Say goodbye to Tether
Say goodbye to Tether
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Gonna be rich off this shit
for someone who is not a complete retard what is a logical expectation for jnt's eoy price? (if it lives up to its potential that is).
id imagine 10-20bil mcap
fuck why didnt I buy into this ICO
When is JNT coming to exchanges?
feb 1st
1st of Feb, but they've only announced small exchanges for now...
1. feb
when can I buy their token
there's only buy orders on etherdelta
It's going to be quite huge indeed.
Wew, is crypto saved?
hmm maybe should have read the thread prior to posting :^)
You expect this to rally right away without end or do you think there are many in it for a flip only?
Honestly if they deliver they will rape tether and ripples token concept
We should be announcing exchanges in the coming weeks.
We're actively working to list on the major exchanges.
But have only confirmed HitBTC, Livecoin, Coss, Liqui, Palmex and a few other small exchanges.
But we hope to make major announcements around at least 2 of the major BBB soon
We appreciate your patience
from the telegram group
Market cap with ico price is like .25 million - uae said they wanna be first country to be run on Blockchain by 2020. Jibrel partnered with the Maktoum family (ruling family of UAE) - 10-20 billion sounds right desu. Lotta institutional money coming in this year and Jibrel is a gateway for that. Expect more MENA money to follow in the Maktoum family’s footsteps as well. All of the MENA is very interested in Blockchain as oil money is running out - hence the development of all these supercities. They need something else to sustain themselves and Blockchain is perfect. We’ve seen a boom of Blockchain adoption in Asia - expect Jibrel to open the door to Middle East big money.
there are many who want to only flip it yes, but i think the fomo will outweigh it
Just saw the telegram message. Am I too late to come help shill?
as the jibrel team doesnt feel the need for marketing as the project will present itself in time, i think its up to us to shill it as much as possible
Wew lad. There is a lot of big money already invested into this project. U think some dweebs on Biz gonna make a difference in pricing. Do you really?
My god... I put 3 ETH into this ICO. A-am I going to be rich anons?
shhhh, i only have 2k, i need to accumulate more....
This and Fair X will change crypto forever.
How many JNT must I have to make it?
25-35 million I mean - yeah anyways this is a great investment. i recommend you guys get in as soon as it lists.
So why is this going to be huge thing?
Why do I miss all the good ICOs, fml this looks great plus it has a working product. Fuck sake.
>jew network token
Bump for great glory
better withdraw all your shit from bitfinex goys!
bitfinex will die on 2nd feb screencap this
found the shills
haha sure mate, if you don't believe in the shills, stay out of it ;)
this is the group Jibrel have confirmed partnership with, not officially though
the fuck you on about, check out the website
>When will Jibrel Network be publicly tradable?
Jibrel Network Token (JNT) will be publicly traded on at least five exchanges as soon as February 1st, 2018.
from the FAQ
Im holding 100 JNT, will I make it Veeky Forums?
Too bad LINK was first and mainnet is coming in March.
Bought over 60k in presale, on a feeling that it was going to be huge simply because the team is pure class and the project is solid in every way.
I feel more strongly than ever that this is going to be one of my best moves so far.
No. This is a pajeet vapowave. Basically a LINK ripoff, which doesn't even have a proof of concept.
>holding 60k
bro, congrats, I envy you.
lol go away stinky linkie...
Lmao this project is in no way similar to LINK you fucking retarded deluded pajeet
This shit is gonna bring COSS back to growth, fuck yes
>TFW only 4926 JNT
what are your price prediction?
>Abbas Zuaiter
>Capital Markets Advisor
>Former COO Soros Fund
oh god the absolute jews are here
guaranteed 1000x
How do you get rich off a coin who's price never changes
It's not Tether. It's a legit crypto bank.
you're confusing jCash with JNT.
It has about 5% of LINK functionality.
With LINK you are able to cash out or short to any world currency instantly, from any wallet or exchange, without using a middleman.
Sanjay, you have no clue what this token is about...
JNT will go to the moon thanks for jCash rocket fuel alone.
Imagine the Andromeda mission once they tokenize every other financial instrument on their roadmap.
We're talking top 10 coin potential here. Maybe even top 5.
stop embarrassing yourself
After Maktoum announcement, instant $3-5
expect an Icon like trajectory
thanks to**
5% ? lol. this will kill LINK
The earliest list date is February 1st correct?
where can we buy it?
click my id and scroll up
heres the telegram if anyone wants to join
t me/jibrel_network
just add the dot
feb 1. is latest list date. might be earlier
testing this right quick
scroll up how much? xd
Bumping with impunity
Is this the next ETH or NEO?
No bullshit anons, how many to make it?
We should be announcing exchanges in the coming weeks.
We're actively working to list on the major exchanges.
But have only confirmed HitBTC, Livecoin, Coss, Liqui, Palmex and a few other small exchanges.
But we hope to make major announcements around at least 2 of the major BBB soon
We appreciate your patience
from the telegram group
>and a few other small exchanges
Which ones?
So which is it? Earliest or latest.
dont know yet, wait for feb 1st
Every fuckin day I hear a pitch for "bridging the gap between crypto and traditional markets". Every. Fuckin. Day.
the announcement is a bit old so disregard the coming weeks bit
yeah dam it, google go home, yahoo was first here...
JNT is a CNT
Why pay more than $1 for a coin that is redeemable for $1 or at most redeemable for one euro. No one is thinking though this?
That's Jcash not JNT
again, stop confusing JNT with jCash
no you must be smarter than anyone here. how did nobody notice this before?
How is it supposed to moon if it's pegged to the dollar? Am I missing something here?
Wow, just need to add a GALIA and Veeky Forums is sold, jews will always thrive because you guys never learn.
Yes, your brain. Just read the fucking whitepaper or at least previous five messages in this thread.
>jCash (e.g. jUSD) is pegged to USD.
>You use JNT to buy jUSD
>JNT amount is limited
>jUSD amount can be increased through licensed partners
>more demand for JNT
I'm a LINK holder, and you're a fucking embarrassment with this purposeful FUD to make linkies look like retards.
where do i buy this piece of shit
Why? Tether works perfectly fine and is already used by all the top exchanges.
>perfectly fine
pick one
All the people who keep comparing this to jCash and thinking it will be tied to $1 this is why you’re poor.
This, I’ve seen this shilled too many times now not to put money on it especially now that forbes has an article explaining wtf is going on.
Etherdelta contract link or wut?
bought into tether 1 month ago, someone told me it would moon 10x
fuck this shitcoin
arabcoin lol
No, I completely get it. You redeem USD with jCash. But the point of JNT is to redeem jCash (and other tethered tokens)
So again, why would JNT ever be worth more than the highest valued jToken
Jibrel Network Token (JNT)
Jibrel Network Token is the virtual exchange currency of the Jibrel Network and the currency used to interact with the Jibrel DAO or the “Jibrel Decentral Bank”.
Its purpose is not to facilitate transactions with a rate fixed to the United States Dollar i.e. Tether.
Are there only buy orders on Etherdelta?
there is literally nothing wrong with tether it's all fud
>shilling a project thus early
Full retard. You're supposed to accumulate and then start shilling when announcements are being made and you want a massive bump in price.
This or Dai?
So how is this compared to QASH/LIQUID? Are they competing with eachother? Who will dominate this crypto-liquidity market in the long run?
the one with the best people / contacts will always reign.