

Wrong. I grew up in a nice white town and was liberal and cared about muh blacks. Then I moved near them. Now I hate niggers

This. Fucking stereotypes come from life experiences.

>Everyone grows out of discrimination. Almost everyone.
what lol?

People grow up to BE discriminatory after actually interacting with the real world.

Anti-racism is something that has to be taught and forced. People are conditioned from a young age not to be racist but a lot of the time it comes out anyway later in life.

This is what I recommend to anybody who likes Muslims. Move to a place where many of them are in a western country.

woke: I hope you racist homophobes use your wealth to educate yourselves

bespoke: I hope crypto bubble crashes so you all end up destitute and dead

Is making bizarre assumptions about my life and telling me to embrace feelings over statistics truly the best you can do? I regret interacting with you.

You didn't get a thing.
Rascism is something taught by society because society is formed by media.
As long as we hate each others it's easy to govern us.
Divide et impera, that shit always worked you're just to dumb and to believe you're a sophisticated
think about it once more

unironically, without any attempt to spread my ideology like most people:

people who think like you, will never make it. at some point your world view will restrict you in a way, that a single dicision based on it, will make you lose everything.

remember my words, when that happens.
everybody has to learn their lesson, when it comes to (((their))) kool-aid...

let me guess...
next you want to tell me to get vaccinated and to start a 401k kek

Wow, did you just blame the media for racism? Chill out with the antisemitism.

So highly educated successful blacks are just killing everyone right?

Oh and what about Asians, much less crime prone than whites, so whites are shit people right?

Developmental psychology shows that high degrees of essentialism (aka racism, sexism, any sort of put people into stereotypical holes type isms) are much lower in diverse urban environments

You mean like liberal NYC? Doesn't look like NYC is turning any less liberal....

I side with OP, but I'll tell you, specifically: dont get vaccinated, buckaroo

It can go both ways, where I live people grow out of it, it's a very multicultural zone. My own interactions with with members of different races in the past year or so are what made me reassess my prior convictions. It's not about hating a race, it's about hating people, race is honestly 100% irreverent. I'm not asking anyone to like bad people, I'm just saying race, scientifically affects none of the things racists love to obsess over whatsoever.

Im a pretty introverted person and literally never leave my apartment unless I absolutely have to. Obviously I'll never find a girlfriend, but I don't hate women or anything, I just realize the life I want to live doesn't put me in a position to meet anyone.

"facts" haha

True, but it doesn't mean that the reason is biological

/pol/ and reddit - the thread.... why can't you just go away pls?

I live and grew up in a predominantly black area.
They are generally imbeciles, fascinated and driven by 'respect', even though they have a very limited knowledge on how it is garnered.
They are also still very tribal, half a century on.

>Rascism is something taught by society
no it's not you idiot
It's something ingrained in our instincts from millions of years of biology.
People like being around their own kind.

Hating your own kind is propaganda that must be taught and forced on the population.

>As long as we hate each others it's easy to govern us.
I'm a white nationalist. Why do you idiots think that means I "HATE" other races.
You're fucking stupid.

>"facts" haha
ye facts, as much as you have zero knowledge about them, ye they we're a bunch of propaganda driven shit's, and STILL used a lot more actual facts than the amount of facts liberal snowflakes use now... oh wait I just retyped my post, yeah, I guess I really shouldn't bother explaining anything to someone who's arguments were "lol nazis" and "facts lmfao"

>So highly educated successful blacks are just killing everyone right?
No, they have less of the violent genetics than most blacks.
Man your questions are so easy to answer.

>Oh and what about Asians, much less crime prone than whites, so whites are shit people right?
No, whites and asians are both much more peaceful than blacks. Whites and asians have differences in personality.
I wouldn't say one or another is "superior".

>Developmental psychology shows that high degrees of essentialism (aka racism, sexism, any sort of put people into stereotypical holes type isms) are much lower in diverse urban environments
This isn't true whatsoever.
People that live around blacks become racist as fuck.
Try living in Detroit you fucking piece of shit.
Why are people in the south so racist?

The most fierce anti racists live in areas with few blacks.

Yes, a society of people with average IQ closer to a chimp than to me would be just like my nice community if only they weren't kept poor by the evil white people. I know a black guy that is smart and doesn't rob people, so that means they are pretty much just like us, despite the fact that there is not and never has been a black majority town, city, or country that isn't a crime ridden, poverty stricken shithole. Not one instance where a sizable population of black people were able to independently create any sort of functional society. Modern psychology is the science of excuses.

>genetics are a social construct

>True, but it doesn't mean that the reason is biological
lol the reason is 100% biological though.
Science has already proven this.
Even controlling for social factors, blacks are more violent than whites.
It's literally scientifically proven and tons of science has been done on this.

You can learn something from this user who has actually interacted with people in real life normally.

If all you learn about others is minor non-interactions and propaganda from the internet, it's all just confirmation bias, you're just seeing what you want to see. A dose of reality will actually challenge your mind.

Most educated, successful, happy people aren't shit, regardless of their race/sex/etc.

