Hehe wh-where my funchads at?

Hehe wh-where my funchads at?

P-platform launch in February we moon soon!! W-we are the f-funchands and will never sell!

Other urls found in this thread:


I’m unironically not selling.

No point to selling now, the ship has sailed. Next time this shit hits 1.1k though (if it even ever happens) I won't be able to get out fast enough.

Sold this morning my man. That's the last high it's going to have in a while

3k FUN here, not selling until Feb or less than 50% profit.

h-heey i am having f-fun, great fun, no one has more fun than me, believe me

Still at 300% profiterole nigga

Wouldnt be so bad if I didn't keep FOMO'ing into other shitcoins trying to catch pumps. It's like I'm a noob all over again. Lost over 10k in FUN doing this shit.

Feel bad for that dude that had like 300k in this piece of shit. Maybe he got out at the high I haven't seen him lately.

Should've sold last pump... now stuck with this crap. FML.

Funchad reporting in
Laughing at the market crash

20K FUN here. I think I will go away for a month and see how the market looks by then. No point in looking at those numbers anyway when they are red.

Only non-pussy in this thread. Good job bro. I’m only buying more of this shit.

Sold for VEN.

I think FUN can still moon but VEN will do better.

bought 9k at .17 im having fun

think he killed himself

Once i lost around 7k Fun, i was like, fuck this shit. Been holding over a month now, not done a single trade, just waiting..

I have 300k at $0.01. Feel bad for me bro. Feel real bad.

ahahaha heheh im hodling guys!

this is pretty awesome, if all of us just HODL, the price cant go down!

i wish we could downvote FUD posts here

no i mean the guy that had like 300k USD around new years

nobody cares about your tendy money child

>tfw 7k FUN
>tfw funlet

Pretty sure everyone cares about USD. Everyone wants to get rich in USD. Fuck crypto.

Bought 16k at $0.05. Bought 15k more at $0.12 and then it crashed to 7 cents the day after. I don't care. Long term hold.

just sold 1k

I have 1k. Still, it's something.

24k funs here. just waiting for it to peak so i can sell these nerve wrecking coins

Bought 5k @ less than 200 sats so I'm holding golden.

VEN is long term FUN should see a quicker return...hoping to go into VEN after February bullshit is done with FUN. Or maybe RLC.

Is this some coordinated fud from some random shitter Discord to push down the price? You morons have been told time and time again the exact dates to watch for and wait for. We still have over two weeks to get to that date, and it takes all of an hour to triple a coin's price if someone wants to.

Are you people actually autistic or what

> license denied
> -99%
prepare your anus, fun rats

FUN is extremely risky hodl, instant pink wojak if license application gets denied

IDs are a thing.

funlet here
Thank god i'm not a moron and didn't invest more than 10% of my port... .more like 5%

This is a horrible coin, and i have a feeling the BIG NEWS in Feb, will do fuck all. Maybe a little spike up followed by a bigger crash.

Can't wait to unload my bags on you funnies

>only 4k fun
Will I make it guiz

I've bought in big during the ICO. The FUD here is laughable. Anyone that's smart isn't selling at least until the first casino goes live. The only people actually worrying about FUN's price are the degenerates addicted to quick pump and dumps.

I'm never selling this coin. Regardless of it mooning or not, eventually I'll be able to bet it all on black anyways.

So do fun holders have the weakest hands or what ? U guys sound like puss nuts

this thread disgusts me
I will continue to hold

I can tell you don't have a lot of experience on Veeky Forums, so here's a link to reddit that will explain why your FUD is fucking retarded: reddit.com/r/FunfairTech/comments/7p26ak/a_quick_note_on_the_license_that_funfair_is/

Why the fuck would you sell right before FUN February?? You fucks

Why the fuck would you sell right before Funbruary?? You fucks

lacking memes in here desu

I'm having FUN

Nah, I'm going down with this ship or selling at 1.5

Then buying after it dips of course

At least when the crypto market crashes, I know which coin I'll cash out in to bet it all on black.

What do you predict the price will go to?

I told you the licence was a giant FUD waiting to happen.
Sorry for all of you who are holding but you've either been duped by incompetence or just malicious intent.
Not to mention the token has no value. I could just power an online casino with ETH or XMR and it would work just as well. But for the same reasons it wouldn't get approval with regulatory agencies.

low tier FUD ITT. let's have some FUN

Big money is invested in FUN. It won't die easily. A lot of upside potential.

I will always hodl

Why are so many suddenly nervous? How high did you buy?

only a few thousand here, but idgaf. money is bleeding out everywhere for a while, this is the time to buy and hodl. work hard, play hard, FUN times ahead!

that's really good
just bought 100k

There's literally a bull pennant on the daily chart with launch right around the corner. If you sell now you're a moron.


Anticipate the price to be in good shape come ICE, and then perhaps even a selloff once holders realise they wont get x1000 in one night.

I wont sell a single coin though, because the adoption phase will be a process that will last most of the year.

Yea, i might miss some shitty pumps in the meantime, but i dont mind. I cant afford to sit here memeing like the pack of autists that frequent this board and try and find those. I have a job.

I am the silent majority of FUN holders who strongly believe in the team and the plan, and wholeheartedly think its one of the strongest products in cypto...

We will get paid, and we will have FUN

i think everything is gonna be ok. keep waiting cause its going x5. and its nice the prize dropped a lot since now im going to buy some more.


Funfags confirmed for pedophiles

Who else got in at .01 cent? I went all in with 700 bucks thanks to nothing more than intuitive foresight. I feel bad for the ones that have ignored the FUNtrain. Think about that, will ya Veeky Forums? 700 dollars, all in, when btc was at 18k. Smartest fucking choice I've ever made.

I honestly hope people dump all their bags, weak handed plebs. I'll buy them all up when it crashes and still be sitting pretty. Fuck all the fun I own now was bought with the profit off the fist big pump on the 1st. Then sold again on the 5th and rebought, the 10th i broke 1 million dollars from a simple 700 dollar investment and 1 bitcoin from mining back in 2012. Opened my binance account december 19th.

Thank you almighty free infinite money god. All I have to do is wait til tax season is over this year and boom bitch I can hide it a thousand different ways between now and next year.


>selling now
>right before it gets shilled to casinos and the platform launches

>buy FUN
>get SAD


i have 150k of this shit. please. please... send help

Just hope somehow the guy has connections long enough to fake getting the regulations through.
Good luck with your bags.

>>bought at ATH
>>bought at ATL
>>what more you want brah?