Why are eurocucks so bad at making money?

Why are eurocucks so bad at making money?

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More like why are latinos so good at it?

this is extremely antiquated


because we didnt sell our soul to jews you fucking zuckerberg jacob kike

A lot of traditional American names on that list, not a single Jewish name there.

you realize that usa is made of eurocucks?

everything is harder here... one great example: it's fcking hard to drop out in the USA from college... in Europe it's fcking hard to finish the university (the real nones, like computer science, medicine, mechanical engineering, etc), you don't get shitton of help from everyone here, you are on your own here, you either make it, or you fail, no one helps you, there arent people you can come to and they'll help you with what you dont understand or from your mental illnesses in your school. It's even common to have subjects that "kill" 50-70 % students in the first semester on all good schools here.

royalty arent on the list or something

Neetbux is not paying for itself

The vast majority of Slim's fortune comes from remittance payments from illegal and legal Mexicans in the US. The democratic plantation has been alive and well for the past 200 years.

The USA is a scam country run by billionaires, it is much easier there to exploit loopholes and fuck people over.

usually... 10-20 % of students finish the good schools here. In the USA, the rate is about 90-95 % on good schools.

>exploit loopholes and fuck people over
They do that in Europe too, it's just limited to whoever can get elected.

No jews

did you know that food industry / medicine can't be used unless its proven to be OK

meanwhile in merica:

OK unless proven poisonous and peer-reviewed by everyone who's going to fuck you up the ass if you try

Also 56%



sponsored by the

youll see where this road leads you. youre cunt is doomed. better get some good gates communities and never leave them.
in some decades you will have actual civil war.
think about it.

>nice spring day
>want to sell apples on the side of the road
>constable rolls up on a quad cycle with little police logos on it
>decide to go home and work on renewing my tv license

Volkswagen and Toyota are bigger than all of US companies lmao


Why satoshi nakamoto isnt there

HAHAHA fucking ameritards never change
you think your new money Zuckerbergs and Buffets can somehow amass bigger fortunes than European aristocracy that has plundered this earth since before the US was even a thing? Keep dreaming.

Because anything over €1m income is taxed into fucking oblivion.

>mostly jews

He's only worth about 10 billion currently. Bitcoin needs to reach $86k before he's the richest man on earth.

Give it another 6 months.

Putin has a networth of 200 billion
Because bitcon is crash

Nobody gets rich from school. Your problem in yurostan is that you actively practice communism and hate individualism/capitalism. It's hard to be rich when you're all equally poor.

USA: "Son, I want you to go out there and do something great! Make me proud!

Europe: "Just do whatever senpai, idk desu..."

Keyword: Mindset

>fagwagon is bigger than Ford or GM
Lol at this delusional yuropoor. Oh and what's funny is that fagwagon makes half the revenue with 3x the employees of either GM or Ford. That's yuropoor efficiency for you.

>What are tax havens?
I'm not sure why you think Americans pay less tax either.

all top US billionaires can't top a family of english jews


>all top 10 US billionaires combined cant top a single EU family

We do pay less taxes since we're not paying for all that """free""" stuff.

Lets say youre a europoor and you look at those silicon valley tech startups and want to be like them. so you want to do a startup for your innovative ideas.
then immediately as soon as you start, or more technically, before you can even start, you owe tens of thousands of eurobucks in taxes.
when you hire employees then that means they have a right to that income, meaning that if your startups miserably fails they still have a right to you keep paying them until they find another job so you owe them that salary until they can find something else. so you have unlimited risk they may just leech off you for a long time.
as soon as you start making money you have to pay 50% in taxes on the business's income and another like 30% in social security taxes and another 25% in sales taxes and then when you distribute whatever is left over as profits to yourself that income is taxed at like 60%. so you're left with nothing. but the niggers got theirs.
and lets say you are somehow able to miraculously over come all that adversity and actually start making big money, well they have wealth taxes for any extra money you have left over. thats right if you ever save too much money they tax that too even though they already taxed it at the time you earned it.

>instigated, financed and made profit from both world wars that severely weakened Europe
>fleeced the wealth, technology and resources, hoarded all the gold
>"we le world reserve currency nao"
>post WW2 bullied weakened Europe into joining NATO and purchasing shitty US military """hardware""" and worthless US (((Treasury bonds)))
>Oy vey, why aren't they rich, he-he, rub-rub

Fuck off merrimutt kike

Rothschilds... no need to say more poorfags.

>making money
Where's the list for making crypto?

Why doesn't it count all those European families with wealth so immeasurable they would crash global economies by trying to cash out?

Not even remotely true. Maybe try rewording your sentence, ESL.

You mean eurochads

Lol everytime I visit europoor it just strikes me how little work ethic they have. Even the laziest of minimum wage workers in the US put in effort, but I have literally been told to go get coffee somewhere else twice during a morning rush in Europe. They just hate money haha

The Chinese are awesome at making money too. Hell, Tether makes money outta thin air..

I've worked construction over the world
Americans are the laziest workers. I thought lazy mexicans was a meme but holy shit you seppos made them look like cambos on amphetamine

>US #20

It's short for Zuckerburger. It's an American name.

Makes me wonder how scandinavia has the most locally made billionaires per capita, then.

Starting a new business sucks in a lot of other countries compared to the US.

1) The culture. If you dropout of college and attempt a startup, you're at least respected for being passionate. In other countries you're treated like a fool. A founder who's had a failed startup is treated with respect in Silicon Valley, he/she has gained an immense amount of experience and the effort is applauded. In other countries he/she will be ridiculed and insulted.

2) Funding. It's very manageable to get seed and series funding for startup. There are tons of huge VCs and thousands of angel investors. In other countries, it's incredibly difficult to get funding, or comes with extremely unfavorable terms.

3) Consequences for failing. When a startup has failed, any remaining funds are returned to investors, and any loans no longer need to paid off. In other countries, you are personally on the hook for loans/lost funding and they'll put you in jail if you can't pay it off. In some countries, the debt gets carried over to your relatives or children so not even death can absolve the debt.

Makes me wonder how scandinavia has the most locally made billionaires per capita, then.

US got all of Europe's kikes when kike Stalin started purging all his fellow kikes who could possibly threaten him.
And he could and did get to them all over the world.
Trotsky got the ice pick in Mexico after all.
In the US they were fairly safe.
So it is here where they are that they accumulate all their stolen shackles.

Its easier to profit off dumb americans in america.

why do idiots tell the world they are rich?

Filthy Rothschild kikes are richer than all of them