Does crypto attract borderline suicidal people?

Who here seriously considering killing themselves if they dont make it in crypto? I only have like $100k in bankroll (60k in crypto, 40k for buying a large crash). I'm willing to hold until I'm 35 years old, I'm only 24 but if dont have at least $1m by then im fucking killing myself.

Im sick and fucking tired of seeing chads impress girls with their fucking talent playing musical instruments and fucking sports. I have no talent.

I realized that my only gift is my suicidal tendencies which allows me to take a stupid amount of risk. Crypto is as high-risk as it gets when it comes to investments and I assume anyone who puts a large amount of money in something this risky is borderline suicidal.

Anyone else in the same position? Im sure there are a lot of us here.

Other urls found in this thread:

Nice larp son

i have lots of skills that impress people, and apparently i also have suicidal tendencies that allow me to take stupid amounts of risk.

so thats good.

>Nice larp son
I dont get it, what could possibly be a larp about this.

If you have 60K in Crypto you’ll make it. But you gotta put it all in VEN.

If crypto doesn't work out, we are all doomed to a live of wagecuckery. I have no interest in that either.

>and apparently i also have suicidal tendencies that allow me to take stupid amounts of risk.
Sometimes when my knees get weak after realizing im putting money im not willing to lose, i listen to GF ASMR videos like this.

Shit i just want to make it anons... so i can turn my fantasies into reality

>If crypto doesn't work out, we are all doomed to a live of wagecuckery. I have no interest in that either.
When i get tempted to wagecuck i just imagine a senior employee humiliating me in front of the office chick in order to impress her.

I will not have it. I'd rather die than experience that.

Make sure to lock the price on your ledger during dips OP you'll save a lot of pain

checking in

i use hobbies and interests to distract myself from this crippling depression, cant feel bad if you're reading charts

>cant feel bad if you're reading charts
the fuck? how is reading charts a relief when you are constantly reminded on how you wont make it.

i just stare at the fucking wall all day while listening to ASMR videos desu.

Same here. I became a milli with crypto, but atill depressef af. At least now I have money for shrinks and SSRIs.

don't fuckin take ssris please. it ruined me

what in the fuck was that video

is this guy still alive

>Do you even know how amazing you are user?
>Thank you for risking suicide by trying to be rich for our future
>Thank you for that...
>I appreciate all the things you do...

Another ASMR video that helps me during the dark times when i realize i could possibly lose all my savings.

Because he’s a nigger

>is this guy still alive
Lol yeah he's going to join BitconnectX to get scammed for a second time. Check his newer videos.

listen nigger, i dont mind the scratching asmr videos, but those girlfriend asmr videos just make me feel pathetic lmao

>listen nigger, i dont mind the scratching asmr videos, but those girlfriend asmr videos just make me feel pathetic lmao
We are pathetic.... just look at the topic of the thread you are in.

Seek Jesus Christ

For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? (Matthew 16:25-26)

well yeah im pathetic, but im not imaginary girlfriend roleplay pathetic. the realisation of being a failure just set in as soon as i started listening to the first one you linked, id rather remain in denial that admit it to myself

>well yeah im pathetic, but im not imaginary girlfriend roleplay pathetic.
I really need crypto to fucking reach trillions in marketcap lmao before 2029 (35 years old) or else im a dead man.

God damn dont tell me this is the end of the bubble. This shit should be the largest bubble ever, its fucking online ffs.

I have a $5 stack and will kms if I don't make a milli by 35 (I'm 29)

Get a fucking grip

Lul 5k*^

just dont invest in shitcoins like fun and tron etc and you'll probably be fine. but yeah ill likely just off myself after i wagecuck for a few more years if my investment choices dont pay off.

I have no talents at all and im useless except for my huge dick which easily impresses girls

Ez life

>I have a $5 stack and will kms if I don't make a milli by 35 (I'm 29)
lmao ur a dead man

If my investment drops below $1000 from my $5000 initial investment I may consider. Currently at $1168.

holy fuck what did you invest in and when did you start?

