Stop the racism in this forum. We must help one another and work together...

Stop the racism in this forum. We must help one another and work together. I have witnessed an unbelievable amount of racism and hate towards my fellow countrymen.

You guys call us "pajeets" and tell us to "go to our designated shitting street" this is not acceptable. I demand that MODS to do your jobs. I demand an explanation for this hate towards my country. There must be rules against hating one another and actions must be taken to fix this board.

This is a new year it is 2018 we have witnessed all of the horrible things from the election and previous years. All of the hate between the right and left, Conspiracy theories, and absolute hate of other races these past few years. And it must stop. This year I want us to work together, to help each other out so we can all escape the misery of work life.

Now that this is out of the way, I have a new coin for you to look at.

This is a brand new coin just listed on Coinmarketcap today. They specialize in advertising for dapps to bring the dapps to millions on the blockchain and get paid on a pay to individual usage.

-major partnership announcements coming up soon.
-Great development team.
-Clear understood whitepaper.
-Great advisor's on the team.
-Specific unique use case. With first to market.

You will not get an uppertunity like this.this is why I'm making you all aware now. Get in fast!

I hope we can put all this racism and hatred behind us. I want us to work together this year. Good luck biz.

Other urls found in this thread:

pajeet be goneeee



fuck off pajeet go beg somewhere else POO no one wants you

How are you my son Pradish :)

Pajeet I'm glad you posted your flag at the next street shitting party let your kind know that every post you need to attach your flag. Fuck you pajeet! Bow to your sirs

And biz falls for the bait once again

pajeet shilling pajeet coin O P E N L Y



Go fuck a goat, Panjeet. As soon as you start wiping your asses and stop smelling like shit, youll get a % of respect from me.


fuck you son of bastard bich




you are not even pajeet faggot
your english is too good to be pajeet


D E S I G N A T E D shitting token

Gtfo to reddit pajeet. We don't need your shit.

Shop shoo pajeet

white Ausfag here and you're right lol people on this board need to grow tf up

God damn biz why do pajeets have a voice on this god damn Caribbean tulip selling news network.

fuck off you panjeet loving coon

This thread is objectively better than bawwww tfw no gf posters

fuck of pajeet, shoo shoo

I agree on stop racism but pajeets are absolutely dreadful, they just do anything they can to scam people and don't even understand shit. Worse than chinks.

very good post with some serious shilling of a high ass priced coin.

but you have to admit that the indian people referred here to as "pajeets" shit on the street and in rivers. it's very common in your country.

you have nuclear weapons though so nobody complains about it.

show bob

Ohhh the street pooper is offended

Don’t be a dick spreading lies to promote your shit and stop creating threads to promote literal sacks of air so we don’t have to call you guys out. Is that so hard?

Would give 6/10, but seeing how many redditstupidfags fell for It, 8/10.

>it's impossible to bant against shitposting
You fell for it

Scammers come in all shapes and colors. India just might have more because they have lots of desperate poor people. So hate on scammers instead of "pajeets".

Pajeetposting aside, REF is a literal shitcoin
>listed recently
>already crashed hard a few times
>still below initial listing price

Nice gif, but i don't see what part of the joke you think I've missed.

Some deals just not worth it. Nice try though

I usually can't stand Asians (pajeets, chinks and sandniggers) you guys are the peak of social autism and shit culture.
-Your languages are awful
-Your facial constructions are awful there is one hot chick for every million of you shiteaters.
-Your food is pure shit with no class at all
- Your accent in English is ridiculous, nobody ever will take you seriously
-your religions are amazingly more stupid than the western ones.
-Your genes are quite strong and whenever I see a normal chick having your babies, you immediately ruin her genes.
You people along with the chinks and islamslaves are the real disease of this world. It's cancer, it's doom. The future is quite dark with your nasty genes flying around and I fear for the fate of the world if the idiotic whites sell their asses to you filth and the chink menace.
I have been in burguerland for 7 years now and I have yet to meet a pajeet that is not an stinky ugly rat. Amazingly even if you have kids here, they will grow up as full fledged pajeets...
I really fear for America and whiteland in general, because if they fall we all fall and the world will be a shit street.

