>EU to move in joint effort with the United States to put a ban on international cryptocurrency exchanges in an attempt to crack down on tether
well, it’s over bois
>EU to move in joint effort with the United States to put a ban on international cryptocurrency exchanges in an attempt to crack down on tether
well, it’s over bois
Other urls found in this thread:
source faggot?
source faggot?
>tfw UK voted out of this shit eating union.
>HMRC are incompetent af
It's almost like this was a calculated move. Feelsgoodman.png
Fake news
source faggot?
source faggot?
EU will never ban crypto you fucking americlap faggot lmao
source faggot?
>posting some bullshit without sauce
Wew lad. Crypto woun't get banned, only regulated.
faggot sauce
faggot sauce?
> he doesn't understand that "banned by EU" actually means "banned by some local govs about a decade after regulations come in force and totally ignored by polaks and other slavs"
>any actual sauce provided on Veeky Forums
source faggot?
Fake News.
>Implying they have any idea what Tether is.
Nice try.
WFT!!!! MY LINK!!!!!
Feels goos dumping out early.
it's almost like we need completely decentralized exchanges which's protocol is skyrocketing in value right now
which protocol? 0x?
>tether not mentioned in article
This is typical (((old media))) FUD trying to keep normies from putting in new money.