It's just a correction. is correct

This SHOULD become the biggest bubble ever
And also AI, which is easy to invest in through crypto. I had nothing less than a year ago, now I'm down half a million from the last correction. Nothing can stop crypto, things can only prolong the current correction. But new ATHs will be reached within a month

The bubble hasn't even begun

>mfw I get drunk and hold a pistol to my head a few times a week

no way.

also 22,000. Likely wont make it

even if you get rich you are gonna be still depressed believe me

>>mfw I get drunk and hold a pistol to my head a few times a week
Remember faggots always leave enough money for a gun just in case you need to kill yourselves when you lose everything.

Some money for a last day on earth celebration might also help. I think this goes for any investment whether its crypto or stocks.

man just stop fucking doing that. I read alot of fucked up shit and feel nothing but reading that made me sad

Don't worry OP.

That's the same story for me.
There's a difference between you and me. I've only got 8k on my trading account, 17k at ath before the crash.

When crypto bull run will end (May be already ending), could I forget those thousand percent I didn't make ?
Could I continue my shitty life with my shitty job ?
I'm not sure.
It will be the million, or it will be the crash to 0, and my death.

Have a nice sunny day

Where do you live the USA, go kill your self 1st world problem cunt, go sook somewhere else

>their fucking talent playing musical instruments and fucking sports. I have no talent.
it's no talent bitch, it's hard work

>stop drinking
>accidentally kys one day

Stop, put it down. Make more money so you can ride motorbikes and kill yourself in a cool fashion.

About two weeks before the crash. Put it in various shitcoins that were shilled here. Wasted $100 on UFR near ATH, lost about 40% from ZCL dropping from $210 to $95, lost a lot from putting a lot in HPB near $13 when it's now $6.

>is this guy still alive
Yeha, he posted not long ago :

I've been sick for over a year and a half, getting worse and worse every month. First I had to quit lifting because it made the symptoms worse. Then I had to quit my high paying physical job because it also made things worse. Doctors keep prescribing me things that do nothing for the problem. "It's just allergies.' Recently, I broke up with my girlfriend and moved to another state to be with my family. I can barely support myself, I work a few days a week and try to sleep or research crypto the rest of the time, because I'm too exhausted for anything else.
I have had to drop a lot of stuff that brought great meaning to my life, just so that I can get better. Unfortunately, I'm not getting better.
Crypto is the only hope I have. If I lose it all, I know I'll neck myself. Hell, even If I get rich, I will hate life. I'll be a completely emaciated, holllowed out sack of shit by the time I hit a million (if it even happens).
It's so bad, I've been contemplating cashing out 1/3rd and consolidating the rest into 2 or 3 tokens that have a chance of being around in 5 years, and leaving that as an offering to my family. I already have the tree, the rope, and the time of day in mind.

Good luck guys

black people rarely get depressed. the only time a black person will suicide is from fear of a real physical threat, nothing mental

this. not many people are just naturally gifted. almost everyone has to put in a lot of work to succeed in the things they want to succeed in. stop being so jealous

I kinda have that, and guess what man. Its not that good. Like yeah its nice and all but I feel that regardless of what we acheive that we have once idealised in our head, theres always more that we want, its human nature. I wanted to graduate and felt that all would be ok, I did it and guess what, it wasnt enough. Copy paste that feeling with the rest of my life for friends, fitness, a good job, a qt loyal gf of 4 years now. Just understand thats how it works and we can essentially never reach a state of satisfaction or rest. I may be entirely wrong and I hope so.

Seriously whats the best way to kill ourseles in case it doesnt work out. I know gunshot is the easiest but it might hurt.

I'm thinking of heroin overdose or fetanyl as my way out. If i cant get those i might use the sleeping in car suicide method i see a lot in movies.