>pol continues to attempt invasions and keeps making retarded threads fuel arguments here because they can't get any of that in their echo chamber
No genuine Pajeet, whom doesn't understand the reason why people dislike his culture, would have grammar of this caliber. It's just another one of the 'xd pol is #1' shitfest threads that have been popping up since December 2017


you forgot about your PnD Discord link

more than 50% of people spell sheeiiit wrong

Op can POO IN LOO and get over it

Shut your shithole Pajeet!

lol don't want people to call u paject but then you spam the borad with a scam coin.

kek... keep giving us your well-written threads for us to shit on...


We just need a good sharp down turn and most of the under 20s will fuck off after their $300 runs out.

or using the eastern imported christianity?

This faggotry shilling is the reason we dont like you fucking pajeets.
Go taake a dump on the same streets your kids play on.

OP is an Autistic fag. And I know this as he is probably one of my retarded cousins.

sorry faggots, we street poopers are lil' too insensitive. I understand that many of you are salves of some random pajeet at work... so go wild and calm your hearts!

post your discord group pajeet, ppl love those

Rahul leave.

>I demand that MODS to do your jobs.
As do I. When are we finally getting flags or an IP ban for pajeets? There is almost unanimous support for this rule!

Your ID....

best id iv ever seen

gas3+ shall be known as a new programming language.

I don't understand you indians. You believe in resurrection, so why don't you commit mass suicide in order to revive and ascend as actual human beings rather than animals?

Known your faults and fall. Know who you are and die. Considering your religion death should be something beyond positive. Stop clinging to this reality like an insect with no concept of worth and purpose.

You know the rules, show poo

When are we getting flags again?

> FA from pajeet

I would take advise from an american first and I think they are retarded


fuck off, shitskin

I still hate Reddit 1000x more than I hate Poos.

fuck off pajeet.


>guaranteed replies

this smells Australian

so good

please be patient sirs... we have society induced autism ...

Pajeets gonna Pajeet

Go buy more XVG and TRX


Fucking Pajeet. Go poo in the loo. This is not your street.

>₹500 has been deposited into your account sir


>most scammers are pajeets and chinks
>play it safe by ignoring them majority of the time
What is pattern recognition for 500, pls sir.

None of that made any sense and I know you have a $100 portfolio.

500 poopees?
that will feed his family for a week!q

This but unironically.
/rgt/ used to have a clause about jews but we were forced to change it because they didn't like how we warned people to be weary of their tricks.


sry bro but indian food is masterrace tier
keep eating your shitty acetone burgers you fat ass. I mean fuck pajeets but shit on their kitchen.

>we need indians because food
lmaoing at your life you fat fucking american

Fuck you, Beaner

holy fuck i always wondered how something could get captured into orbit like that but I never thought about the lagrange points. Crazy!!

Can someone fucking explain to me exactly why we hate pajeets and why we call them that

gr8 b8 m8

muh yummy food

you realize there are more important things in life than your taste buds?

>put some ground up spices from costco in some tomato base
>add butter and chicken pieces
that will be 17 dollars sir!

Not bait, mate.

It doesn’t get any better than this.

Excellent way to get attention.

8.5/10 pajeet larping.

>pajeeting in a pajeet thread

Truly the best timeline.

You guys should sign up for, literally not going to cost you a cent and you save 25% on the fees forever.

Pajeet stop shiling shit

Thanks just bought 100k RakeshCoin

Indian rice is awful. Also I hate curry.

i feel for you op, but there's not much you can do about verbal assault, and 95%+ of the 'racist' posters here wouldn't actually treat an indian (or other person of certain race/religion/nationality) differently in real life, just gotta live their frustration with life out on somewhere/someone.

just know that there's 0% actual intent behind 99% of racist posts. not much you can do about making them disappear imo.

Are u unironically sincerely responding to bait?

i don't think this is bait.

99% of Veeky Forums these days