Mistakes thread

Mistakes thread

>tfw you were going to mine BTC with your free college electricity back in August 2011 but you decided to be "responsible" and forget about it to not get distracted from studying

>too impatient to wait for a bitcoin to mine during early /g/ days and quit crypto for 7 years

Ignoring people shilling BTC on /g/ before Veeky Forums even knew about crpytocurency is genuinely the stupidest mistake I'll ever make. Tbf it was only used to buy class A drugs and CP back then but y'know.

buying ven

>spent almost an entire BTC on shitty RCs that I didn't even enjoy about 2 years ago
>now the most expensive drugs I've ever bought

God damn all those RC vendors and drug dealers from back then must be millionaires now.

Are you me?

Except I did this
> 2009

Just checked my old mining wallet that I never withdrew from. About .05 from the little mining I did. Had just started school and distinctly remember girlfriend at the time complaining about the computer being on all night. I thought fuck it, it’s making me pennies and I need to be responsible and focus on school.

> started CPU mining bitcoin in 2011
> didnt see any success messages or shit on the cmdline,so I closed it down after a day

Get on my level. I did mine bitcoin in 2011. Bought a Veeky Forums pass and Pizza.

Bought $100 of btc in 2011 to donate to STI from 4 c|-|on who probably just used it to buy coke.

>mfw I bought a carton of cigarettes for 3.41 BTC back in 2011

Over 100k in a locked ether wallet.

and why can't you unlock it

>sold $3000 worth of alts for a loss, for bch which is now worth about the same
>if i had kept the alts until the december boom i wouldn't have sold them and they would have been worth around $100 000 today


>Mined bitcoin back in 2011
>spent 200 BTC on designer drugs
>quit crypto for 7 years
>entered on what I thought was the dip
>made x2.5 in the first week, then lost 90% during the next week

Oh, and the best part is
>back in 2014 recycled my old PC from 2011 with a wallet with around 10 BTC on the hard drive


This will be ripple in 2019 you know.

Friend was telling me about BTC back when it was only a few dollars per coin, was a bee's dick off buying some.

knew about BTC from early days
checked how yo buy some but I thought it was too much of a hustle

few year later when it pumpet to 1k I was thinking about getting in but concluded it's too late and it will never go higher

to be fair i'd probably sell during mtgox crash anyways unless I forgot I ever had them

Password, not sure how to run a bruteforce

>Downloaded BTC miner back in 2011. Didn't start it up or did more research.

Just fucking kill me.