This is a plea to whoever is distributing the supreme coin at the moment...

This is a plea to whoever is distributing the supreme coin at the moment. It was me who made the original thread last night proposing the idea of a preme coin and arguing with people about the benefits of it. Please hit me up with some of these! I feel like a right idiot. Went to bed and woke up to all this hype from my idea and I don’t even have any SUPR or SUP to show for it.


Other urls found in this thread:

it was a good idea. i sent you some $SUPR

This nigger lies!!! IT WAS ME PLZ GIB!


Not going to say i was the OP, but would love to a part of this. I can pay for the gwei fee if need be



.0002 eth is what i've been spending to send supr. if you send some eth to the contract address you'll get some SUPR and it'll help me with the tx costs

For the user to which i spoke at night( and he probably made the coin) is reading this post. I suggested the idea to make a very limited supply without decimals and change the fonts on the website so you don't have copyright problems. If you feel i helped you you can send some coins, I'll shill them throgh normie frens and some other people who are connected with dropshipping hype clothes.

I see all these fuckign distribution threads, but absolute zero content about what this coin is, or what it hopes to do?

I went to the website and there is very little info there either. Anyone care to elaborate or is this just another pajeet scamcoin PnD?

Last night I came up with the idea of making a supreme coin with a highly limited number, just so the stupid little supreme fans who buy absolutely anything will probably try and brag to their friends that they have ‘supreme bitcoin’ - you know, classic normie crypto bragging. Anyway, we spoke about it in the thread and people came up with some great ideas. Woke up this morning and there was like 6 threads about it + 2 fucking supreme coins. I’m at work at the moment so haven’t even been able to work out what I’ve missed.


i made a token. i impressed myself. that's all SUPR is. take it or leave it.

So seeing as I missed it, what’s the difference between SUP AND SUPR? And why is it supreme future?

Yo hit me with that shit

sup is 10,000 coins, SUPR is 1994 coins


How do I get some supreme tokens problems is I'm at work and don't have my mew address am I fucked?

God bless user, is there any way I could perhaps get SUPR? Definitely the OG coin.


Share the love bro!



SUP is the OG coin you scamming pieces of shit



Post your wallet address. I bet you'd love some $SUPR. Do not deny us.

Make money even in this bear market.

discord dot gg/6ddqFHd



where the kek do I obatin these two?



tryin cop that new line

how the fuck do i get in?

this is my ether wallet address


am i SUPposed to just wait and see if someone will bless me?

You'll be waiting for a long time. I posted my wallet address last night when it was asked for, then shilled the hell out of it and never received any blessings from the bizbro.