>majority security vulnerabilities
>breeds baby shitcoins faster than an illegal mexican breeds anchor babies
>only seems to exist to purchase shitty utility tokens that will never achieve value beyond initial speculation
>each new eth app has its own unique token to create the illusion of having a low market cap when they're really all just backed by eth anyway and should be considered an increase in the eth circulating supply
>eth is the most inflationary coin there is
Does it even have a chance at surviving a post-consolidation crypto market? Give me your best shill. Speculators get out.
Explain ETH
You are so retarded ethereum is literally the best token on the market. Its dev team is the quickest, smartest and most hardworking. Ethereum got to its price by being good unlike shitcoin bitcoin.
I honestly doubt you will get a single legit argument in favor. All people care about is getting in early for the newest pump n dump token. Absolutely nobody gives a shit about these apps which normies will never touch or even know they exist.
>You are so retarded bitconnect is literally the best token on the market. Its dev team is the quickest, smartest and most hardworking. Bitconnect got to its price by being good unlike shitcoin bitcoin
That's a great opinion there, lad. Now how about some supporting data to back it up?
PnD is fine as long as you don't sell yourself on your own bullshit. So many get attached to their coin and convince themselves they have chosen the Jesus Christ of altcoins.
The cycle of a new crypto trader:
Bitcoin ----> eth ----> Chinese and gook shit ----> true shitcoins ----> bitcoin
That's pretty funny. Is WTC gook shit tho? The favt that WTC supply is transparently expanded by the creation of child chains already makes it better than ETH. I don't know enough about WTC to support the project, nut between the two it already looks better to me.
Chinese* rather.
Is there still room for growth for ETH or should I dump it all into VEN/NEO and just keep a small quantity to play with ICO and shitcoins with?
Everything new seems better until you realize there's no point to any of it because it just adds centralization on top the block chain, creating trust on top of somethings that gained value from being trust-free.
>shitskin commies
At a $105 billion market cap, you're asking for $210 billion just to go X2 at the current supply. I don't really see it happening, but I do expect a big surge at some point, followed by a shitcoin bubble burst. Perhaps you should calculate the total market cap of eth dAPP tokens and then imagine all of that getting dumped back to eth, at least briefly, before eth itself is dumped.
>ETH is not decentralized
All it takes is for one bad actor to assassinate Vitalik and Ethereum willl lose 80% in one day.
Yes, bro. That's fundamental and too many people just ignore it. How many top ten coins are not even truly decentralized?
Dump some into ven if it hits 8 dollars or so.you dont need to go all in I'm a newfag but ether hasn't been doing anything IMO it's the most boring shit ever
Anything not able to be mined has no inherent value and relies to marketing alone to gain an advantage in the marketplace. Read satisfied nakamotos white paper and Ron Paul books to gain a better understanding of how money works
I'll explain it to you. I put a few grand in it, and buy and sell the dips. That's literally the only fucking thing I know about this faggot ass THING.
>majority security vulnerabilities
Nope, the protocol is secure, the vulnerabilities were in third party wallet and dapps. And before you say something stupid like "in other coins these things did not happen": it's because 95% of dapps development in is eth, brainlet. Let's not dumb it down to the levels of "Muh Mac is more secure".
>breeds baby shitcoins faster than an illegal mexican breeds anchor babies
And the best projects out there too. The shit will die out eventually, and the rest will shape the next years.
>only seems to exist to purchase shitty utility tokens that will never achieve value beyond initial speculation
That's just your opinion, and a very stupid and uninformed one I'd say, but then again we have basically already established that you are a moron.
>each new eth app has its own unique token to create the illusion of having a low market cap when they're really all just backed by eth anyway and should be considered an increase in the eth circulating supply.
You cannot be this stupid, really. They use the same blockchain but are not interchangeable, and exist to give great flexibility on the economics and working of the dapps, since you decide how many there are and how they work independently from how eth works.
>eth is the most infaltionary coin there is
Inflation will be stabilized with pos, and then again this is not a braindead "store of value" shit, it's a working coin that creates value way faster than it's inflation rate.
You left out the only real concern about eth, the fact that if it ends up not being able to scale enough at least by eoy it will be a real hindrance for the dapps that are near release stage, and this could give the other chains enough room to catch up on what is, at the moment, the absolute winner in the smart contracts space.
pretty much this
>That's just your opinion
>doesn't post an example to the contrary
What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
But since you insist, eth is used to keep the network secure, like any fucking decent blockchain out there. You may want to read the whitepaper.
Moreover I already countered the "shitty utility tokens" part, and and the fact that dapps accept it as payment for ico (often alongside with other coins) is due to the easy way contracts can be created that way, and another hint at the fact that is considered a valuable and undervalued coin, since everybody wants it.
>muh bitcorn
all those points you make...
they go for nearly the whole market...
we all know about them..
and guess what, newfag FUDDER?
better go back day-trading before your boss comes around with the whip again, pajeet...
don't want those red marks on your back to become bloddier, do you, now?
>just your opinion
When someone on Veeky Forums has no counter point.
thats why it is valuable
because pajeets use it in search for le new bitcoin and le investors use it to feel special and egostroke themselves
this is deluded but serves lot of peeps right, so take it however you want
I already answered You realize that sometime you must call a spade a spade, do we really have to explain things that have been repeated 1 million times? Even low quality FUD should upgrade a bit.
just because no one has refuted this. id say that this comment is legit
The only thing asserted so far is that dAPPs accept eth exclusively. If you can't assert any other significant use besides having a blockchain like every other coin, that's your own shortcoming. You've failed to shill me on the necessity of ETH.
