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buying a coin that reddit and all of Veeky Forums has shilled to all hell doesn't make you smart

So true Vechain is IQ 200+


Hahaha, enjoy the dump, will post your chart in a week.

Salty as fuck :)


No wonder you people stay poor.

kek someones mad they didnt 7x :^)

why is ethereum and bitcoin on there twice you brainlet

Remember when all Veeky Forums would talk about was eth? Of course you don't.

Is XMR a good investment?

Walton is blowing past $100 soon lmao vecucks and their sub $10 shit coin

Salty walties at it again

No bullshit, could VEN really hit like $20 this year?

sup with the FUD on VEN ?

it's a great coin, here to stay, it could even survive a pop in the bubble as it's being used and had real economy partnerships going.

just look how it rides through the storm

This is the smartest post ITT. This coin is getting the exact same treatment Ethereum did two years ago. Except crypto moves much faster now. We have entered the “ETH is a mess” but phase of VEN. That means mooning will commence soon.

This guy knows. VEN is following the same pattern as ETH. We are now in the “ETH is a mess” phase

No it's a good swing.
You buy it at 320-350 and sell it at 400. Repeat infinite times.

Nothing else is real.

Buy now or get fucked.

Samefag detected.

saw this one also followed up on their partnerships:

appalling how people would believe that RFID + Blockshit will work out "but muh partnershits"

also 2/3 of coin supply waiting to flood the market

We have the ent enterprise version of ETH, a strong team, unreal connections. Hype, and way more money in crypto as a whole.
This will be something we have never seen.

So happy with my 43k ven

Thanks just sold 100k

>meming in a thread with real advice
Fuck off to reddit then

>Eth twice
>bitcoin twice
Hurrr durrr continuity on one image is hard

It’s the WTCucks