Crypto Bride General

I plan to go fetch myself a Chinese bride when I hit my goal. I don't want a city girl I want a Chinese girl from a poor farm area that's not yet got influenced by the new corrupt Chinese debauchery.

No SE Asian girls because they look and smell like greasy coconut and rotting fish to me.

Another option is Poland or chicks from Eastern Europe, blonde hair pale skin brown or blue eyes, yum.

How about you fellow bizlets?

Chinese debauchery? You mean finallt moving away from communism? While you still want some great leap forward insect eater?

Japanese and Korean > Chinese >smelly SE asian

thais are pretty good actually, very nice and loyal. chinese are hit and miss but you have the right idea avoiding the city girls. Japanese girls live up to the hype, even the city ones. Stay away from koreans, malaysians are a solid pick as well.

t. guy thats dated most of asia.

Koreans are worse than niggers, that I know.

Thai is embarrassing to have as wife they look like hookers or maids.

Shill me on Japanese chix user. I've heard they can get real kinky under the sheets and they become tiger mums for future kids. Do they really demand their husband surrender their paychecks ?

filipinas for me.

Lol the literal mutt race. You deserve it.

If the girl isn't corrupted by modern Chinese debauchery, shed never marry a filthy pigskin gwailo


As someone who is married to a Japanese for 10 years its not that sooo much different then your western girls, yest the food you eat at home is different and some other religious things she does at home.

Sex is nothing more different then with western girls.

>Sex is nothing more different then with western girls.
She's still giving you sex after 10 years, how is this not different?

Post pics of Japanese wife pls

Because my brother who is married to a western girl has the same sex life like me ?
>posting your wife on Veeky Forums
But if you live in EU you probably saw her in some commercials.

What kind of promised land do you and your brother live in?

Im guessing not US

I opted for poor blonde blue eyed slav girl that cannot speak English. I know that they age badly.

correct its EU

Already got my azn qt. And yeah she's SE Asian. Yes they are real, 34DDD Get rekt

Well duh, but EU is big you know? I'm from EU as well, and this shithole is just full of whores, who are literally opposite of the diligent housewife. 1/10 relationships actually succeed, and 1/10 actually still get sex.

Filipina skeezers don’t count

Go for a white chick. Asian chicks are just lower in the social hierarchy, and to pay for an asian chick is just as pathetic as it gets. Literally you have to be a 60yo+ beta male to pay for an asian bride.

intelligent. financially independent. conceals her cynical down-to-earth-ness with a fit, refined, ladylike appearance.
better if she can cook... but now I'm just being spoiled.

dont know where you are getting your thais from. chinese do look hotter generally but thais are better wife or ltr material.

Why don’t you faggots just find a nice smart strong and independent American woman to suck u off for life
Btw Korean women will slowly kill you inside with their emotional manipulations although they are superior race amongst other Asian cockroaches cause low supply unlike chunks that reproduce like rats and better at sucking u off compared to japniggers

>those stubby fingers
She's not white senpai

Would unironically give everything for a qt wife like that.

Is it true Koreans don't sweat?

How does one go about finding a wife when one has /madeit/?

(Captcha: queens trail)

are you fucking kidding? koreans are the niggers japs are the good ones

Every white girl West of Hungary has been blacked.

Asian chicks are only lower in social hierarchy in the eyes of Western women that dont like sexual competition or a threat to their monopoly even. for the rest of us asians are a better asset to invest in so to speak, age better, dont get fat, and realise a relationship isnt all about themselves.

She's from Laos shit head

True, it's not hard to get Asians for free. You either have to be super ugly or retarded stupid to not be able to pick one up on your own

I don't want love just a living cock sleeve that cooks me chao mein and wonton noodle soup.

I did a few excursions to some rural areas outside of Shanghai and got a taste of the girls, they're sweet and their parents are super excited about getting paid and their daughter sent to US. To them their daughters are burdens.

It's very simple and stress free for me. Also she won't know about my crypto gains.

Japs literally same as chinks you fucking fagggot retard
Koreans are the purest Asian race unlike chinks and jap niggers that. Have. Been mixing since ur ancestors were a couple of monkey niggers
btw how’d the nukes go for them japniggers

All SE Asians are mongrels. They're not better than spics or monkeys.

I'd be super embarrassed to enter any fancy restaurants or Saks Fifth with a coconut nigger wife tbqh

Flips, Cambodians, viets, thais, Malays, they're all greasy dark skinned monkeys. They look like it too.

She is pretty cute

Looks like a lot of plastic. I bet she looks like a teen boy when the make up is off.

Korean chicks are boring af. They just want brand name shits, pass. Plus Koreans are inferior people, they're always victims, Korean men have perpetual victim mentality like niggers.

