Seriously, the bullying against Indian members of this community is getting way out of hand...

Seriously, the bullying against Indian members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since Indians are some of the biggest contributors and most involved in this board.
Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only Indian man who finds it hard to take pride in his own country after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming my heritage from insecure losers here. Why not bully Brits or Germans? Do they not have much more to be ashamed of than our peaceful country?

Other urls found in this thread:

Why would I bully a group of people that doesn't anything to be ashamed of ???

Pajeet well respect you more when you learn how to POO IN LOO

>Atomic Swaps
>No ICO Ever
>Qt 3.14 Front Dev
>25% of your trading fees off forever if you sign up before mainnet

Also pajeets.

my friend can i refer you to excelent program to your considerations


I agree! And maybe don't take it so personally op user, it's just a part of biz / Veeky Forums culture / slang by now.

fuck off Pajeet

There's your answer.

Fuck off you shitting Pajeet

Your country isn't peaceful, how many times have you gone to war against Pakistan or China?
>b-but they started it!
Poo in the fucking loo

Actual Rajesh here, stop replying to bait threads, /pol/.

[spoiler] Being openly racist is a way to delay a normie flood in this community [/spoiler]

Because germans and brits are your rightful masters, and if they cant make it the slavs definitely can

pajeets are the biggest pieces of shit on the planet. your country reflects that because it is literately a polluted shit infested dump.

Its a basic bully rule. Once you stop reacting the bully doesnt have food and becomes hungry, and bullies even more to get the food (your reaction), at that point you have to be strong and not react. Now bully realizes that he can't get food from you and backs away to the next victim. So stop crying u street shitter and go shit in toilet, maybe then we will respect u.

because you rape 8-year-olds and everything else that has a hole

Your country is a literal shithole and deserves no respect.

Individual Indians MIGHT deserve respect. But you are not among that select group. How can I tell?


Now take your poo to the loo.

Indians are the filthiest people I’ve ever met, recently sat next to one on an international flight....
My nose was not pleased!

Shoo Pajeet

go back shitting in the streets and killing ur babies fukin pajeet

this board is mainly where caucasian unfuckables goto - the fact that /biz is seeing the most traffic is due to the crypto market boom and people coming here to cash in on autists and their ''super powers'' in seeing patterns and other dumb shit people think up.

Too much tv.

Most of these people here are rich because they had crypto when it was cheap to buy drugs and illegal shit with and when it went up they kind of ended up being rich but since they are useless fucks they still just shitpost here and end up sabotaging themselves and losing most of their shit or tying it up in dumb ventures.

If you get offended by shit here you can't be here - do you think if you goto an all-jewish restaurant they will welcome you? they will spit in your food and make you feel like shit.
If I goto an indian place they will assume I'm either easy to scam for a few extra bucks or think i'm full of myself or arrogant just because I'm not brown.

You humans are fucking lowly and haven't evolved yet - that's why you're kept in the quarantine.

Hard working indians in america or the uk are different. They deserve at least some respect.

The street shitting gang raping natives though? Come on now


If it makes you feel better the same people posting pink wojaks and getting fucked during dips and bear markets are the hicks who un-ironically post about hating pajeets

Ironic how Indians, the most racist people on the planet call other people racist.

designated shitcoin farmer


I'm impartial on this subject but excitedly watching from the sideline as to how this meme evolves?
Will it be rich in depth, nutty yet piquant in flavour, reaching epic pasta levels or will it die a slow death, a few sparsely posted threads, archived with no replies.
Only time will tell.

Fuck y'all being a sensitive little prince on a image board

grow the fuck up

I think that's the afghans... lol


>be half Indian
>Indian family is middle class
>hates pajeets
>says India was better under British rule

ITT: Newfags who don't recognise pasta

ITT: Newfags who don't recognise pasta

Damn Veeky Forums is shitting itself hard

Man, chill out. Most of these narcissistic retards will either die alone, overdose on drugs or generally lead very sad unfulfilling lives, let them live their miserable lives crying for attention. If anything pity them and move on. Also remember Veeky Forums is the real shithole of the internet, brings out the worst in people. There are tons of great people in the world, they are just not obsessed with Asian pussy and meme money, so you won't see them here.

fuck off smelly shitskin

Rashid pls

Most people lost money buying into indian shills. Bout time they have a custom I'd flag.

Bait thread

nobody asked you, zuck

No one hates pajeets ironically.

It's just banter bro. I like the hot Indian girls at my uni

Fuck off Mukesh Pajeet

pajeet go back to your shithole and shit on yourself like the other pajeets.

Hi Pajeet found this video of you

Is this a scam?

I tried shitting in the street the other day. I liked it a lot. Just got out of jail, and this is the first post I've made.
Pajeet is okay by me.

Because Brits and Germans are OUR PEOPLE and you shitskin subhumans are not! How hard is this to understand, Pajeet? We don't want you in our image boards and we don't want you in our countries. Now fuck off!

wher bobs and veganae

This thread sounds familiar...


This is an english speaking website. Pajeets lower the average quality of posts.
Also they are smelly monkeys.

I can't be racist i bought 5000 indiacoins and i have a bunch of tel

>Why not bully Brits or Germans?
because they poo in the loo