>the market is full of shitcoins so who cares if ETH is a shitcoin?
>b-but what about b-bitcoin?
Try to stay focused on the topic, chunky.
That's pretty much my assessment. Obviously spectators can and do take advantage, but I'm asking about whether it is truly innovative enough as a currency to have lasting power in the long game.
Yeah for some reason a large number of retards drank the kool aid on this shitcoin. Retards even put it on the same level as a coin like XMR.
Two reasons
It's fairly usable (fees and transaction time decent).
And ICO's, ICO's will either become something decent or disappear entirely, but until then ETH will dominate market share.
Keep your eyes open for better alternatives.
As a currency, XMR and BCH are better already, which is why I don't only hold ETH.
Right. I loved XMR when it was $7 because it was clearly innovating and improved upon problems seen in bitcoin. I'd say even XMR is obsolete now, but ETH isn't even in the same league as Monero.
XMR isn't obsolete as long as it keeps its off-the-books utility.
Or am I wrong here?
t. Some kid who wasn't around to know why crypto came about and disregards the vast superiority of btc crew. Stay poor, son...
That's fair. It's my lack of faith in ICO's that turns me off the most. It doesn't really compete as a currency alone.
Pretty much. I'm just glad I didn't sell all my btc to realise this
>majority security vulnerabilities
[citation needed]
far and away the best tech in production
GHOST protocol, turing complete/stateful smart contract platform, cutting edge proof of stake research, has gathered the best devs in the blockchain space
you are retarded
Don't worry I don't have much faith in ICO's and the smart contract concept either, but it's booming so follow the hype for now.
Crypto is still in its infancy.
>XMR is obsolete
I did not say that icos accept only eth, i specifically said the contrary in fact, i just said that is more convenient due to how easy smart contracts can be implemented that way.
What i said is that eth is used to keep the network secure. It's the main reason all coins exist, anyone with a basic understanding of the blockchain technology can understand this, and if you think that keeping secure the platform where 40% of the top 100 coins run is not enough, there is no pleasing you I guess.
It's just that there are other privacy capable coins that are lighter, fast, more energy efficient. It will likely remain the btc of privacy coins for awhile though.
i know youll fomo into buying eth when its at 3K by march
>I'm asking about whether it is truly innovative enough as a currency to have lasting power in the long game.
probably not
theres a slight chance that Casper will change this in a way but I am very sceptical
Oh I don't doubt there will be a massive pump right up until the ICO bubble bursts. Even if there are a few decent projects in a sea of shit, it's bound to happen. But I'm not talking speculation. I'm talking long term survival.
That's for sure. This is something that will probably span generations before real world implementation is fully adopted.
What a currency needs to overtake another is to make significant improvements.
I'm not aware of every crypto out there so if you're willing to explain why there are better alternatives out there I'm listening.
Right now XMR is
>widely used
It doesn't go beyond the scope of what it needs.
It's the reason why ETH is so high, because it's not a currency coin, it specializes in dApp potential and ICO's.
It was always intended to serve as a platform to build from. Don’t know why you hate it so much, it’s pretty much here to stay and to continue to be 2nd in command for a while. I wouldn’t even doubt it gets artificially pumped for some flippening fomo in the future
So you are just some dumb kid shilling shitcoins, got it
How about Raiblocks? I have barely looked into it, but I heard 0 transaction fees? They seem to be strictly focused in fundamentally improving blockchain based currency. No other BS.
Yeah I wait until 40 replies in a thread about ETH so I could FUD Monero. That sounds efficient.
The reason Railblocks has zero transaction fee is it would rely on nodes to be operated by rainbows and lollipops.
OP that’s exactly why I’m behind NEM and UBQ, and From 3rd gen AE (though EOS sounds promising)
NEO sounds great but I’m saying away from china (except for the VEN I have)
If you are not a dumb kid shilling shitcoins, why are you shilling some zerocoin proof of stake garbage like it's the next Monero?
Ethereum network simply doesn't work under high load. If it had the volume of BTC it would be then laughing stock of crypto. Anybody who has used the network under load knows the truth I speak.
>It's fairly usable (fees and transaction time decent).
Cheap compared to grandpa, still expensive as fuck compared to other alts. In a couple of months we will be calling eth grandpa (and btc great grandpa)
Thanks just bought 100k BCH.
Bcash is garbage
Tell me how these rainbows and lollipops work. Are there unicorns?
Basically for the Railblocks network to ever take off, people and companies need to start running nodes for free.
That's the rainbows and lollipops.
A unicorn is a company that booms with a small team and groundbreaking idea, so there will probably be no unicorns.
youre a fucking retarded newfag, the "btc crew" is not even the same people it used to be
"The incentive to run a node is for decentralization and unlike bitcoin, meaningful participation in decentralization is virtually free. For instance a node can operate on a 3$/mo VM.
The security of RaiBlocks, similar to other proof of work systems, is tied to market capitalization instead of hashing hardware capitalization. So to attack RaiBlocks someone would need to purchase 50% of the entire market cap.
I think running a representative node is more than altruistic, it backs the underlying security so there's an incentive to run one if someone stores value in the protocol.
It's much more like proof of stake though there isn't perpetual staking so it's not a direct equivalence.
I think the people most likely to run rep nodes would be institutional players or user groups that extract more than 3$/mo of value from the system so their investment in running this hardware is covered."
Doesn't seem like a big deal to me. People do other stupid shit like seed torrents for no reward.
It all depends on if it can gain traction.