Just realised VEN is dead risky due to no working product. Where do i put this $1300 Ven Bag?

I havent read the white paper either. Just fomod in last night like I promised myself I never would again. "New Ethereum" chanting got me. I'm gonna put my ven stack on binance tonight and flee at the first sign of a drop, after reading white paper.

My choices are:

1. Fill another CoinMetro bag on Saturday to round out a 20k stack.

2. Wait for Jibrel Network to hit Binance soon to round out my stack to 5k.

3. Go in on another promising ICO like Arcblock or NapoleonX

4. Establish a eth/monero safety base

What should I do?

Other urls found in this thread:


VEN has run it's course being shilled hard and there are lots of risky options. ETH / Monero sounds good to me.

do not sell VEN under any circumstances unless you literally hate money

spend your time reading about it and learning about the partnerships, the relationships, the support of Jim Breyer, the connections to the Chinese government, the Coca Cola Kid

don't be a brainlet, understand this is going to be one of the biggest and most successful projects in crypto


Nice subtle shit ICO bag shill. 3/10 for effort.

ya it's not dead risky if breyer is investing, don't get weak hands

also, realize they do have a working product that currently operates on a consortium blockchain.

read EVERY SINGLE THING on their medium and realize how unbelievably lucky you are to be in this


stfu nigger let these people sell

I wouldnt wait any longer. Once the rebranding gets delayed again because of no functionaing product these scammers are gonna drop bags and run

Thise FUD isn’t event good anymore atleast try you salty novenner

where's your proof

Personally, I'd put it into XMR, because even if the world burns down people will still be buying weed.

he doesn't own any ven

Chinese knows something about the AMA

I'm just going to keep pasting this over and over for you retard pajeets

Can we just dispel all of this half-assed VeChain FUD once and for all?

>Jim Breyer – one of the most legendary VCs. He wouldn't so deeply associate himself with something without doing a shitload of due diligence, likely using top-flight lawyers to do it.

>PwC – one of the world's foremost advisory companies. Not even worth getting into this.

>DNV GL – a leading quality assurance and risk management company. Traces its roots to 1864. Over 14k employees in 100 countries. Nearly $3 billion (USD) in revenues in 2016. Again, a huge company like this doesn't willy nilly enter into partnerships without doing a lot of diligence into the prospective partner and its product.

Merely saying this is a chink scam doesn't make any of this go away.

retard FUDDER, bad bait

Tell me the reason behind this slaugther. BTC falls so its just this coin left.

Just remember, guys

Veeky Forums was all over Tron and nobody talked about Neblio when it was at $4, let alone $8.

Always do opposite of what Veeky Forums says.

CoinMetro bro reporting in. What are we talking per XCM? $20 usd eoy? Seems like a legit option while they’re at 11c

Coin metro all day every day
Kevin is a class A guy.
Fiat gateway
ICO platform
Coin etfs

Coinbase killer.
Coin metro is going to be the 1st legitimate exchange that is complaint with regs.

See fx pig but for crypto.

Get on board the train is moving out

Choo Choo Murtha fucka

Buy tau. All similar coins that hit decent exchanges 10 times from where tau is now.

yea its horrible. pls sell

Yall motherfuckers are so fucking retarded. I see this 'no product' FUD EVERYWHERE.

You all are literally braindead. VeChain has a fucking WORKING supply chain logistics solution on their ERC20 token. All you guys do is read shit on facebook and biz and regurgitate it.

Just sell VeChain. You don't deserve VeChain.

retard alert

Why the fuck do you newfags always fall for this obvious bait?

Wow this is super strange. Out of nowhere today I had a really good feeling about buying vechain after being on the sidelines about it for a while.

I agree with the other poster, it looks like it's bottomed out and is flying under the radar for now. And also agree with the guy saying it's a pipe dream, which is why buying now would be he most profitable choice with testnet and proof of intelligence on the way. If those are a success, this is going to be huge.

Lmao there is no white paper for VEN

Everyone is doubting you, but this is going down, just like Raiblocks. This mooned 10x in a month, name any other coin that sustained that.

Don't believe the people who say VEN has a product. Here's the facts:
>Jim Bayer already dumped his bags at $9.
>No white paper.
>Huge sell walls are people who bought in at 30 cents dumping there bags on you.
>Even once Thor comes out they won't be more then $1 each.
AND THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE: All of biz has bought this coin and biz never makes it.
My advice to you: Sell VEN and buy something else you guys are worse then linkies now.

yeah ven is really risky, you should get out and pick up dunecoon coin 2.0 or niggercoin 3.0 for mad gains during this bear market


Buy Trinity on KuCoin

Jim breyer already sold his bags you pajeet

If you sell you will kys later this year

There's not a single bit of proof that he ever owned or sold ven you retarded biz shill.

whales are accumulating now even during this big dip because of a partnership being announced lunar new year

it aint even a big dip.

Hey we have a great community for ALL like minded investors. I’d really like you to contribute as we would appreciate your knowledge.

we’re currently a small group so please give it time. There will be absolutely NO VIP/premium subscription membership b.s . It will be free forever. I want to make it more fun but more crypto oriented - LESS Spam, would you like to join?

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