Asian. women by race superiority
Korean cunts> jap niggers > (Chinese heritage based). Taiwanese > Singaporean > chinks > Vietnamese > Thai > etc... and last Asian American cunts, doesn’t matter which Asian, any Asian American who’re affected by western Feminist culture is lower than an Indonesian street hooker

They are naturally subservient to their husbands and good are serving... but they are still crazy bitches sometimes. And unless you keep them on a super tight leash they will learn how to fuck you over. It works with my wife cause I actually love her and treat her with respect. She serves me, but I let her know how much I genuinely appreciate it... she's not a sex object even though she loves sex and is great at it. If your looking for a long term marriage that doesn't end in a total of flaming trainwreck, don't marry someone just to fuck them and abuse them emotionally. They will resent the fuck out of you eventually and you will regret it. Women are crazy, Asian women even more so. I dated plenty before getting married, they were all varying levels of crazy.

Its defiantly plastic surgery. Still cute. I dont know why I would be concerned about the mentality of Korean men lol.

Yeah NE Asian or Eastern/Central European is way to go.

Cuck. I bet she wasn't even a virgin.

Does she look dark skinned fuck face?

Find a girl with pale skin dark hair and green
Has had some abuse in the past maybe or at
least acts like it because she is jaded and
pessimistic, but that is only a facade. I see that
she is kind and genuine.

I am persistent, I don't tell her about my wealth.
after a couple casual conversations I ask her on a
date. It goes well, we connect on outlooks on life
and make each other laugh. She thinks I am odd
because I am not just trying to fuck her like
everyone else. I want to actually get to know her
but I still give her shit / tease her.
After the 2nd date we fuck, not have sex but just
go at it like animals. She is surprised that I take
such control and am so dominate and it turns her
The next morning she wears one of my tank tops
and cooks eggs and toast. She thinks it weird the way I eat my breakfast and I tell her to fuck off.

fast forward a couple months

Start traveling to various places experience cultures we have only read about / seen on tv. Literately heaven as you find your way from one end of the world to the other with your lover who
is also your best friend

This. Though I prefer viets over chinks.

Says the virgin that's trying to pay to get a girl to fuck him...

Because you'll be associating with them. The father the uncles the bothers etc.

Ever been to Seoul? It's just a glorified Samsung slave town. It's a group of useless fucktards with zero creativity.

mayte this is a melbourne chick without plastic surgery i'm pretty sure


I have a few family members in rural China and even the younger generations are using smartphones now.

I'm talking rual rual, the type where they still use water buffalos to plow the rice fields.

>Dat masculine chin
>Dat catfish lips

She's ugly and you know it.

Dated asian chicks and white chicks and I'd go for white chicks any day.

Asian girls are just so submissive and boring as fuck.

>Another option is Poland or chicks from Eastern Europ

Sure, all polish girls are dreaming about is a fat 30+ virgin

I make no apologies about it. I do want my woman to be of decent quality, something I can be proud of strutting around wine festivals and going shopping at fancy malls.

Can't do that with darker skinned Asians especially Filipinos and viets and thais, they just look lower class. Like taking a hotel maid out.

Thats a good point.
Then she is super beautiful
Sorry bud

>troubled girl
>looking for a white knight
>also loves user but not for his money
>"outlooks" means anime
>quirky courting

Can you be anymore of a fucking virgin user? I hope you are 13 years old and just finished watching some shit house rom com.

>Another option is Poland or chicks from Eastern Europe, blonde hair pale skin brown or blue eyes, yum.
That should be the only option, you race mixing cuck.

>not putting European qt3.14's at the top of your list

This is what money does to people. How psychotic is it to want a living cock sleeve. Shit is fucked up.

Yeah so where the pics of your girl that's so much hotter???? Oh yeah...

I feel like this has to be some old school pasta

>Sloppy seconds
>Have zero ideas how many dicks she sucked and have up her ass



>no ass and body like a 10 year old boy

You faggots are actually attracted to that shit???

i bet you get a lot of head

Lol, she's a loose slut before you picked her up, I can tell.

Also, she looks lower class, you probably can't tell because you haven't been around Asians ebough, I have.

They are very particular about facial features.


That pic screams train wreck

>have a gf
>pretty successful
I probably just have a weird fetish for that narrative desu

I'd settle for pic related too.

Hymen is a must. Front and back virginity, I have learn how to tell if anyone is interested.

I'm retarded pic here.

In Japan there is also a saying amongst office ladies;

"Kareshi ga dekinai nara gaijin de ii"

which translates to:

"If you can't get a boyfriend get a foreigner (white guy)"

I find it funny how all you loser NEETs want is a quiet submissive ignorant countryside girl. The fact you are not willing to go after someone that challenges you intellectually and pushes you to better yourself is pathetic.