>this. not many people are just naturally gifted. almost everyone has to put in a lot of work to succeed in the things they want to succeed in. stop being so jealous
Easy to say, but quite hard to do. Especially since you've seen the same shit all over again since gradeschool. These guys end up smashing the pussy of the girl you like.

I'll show those basterds that im going to make it through my risk-taking.

>a qt loyal gf of 4 years now
You need to be the richest person in your circle or else she will branch swing if she's a qt when given the chance.

if your big talent is taking crazy risks just bring your $100k to the nearest casino, go to the highroller/VIP room and bet black or red on the roulette wheel and double up like 4 times and you're a millionaire instantly and it'll only take you 5 minutes, if it doesnt work just kill yourself on your way out of the building
>100k to 200k
>200k to 400k
>400k to 800k
>800k to 1.6M

Hey homie, im real sorry about all that shit thats happening to you. I dont know a whole lot but im sometimes helpful. Can you run me through your symptoms and what treatments the docs have given you. I hold the view that half of the doctors out there are absolute horseshit. I mean you dont have to but its still worth a shot or at least a vent to a random internet stranger :)

I put my entire savings of $45k into crypto and haven't taken it out even though I'm up. Doesn't phase me. Sometimes I forget that normal people don't think like this because they're fucking pussies.

>if your big talent is taking crazy risks just bring your $100k to the nearest casino, go to the highroller/VIP room
Taking a lot of risks is not the same as being an idiot. The odds are stacked against you in a casino since the house has an edge.

Meanwhile in crypto and stocks, no one knows the odds. Thats the difference between investing and gambling.

Seriously, only brainlets use that analogy of going to a casino instead.

yes. same position. we all probably have more in common than you’d think.

She thinks im the poorest person in my circles of work, old highschool and uni friends and I have been until the last 2 months where I made 100k in crypto she knows nothing about and I will likely never tell her. Shes a PHD researcher who works on Vaccines and hasnt seem to care about money. I even shit tested her last birthday by giving her a $10 toaster because I said I know you like toast. I could see she was a little disappointed but she dealt with it well and said thank you for the thought. Stuck with the story for 6 hours into the day before I gave her a $200 bag and a few other things I saved up for and knew shed love. I dont trust any female completely to disclose current or future wealth and doubt it will change, but compared to literally every other girl ive enncountered she has been the most loyal, non clingy and has 0 dependence on me. Shes on a full scholarship but its just enough to live on, has never asked me for money, always offers it to me if needed (though she doesnt know ive never truly needed it) to me, all in all this has spoken volumes about her character.

But you just said you're a worthless sack of shit and your only talent in life is being suicidal and taking stupid risks.

Why sweat this crypto shit for the next X years instead of just doing what I said, you'll know by tomorrow if you're a millionaire or not and you can go enjoy your life.

You're too dumb to be a skillful trader so pretending you can get better than roulette wheel odds is laughable, you'd be doing yourself a favor going the casino route, gives you a better chance.

And on the incredibly minimal chance that she does for some unforseen reason, then ive lost absolutely nothing and had a great time man. I havent defined my happiness with any measure influenced by females since ive learnt better.

This guy does present a fair point imo.

If you are at that point, then the solution hes presented, while crazy in normie world makes sense in your paradigm

>But you just said you're a worthless sack of shit and your only talent in life is being suicidal and taking stupid risks.
I never said taking STUPID risks. I said being suicidal and taking risks.

If you fuck up in a casino you cant hold and you lose 100% of your investment. Meanwhile in crypto even if the bubble bursts it will most likely be -90 to 95% only.

You can then go to the casino using the remaining 5% of your portfolio as a last resort.

>If you are at that point, then the solution hes presented, while crazy in normie world makes sense in your paradigm
We should probably do what he says after the bubble bursts, not now.

When the bubble bursts im defnitely going to the casino with the remaining portion of my portfolio.