get in here faggots
1 mil market cap
masternode and wallet just released

Other urls found in this thread:

sad when Veeky Forums doesnt give a shit about the coins that will actually make you rich

Shill me

Just bought in. Masternode releases are usually a pretty sure bet

functioning erc20
solid devs, cheap masternode with good roi
scope whitepaper but wants to fund upcoming projects in crypto

>functioning erc20

Literally 1 mil marketcap masternodes. Stop fudding and buy in you stupid fuck

ahhahahha took a quick look at their homepage and my god what a huge scam

dude GTFO they are a functioning ERC20!!

It was an airdrop to begin with though so its a pretty shitty scam

lmao thanks for the responses pajeets so more could see:)

for real faggots 1 mil marketcap masternodes you dipshits buy if you havent

Do they have a telegram or anything?

i hope you burn in hell you fucking scammer

I ain't no scammer i bought in 20 minutes ago for the obvious moon. I hope you drown in street shit you stupid pajeet

I feel like this is going to go 2-3x pretty soon

volume picking up

if we hit 351 its gone

>45 million total supply in coins
>Not a pajeet shitcoin

Why aren't you in yet user? Do you hate money that much?


Wow finally something that is a low cap gem, from 1m market cap to 10m will be already 10x

nice math

Coin has been out since Oct. 2017 and they are just now getting their shit together out of nowhere? Yeah, this is just another fucking ANNOYING ass pump and dump. Fuck you OP.

Fuck off, Pajeet. If anyone buys into this shit they deserve to get scammed. Look at the fucking website.

Their main selling point is
>Functioning ERC20 token

Read bitcointalk and their reddit u stupid fuck

>Sole developer started it with no ICO
>Paid out of own pocket for Cryptopia listing
>Literally just recruited an operations manager today
>Already launched 3 working products all with his tiny team
>Upcoming 2 more projects that'll make use of the Senderon coin

And must i repeat - ALL WITHOUT AN ICO. He even gave lots of tokens away at the start, wonder how that makes him money hmmmmm

OP where to buy?


>Sole developer started it with no ICO
>Paid out of own pocket for Cryptopia listing
oh so it's a get rich quick thing. dude doesn't have a passion for blockchain, just wants to make a quick buck. sad, very sad indeed!

volume picking up looks good. now at 320

Recreate thread op your description of the project sucks, the person below described it better

XLC is better and only 6m MC.

Masternode is already at $8250 a pop and will pay you $3.20/day, that will result in a ROI of just over 14% per year (

Not sure this is worth it.

Dont forget that its only $3.20 at this price at the 1m marketcap, if u factor in at 10m marketcap, which is still super low for crypto, itll be $32 per day, which is a 140% ROI per year.

14% roi on the day the masternode is released and considering the price of a masternode seems to be a strong return to me

so basically this coins only purpose is to have a masternode. lol ponzi scheme

how many coins collat for a masternode?

Yeah because it's always good to base purchases abd income on their potential future valuation


>that team
>bitcoin investor since 2012
>a literal anime character

yeah go to the website and look at the team for a laugh

Well Colx's team also started without an ICO, and they dont even reveal their identity, and look where they are now. From 1 sats to 61 sats.

volume slowly increasing...