People who never had anything and suddenly find themselves having all they need without working for it may be grateful at first but it's only matter of time untill they turn jealous entitled and malicious.

Have fun with your ignorant peasants

thats nice too

Your right maybe I should just go to church, and scope find one there. Would probably be easier and she would be more mentally stable than the chick I fantasize about that works at O'Reilly

Shes from laos... they're pretty much all lower class there you shit head. But I guess you wouldn't know about that. And I didn't marry her for her social standing dickwad. I'm not a shallow piece of shit like you are. And I know her family extremely well and we dated for a very long time before getting married. I know what kind of girl she is...

Yes and she's gotten pretty damn good.

Damn, that's deep and accurate as fuck.

Don't, church chicks are the sluttiest. I joined a church one time to ask God for forgiveness for my promiscuity and I end up ass fucking almost every single chicks there, they're all whores. One even turn me on to anal sex because she's preserving her hymen. She'd douche her anal cavity and I'd fuck it without condoms, best feeling ever.

Gosh I miss her ass.

Thats rough
Yeah and cuckoldry is the thinking mans fetish amiright fellow intellectual.

Inferior genes begets inferior minds. You fucked up.

love how you all post pictures of asian chicks with boy bodies and plastic surgery to basically make them your sex slaves and yet my shit is a copy pasta. I want some depth to my relationships, not ne hao sucky sucky masta.

She has a fucking master's degree already and works at a university... what do you have brainlet?

no Matter the Asian cunt you niggers End up sucking off just don’t date Asian American bitches thy the
Lowest forms of sewage aids

>went to church religiously primary school to middle school
>not even christian, aunt was and she was taking care of me
>user's stories checkout.

The goldmine were the girl schools which i only had a glimpse in to throujgh church / sunday scohool

sorry but she probably fucked a lot of tourists before u picked her up. shes hot though. congrats

Oh ok because white knighting some slut that cuts herself and fucks niggers for drugs is depth.

She only have the big boob probably no ass

damn that doesnt sound to bad maybe I should become mormon and have a like 2-3 wives. A blonde, redhead and a brunette, all pale.

Then I seriously feel sorry for you.

I want a literal cock worshipper, my ideal waifu would stay home and shop for latest erotic underwear to please me and paint her toe nails and do her hair to sex cosplay for me.

She'd rim me and also have the ability to ejaculate aka squirt.

Who said anything about cutting herself or fucking niggers? jesus haha I just really like pale skinn black hair green eyes and a bit of a shitty attitude.

Well that checks out but the whole abused in the past thing is something to be avoided. Just get one with slightly above average intelligence and shell have the attitude most likely.

Muh nigga


I feel sorry for your waifu lol eating an obese mans ass every other night she would probably fucking kill herself you fucking psychotic piece of shit.

That's just the way it is over here and most of Asia outside of the Philippines maybe.

The Asian cuties you see posted all over /biz aren't into chads but feminine Asian guys.

Good choice user, country girls are the best.


She moved to U.S. when she was 10... so probably not.

My wife loves sex, but she's not so much of a degenerate slut that I have to worry about her sucking every cock in town. Good luck with your shallow existance.

I can tell from that hideous tattoo alone that you are a cringy human being

My step brother gave me that dagger! lol lets see a picture of you and your gf :)

>Not chad enough for white skanks
>not beta enough for asian QTs
Is anyone else having trouble uploading pics? We couldnt have hit image limit

you make it sound like these women who "challenge you intellectually and push you to better yourself" won't also turn entitled and malicious.

I've dated some of the most academically intelligent and logical women I've ever known, my last girlfriend was working on her PhD and my fiance before that had her Masters, both kinda nerdy but extremely smart.

They were both manipulative cunts with a superiority complex around pretty much everyone; with the state of society, gender and identity politics being what it is, successful/intelligent women feel like they're actually superior to equally successful/intelligent men just because they're women and have been brainwashed into thinking women are inherently disadvantaged, so their success was more hard earned.

I used to chase the smart girls, I'd bought into the "it's personality that matters" type shit, but it's a fucking meme at least in Western society. I'd rather a dumb wholesome country girl, even if she ends up becoming entitled and malicious, at least it will be easier to detect because she's dumb. Plus dumb girls are more malleable; the problem with really intelligent girls is they're often bossy or alpha, they want to be in charge, they have an easier time putting their foot down and saying "no!" which can be really frustrating over longer periods of time. Dumb girls just go with the flow, often letting the man take charge by default, which is good and proper.

So she's defo not a virgin when you met her.

Enuf said.

Is this a larp? I'm dying right now. Is the reddiy invasion really this bad? Do you really think I would ever post a photo of myself or any of my gf's on fucking Veeky Forums? Jesus Christ please be joking and yeah your bro is a fag just like you