This is exactly the shit I'm talking about when I said differences are less significant when everyone is highly educated/successful. You have to interact with those types.

>violent genetics
Violent genetics, fucking violent genetics lmfao. Bro be real here.. us whiteys have the most 'violent genetics' of any other race. Sure mudlimes and niggers are savages, but the level we've taken bloodshed to throughout history is unrivaled. Its fucking astronomical.

Got any proof? Might just be angels and photoshop.

Fuck I really enjoyed using that meme. Can't use that one ever again

>This isn't true whatsoever.
So you study developmental psychology?

>People that live around blacks become racist as fuck.
>Try living in Detroit you fucking piece of shit.
>Why are people in the south so racist?
>Admits that successful and educated blacks aren't as violent
>Picking uneducated blacks to counter my argument about educated blacks
I could compare educated and successful Asians and white trash and the white trash would look like savages, what's your point?
How about you try living in NYC.

Your ideology will not allow you to distinguish between education and intelligence.


You faggots are bringing feels to a fact fight.

Of course people who are successful aren't going to be racist or homophobic.
Economic and political benefit was built on compromise.

This is why we have political correctness.
We're told to not be racist, homophobic, islamophobic, transphobic, etc, because they contribute to the economy, or because they provide lots of culture, or because of this or that...

And I'm sick of hearing about it, because people think that living in an egalitarian world is inherently better.

If humans have the capacity to live without progress, and to be happier than people with progress, then there ceases to be a reason to progress.


Yeah, niggers are steal killing each other with spears and shit in Africa. Hitler methodically killed 6 million.
>inb4 holocaust denial

The white people in NY all live in Manhattan. They literally live on an island away from the nigs, and won't go into the areas where the nigs live

>involving women in your life in any way

>ples remove adblock to see
*removes adblock*
>miner something was blocked by avast

lmfao nigga kys

The science is already settled though.
Every race was violent historically. Whites are the least violent.

Also white people had a war on murder that killed off most of the violent genetics from the gene pool.

Have you seen the ongoing violence in Black countries?
Check out Rwanda, Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, etc.
I could go on, the list is long. Do you think these countries were at peace when white countries were at war in the middle ages?

You might also be sad to learn that slaves were traded to whites by blacks, who were capturing people from other tribes to trade for guns to capture more, for more guns and more power.

Europeans never captured a single black slave in Africa, they never needed to, your books are lying to you.

>So you study developmental psychology?
No, I don't care about your memes and non arguments.
Everyone already knows this.
You can't prove it.

>I could compare educated and successful Asians and white trash and the white trash would look like savages, what's your point?
You could and I would totally agree with you, those whites have the shittiest genetics in the white gene pool.
Stay mad.

You retarded bigots on Veeky Forums do not represent all of Veeky Forums, you do not represent me.

I hope you guys are having fun so vigorously justifying the diversity programs you love so much.

I am In that 3 Gas a day NEO club.
Fuck your progressive virtue signalling you filthy nigger. I'm going to use my incredible chink coin gains to re open Auschwitz

>Muh Hitler
War is a widely accepted justification for violence, and it was either the Jews or us. Africans burn each other alive and hack each other to pieces over nothing, and treat rape as the standard way to procreate.

Keep calling everyday normal people that accept race differences "bigots"
It just proves you're a religious fundie that has no argument.

Black slaves were mainly traded by Arabs btw, they are literally on an own level regarding vileness.

Also Id recommend everybody to watch the cannibal Warlords of Liberia on YouTube. Muh white violence.

>war on murder

I love women, im married and have a kid. I also believe in racial differences and think IQ is important, hence the advancement of the white race compared to brown or black people.

Well said

The Portuguese were the main traders, not the Arabs.
I am talking of the slave trade to America of course. Prior to this the Arabs have been enslaving Africans for a millennia.

Sad if you really believe this

That is your own narrow-minded way of thinking. You're a frog in a well

>provides article further illustrating we shouldn't be living near each other
You'll embrace white nationalism sooner or later, fren.

Also somebwomen are great. This is my wife's butt. She loves crypto & hates niggers too!

>I am talking of the slave trade to America of course
yeah, which is the only slave trade that matters right? the one where whites sold some blacks, not the ones where black enslaved blacks sold them to arabs and so on, fuck hwite people amirite

The fucking Portugiese did not pillage through Africa for centuries and catch them. They bought them from the Arabs and shipped them away.

>Read article.
>First "successful" black community was destroyed by angry whites because too many white women were getting raped.
Did you even read this?

Should have killed them all along time ago.

Yep I use this board to make gains, but there are so many fucking losers on biz, like most of the people above me prove.

I've already explained that the Portuguese traded the slaves with blacks from opposing tribes.

That's where it started.

>That's where it started.
By this I mean the American slave trading.

Slavery is as old as time itself.

You guys do realize that African immigrants are actually the most model minorities?

Low crime rate, and higher education rate than Asian immigrants

I get it, whiteys like you guys have had bad experiences with the white trash of blacks in America, but that just shows how narrow your worldview is.