Veeky Forums is the new king of Veeky Forums

Veeky Forums is the new king of Veeky Forums.

/pol/ just got demoted.

Other urls found in this thread:

Screen cap this shit.

Those nazi cuck larpers are going to understand the true power and drive of a free market.

bump this shit.

/pol/ack here, this board would still be a shithole without us.

White power. Gas all kikes.


Make Veeky Forums great again, ban low iq street shitters, both pajeets and white trash

yeah, I've been a /pol and /tv regular, but now all the fun seems to be here. Waiting for that big crash and all the pink Wojaks...

But /pol/ memes are weak, stale, and shit.

like trumps asshole.

ban all /pol/tards PLEASE, dont trash this board

if you want to be on reddit, go there. Veeky Forums is not reddit faggot

Veeky Forums is just /pol/'s treasury.

Umm sweetie no
We are Veeky Forums
It is now a /pol/olny
We run dis mutha fucka

you unironic try-hards are the cancer killing Veeky Forums.

actually autistic. expected from a /pol/tard please gtfo and never come back


Semites detected

Wait, are you anti-

semite or something?...

this, redditors go home

No, just counter-semite

fucking kek'd. stay delusional retard.

/pol/ posters smell bad and nobody likes them

I am going to make this a thing.

/pol/ is outdated, lame, boring, and virgin.

Veeky Forums is new, exciting, promising, and chad.

Choose wisely.

>yet another /pol/ thread
Please /pol/jeets, you faggots ruined /tv/ already. Go away.

pol is for anime manchildren who like trump or daddy hitler to tell them what to do

biz is for actual nerds and libertarians

Your perception of /pol/ is way off. Most people know now that Trump is a kike lover.

/pol/ is the most reddit board on this entire website, kill yourself

>nerds and libertarians
That would be /g/

biz doesn't have ideologies


What if I'm a white nationalist free market libertarian?

If you aren't this then get the fuck off Veeky Forums.

>What if I'm
Nobody cares, you tumblr faggot.

You're literally retarded.

This board has gotten shittier since /pol/ whiffed my stanky ass gains and shuffled their hypocritic lard asses over here, because now a free market is a good thing.

fuck those ironic-jew bastards, and fuck you.

please I am begging you Veeky Forums
you are losing your way :/
no more images depicting jews
no more images depicting black people
in a negative manner
more acceptance, more love
will get you so much further in life
you know I am right